Will machines completely replace all human beings?

If we are dumb enough to engineer something that is smart enough to wipe us out, then we deserve it. And bring it on. Get it over with.

No, Machines will not replace all humans. They will be an integral part of the continuing advancement of Civilization, but Humans will still be able to work and earn money in a free capitalist society.

There is much less to be said against and much more to be said for the replacement of all humans by machines.

[tab]HAPPY NEW YEAR ![/tab]


What, if humans will become drones serving AI?

@Sleyor Wellhuxwell: Sounds like the makings of a great computer game… ; )

@Great Again: How very reverse Alexa/Siri… in what way do you see humans serving AI, as well as servicing them?

I think children eat too much candy because they don’t act on or really know of the purpose of eating.
And I think people replace human’s because they don’t act on or really know of the purpose of living.

When you don’t know the real purpose for doing something - you might do anything - mostly negative.

The point is not what we should or should not do, we have passed that opportunity a while ago. The question has reworked to what is it about life that evolved to what it is right now, and since in most part it has become irreversible, what steps could be taken to stop further damage.

Children defer back to what they were thought, abd the deference goes back ultimately to an unhumanly planet , devoid of any experience.

If, the devolution of progress continues, we’ll be back at the starting point. Perhaps that was a machine age, looking to develop sentience. Maybe they, whoever they might have been, left their planet for similar reasons we are just beginning to mull over.

Eating has NOTHING to do with reason.

Children (and adults) eat sugar because there is a mutation in the human genome that has been selected for preparation for winter such that in the autumn, when the fruit is on the trees they will eat as much as possible.
The sucrose in the fruit and honey in the autumn is half fructose and half glucose. These trigger major metabolic changes in the body.
The production of insulin instructs the body to switch off fat burning, and reduce blood sugar to send the sugars to make fat, first in the liver then use cholesterol to transport it the to adipose tissues.
Fructose also switches of Leptin the hormone responsible for satiation. This means that the subject will never get full and will continue to gorge on sugary foods to make more fat.
Bears have this mutation. They can grow massively fat for the winter when there is a scarcity of food…

These days, of course, winter never comes and the supply of sugary food is always available. This is the key reason for the epidemic of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease.

To make it worse the authorities have wrongly pointed the finger at fat and cholesterol and as a result food manufacturers have made “low fat” foods where the fat is replaced by more sugar. They have also invented High Fructose Corn Syrup which make people hungry and stimulate the reward centre of the brain to keep people craving sweet food.

Pretty much everything anyone does is either rational or irrational relative to their highest goal. The highest goal determines what’s good and what’s bad. Without it, every action is equally good as every other. You obviously think that eating can be bad otherwise you wouldn’t be complaining about it leading to obesity, heart disease, type 2 diabetes and so on. And if you think that eating can be bad that means that you think that eating can be irrational. But you refuse to admit it presumably because you don’t want to blame people, you want to blame the environment. “They aren’t irrational, they are perfectly rational! It’s just that their perfect rationality leads to all sorts of bad consequences! Like cancer! And diabetes! And it’s all because of the evil people banning fat and promoting sugar!” And although I agree that there are people trying to make and keep other people irrational and sick (intentionally or unintentionally), that doesn’t mean their victims are being rational. “Reason” refers to the part of your brain that helps you see what your emotions and instincts can’t. It’s that which allows you to see that you’re eating far more than you should – unless it’s not working or is altogether missing. Children are known to be lacking it which is why they love candies so much.

As now demonstrated –

  • and speak too much because they don’t act on or really know of the purpose of speaking.

You are not the only one who says: “in most part it has become irreversible”. But is that true? And what do you mean by it exactly? If it is true that the technicians and scientists no longer know how which algorithms behind artificial intelligence continue to work, then: … good night. But is this what you mean when you are saying: “in most part it has become irreversible”?

What do you mean by an “unhumanly planet”? What is “unhumanly” in your opinion?

Has it not been certain humans who have made this planet inhuman (assuming they really have)? Have they not made this planet hostile to life (assuming that they really have)?

Should they not have done so (assuming they really have)? So we are in the realm of ethics after all, if not in the realm of religion.

Why is a small group of living beings, who call themselves “human beings”, allowed to decide on the life and death of all living beings? Because this human beings give themselves permission to do so, because they want to be powerful over everyone and everything, because they want to be (like) gods.

UN human = inhuman as far as a evolutionary ethics can not revert to an eternally willed devolutiontlThat stage predetermines a robotic or cyborgian reoccurance.

But at the stage of the last man, that man has to start to re-evolve to the earliest memory of man kind. A deconstructed stage is still at the stage. Of a partially designated reduction, whereas before the point where the absolute absurd can not become bracketed.

That point is what is guardedly sought after now, in an existentially derived reductive epoche,

Wish to rephrase but now is inopportune.

Saving face is not an option at this time, because that will reposition one into a camp of those who have to repeat the lessons of history.

That was trued before the last test of scotophobic patching, and look what became of that.

Memory fades dramatically and compensation quickly followed by decompensatory reactions coming through ever so progressive shorted circuitry.

Analysts can barely keep up with them

Therefore drugs are needed to better the odds. It appears as an even bet nowadays.

But it’s no Russian roulette, but that’s hype.

In this age of increasing uncertainty, the only question is not to ponder who will win, but how to go about the time it takes, by changing the garb the emperor changes from the trifecta of closets available to him

How ever:


It is true that machines are cheaper than humans. :exclamation:

This is, after all, why the supposedly “unconditional” basic income is to be introduced. With the basic income, which will not be unconditional at all (conditions for consumption will be: time, place, manner), the products of the machines can be bought. Moreover, the population will be reduced. So there is a solution for the consumption; although again it is not a long-term one; but they already have a solution for that too: Transhumanism. Humans will disappear by becoming machines. They will then only consist of hardware and software - just like the machines consisting of hardware and software.