back to the beginning: morality

Note to the KT clique/claque:

Grow a pair. Have the balls at least to tap him on the shoulder and point out just how big a fool he is making of himself here!



Still nothing but the same, crap.

Cunt.,…what is your philosophy?
you claim to be a philosopher, no?
What is it?

This objective is what you declare to be the primary objective. You are not the arbiter of another’s will.

Survival was the filter determining whether a mutation proliferated.
Survival, or evolution, was never the objective of natural selection -
They were the result of it. There was no intent.

Homo sapiens has the capacity to recognize and evaluate influences that act upon one.
Recognizing the instincts instilled in us by the path of our evolution,
does not obligate us to act in accord with any given instinct.

People clearly disobey your objective,
and you’d likely label this failure.
They likely have an alternate objective.

I could rattle off many objectives that would rationally put survival of one’s self or genes,
off the top rung of one’s priority list, thereby rendering your primary objective - not primary.

Funny how that works, eh?

No…the primary objective is to maintain the ability to have an objective.

Without survival there is no subsequent choice.
Whatever the subsequent choice might be the maintenance of the ability to choose is primary.

Not homo sapiens…nobility has the capacity to choose something that is above mere survival.
We haven;t got there yet…now we are assessing the primary, primal, requirement for all choice to be maintained.

Yes, “people” humans have additional objectives.
What I am presenting here es the primary, primal, objective, upon which all subsequent objectives are built.

So, when you come across metaphysi8cal jargon like ‘will to ill, or value to value’ you are presuming the maintenance of choice, which is what ‘will’ implies.

There are objectives that are above survival…but only for higher men.
The midwit and dimwit only knows survival and pelasure…like all manimals.
What you speak of is nobility…the objective that is above mere survival; the human propensity to choose death rather than indignity.

The observer on ILP is typically a manuimal. All it knows is this level, and it does’n’t even comprehend this.
This human objective - o manimal or animal can share - is what differentiate man from beast. But, on ILP all we have are manimals, that only comprehend pain/pleasure.
This base objective is what all subsequent objective are based on.

One could sacrifice - removing one’s capacity for any ability.
Still rational. Still consistent with particular objectives.

Not in accord with you and your declarations.
It is not for you to declare what the objective of another is.


I have to go about my day.
I’ll probably respond further if I see fit at a later time.

I never "declared what was objective, did I?
I, simply, reiterated that whatever others determined to be their objectivity should not be sheltered nor collectively supported.


I’m not going to pay for every moron’s error in judgement.
You may want to pick up the tab for Mary Land’s promiscuous, carefree lifestyle, without any concern over the long=- term repercussions to you and your offspring, but not I.

Define what sheltering from mistakes actually means and additionally what classifies as a mistake and what doesn’t and who, then, gets to decide who is to be saved and who isn’t and through what systematic means.

noice! rimshot

Sheltering from mistakes, moron…
The collective intervening to protect the individual from the negative consequences of his/her actions, choices.
Such individuals do not change their judgements and adjust their choices, because they don’t have to.
Eventually they become arrogant twats, feeling empowered and secretly addicted to collectives that provide sheltering.

Sheltering = absorbing and distributing negative consequences within a collective.
It’s one of the advantages in cooperative survival strategies.

Was that difficult, twat?

Systemic means: idealism, religion, institutionalization, edumucation, ethics, morality, law…
This is hard for you, twat?

His use of insults is resentment of his impotence to act from compassion (which takes intimacy and vulnerability he cannot muster).

It’s no excuse, but don’t let it bother you.

We love you long time, Lorikeet.

Sweetie…are you trying to psychoanalyze me and my motives?
How precious.

Individuals never share everything about themselves, dear.
What they call “intimacy” is what they dare to share with those they’ve developed trust enough to share what they dare not with anyone else…but there’s a limit to what can be shared.

Have you ever found you get out what you put in… sometimes more? Though maybe you didn’t see it until too late?

Yeah, me neither.

I do…
That’s what cooperation and reciprocity means.

We appreciate what gives us what we need/desire…and to get it we try to give what the other needs/desires.

Match that flint with this:

What sparks?


Need = physical - lack of energies requiring replenishment.
Desire = mental, psychological - abundance of energies requiring expunging.

You keep saying more of the same thing using different words moron. I understood you the first time moron…its just the things you are saying are vastly more complex issues than you make them seem…And you miss the point about systematic…you even confuse it with systemic…which does not mean what you think it means…and it has nothing to do with neither or any of the things you’ve listed but instead has to do with a systematic execution of the opposite of sheltering or selective help or assistance and deciding who gets saved and who perishes which is a far more harder problem than neo-nazi nutters imagine.

They are complex, imbecile…and I will not waste more time on you and ILP than I have to.
Systemic execution?
You mean automation, twat.

Institutionalization makes it all automatic…

The point, twat…is sheltering cultivates its own demise.
Accumulating mutations eventually cause systemic collapse.

Natural selection has ceased to apply to the degree that it can filter out unfit mutations.
War used to take care of it in the past…pandemics…

Female filtering is part of what is supressed…but female filtering is also what inhibits the development of complex systems by integrating as many males as possible and making them investors, and not incels, like you…

ideals determine what the system is programmed to shelter and what it filters out, through multiple means, one of which is female sexual choice.
once the system is working in peak performance, minimal thinking is required.

The key is indoctrinating females.
They determine the group’s future.
They will memetically filter out what contradicts the collective objective, its ideals.

First you must override their genetically determined impulses, causing confusion in them as their physical are contradicted by their ideological values.
This is more pronounced when the collective has adopted a nihilistic ideal - like Abrahamism.

i never said systemic moron…i said systematic…systemic means like a system in contrast of an individual part…what does that have to do with anything???obviously a system is systemic…you ever heard of a system that is not a system but a part in itself??? and automation does not mean systematisation…automation has to do with machines and industry…what the fuck does automation have to do with anything now???
natural selection has stopped working now??? i dont think you know what natural selection is…natural selection always applies and is not a neo-nazi nutter selection…though it actually is…Hitlers selection was as natural as the one we have now…and the answer is in your question moron…the ‘unfit’ mutations(which for you and your autistic friend Dutton means anybody left of Hitler) are saved PRECISLEY BECAUSE THE SYSTEM CAN HANDLE THEM…you understand??? its far better to save a man from his mistakes and have him live and be productive…in your sick paranoid head we live in a world where there are masses of drug addicts and degenerates reproducing en masse and pumping babies to drown the world…you have any evidence of that??? or could it be that for you, a dangerous, hopeless degenerate is practically anybody??? wait…it is…

:astonished: :astonished: :astonished:
lets kill all the females first or the world will collapse. i always knew pussy wafted of total societal collapse… I knew I smelt Jesus Christ on these whores…