The Meaning Of Life

This is the mathematical design to the Universe by the way. A.K.A The Fibonacci Sequence on an advanced level. This picture represents how the Fibonacci Sequence in the Universe is not chronologically applied as it is here on this planet in the way we recognize it in plant life or sea shells. Instead, because space bends, the numbers are mashed up, much like my theory that the planets were at one time arranged as Mercury > Venus > Earth > Pluto > Neptune > Uranus > Saturn and Jupiter.

Pluto has 5 moons, and in my mathematical formula, I explain how the Universe shifted at 5 in chronological order between the numbers of the Fibonacci Sequence and how many moons each planet has from Mercury ~ Jupiter in my theoretical planet order. Example:

If you see this picture, you’ll see that that picture also shifts at 5.

This is the meaning of life. A very advanced meaning.