Where does evil come from?

It should be obvious right now, that amoungst the ever growing, free thinking atheists, that evil does not exist.
Evil is subjective, it is simply what people consider wrong.

Or, free will does it. Freedom means you can choose evil. Isn’t that convenient?
It means the more free you get, the more evil you are. But if you are a slave unto the lord, you are more good.

What if the atheists and christians were the source of all evil?
Think about it. They need to blame someone else to avoid getting hung, or punished.

Bad people invented “evil”, the idea of it, to shift hate towards their foes and away from themselves.

There is true evil, but there is no point in talking about it, because it wont work that way in words.

Though the people whom invented evil are themselves evil,
the people whom invented good are also good.
The apple doesn’t fall from the orange tree.
Where does good come from?
Everything comes from somewhere doesn’t it?
It comes from the goodness-tree.
Reach and take, for the fruits are many.

Good and evil are a relationship between two people I guess. Perpetrator and victim, or benefactor and the receiver of benefit.

I don’t think you can choose to do evil. At the moment of choice, all chosen actions are subjectively good, even if only to the chooser.

You’re refuting a single form of evil.
Not every single evil and theory of evil.
Unless, you are indeed making a universal statement.
If it is universally that we cant choose to do evil,
then we have resulting problems from that idea.
What problems can you see coming up from that?

Lol, no idea, I never grasp where you’re coming from half the time Dan, I never did. :smiley:

Due to human hate, some things are considered evil.
In a way, if you no longer consider things in the world as evil,
it results in a sympathetic reaction of being basically less fight-or-flight.
Less extreme, less hateful, etc.
That’s what I mean about consequences.

Even if evil was real, totally real, it may be bad for a person, and they would be better off sacrificing it.

We’d cut a finger off if it was too infected.

I see that happening with culture and concenpts.
Some things went so-to-crap that we should let it go.

You probably aren’t a hateful or resentful man.
That is just a guess, but it seems to fit you?

Yeah, there’s not much I can summon up hatred for, pity sure, pity in abundance. Resentfulness, May as well get angry at the wind when it blows leaves in your face.

That’s pragmatism.
It’s a form of morality. To me anyway.
What works is more important than what the mind wants.

I guess I believe in a lot lower degree of free-will than most. I would hate justifiably someone who had equal freedom of choice between evil and good actions, and chose evil regardless, but I can never formulate a reality where that could happen.

Life is finite, hating uselessly is energy consuming. Hate as a spontaneously motivating emotion, is more mechanistic, but open to abuse. A system exploit these days, more often than not.

If one has the causality of an axe murderer, then one will become an axe murderer. It is up to humans in the general sense, to break that mould, and you can only do that by properly understanding the situation. People don’t sit there and compose their thoughts, and they inherited everything they began with, and the world [nature and nurture]. The world [causality] is to ‘blame’ and not human beings.

There are real occurrences out there causing many of the worlds ills. if you like me get a general sense about areas and cultures in the world which are, let us say, problematic, the common denominator is they are largely paedophilic. If one does [i.e. not just thinks] shit like that in the world [something which can take people to suicide], then the subconscious is going to want to redeem itself. People will look to religion and see a way to find some release in its words [its how one reads it, more than the text itself], then the next step is to find a scapegoat, someone to call evil and attack! Bingo, we got ourselves an evil machine at work in the world.

I’d suggest expanding the health service more into [and inclusive of] the areas of mental health, and getting doctors to check all children = extremism solved [largely anyhow as there will be other factors, just not ones as vast as this]. You’ll just have around a billion people to put in prison, so i’d suggest some sort of amnesty.

It comes from sexual stratification and sexual repression. Ask Ecmandu.

I mean I am sexually repressed, and a villain. 2+2=4.

It should be obvious by now (for the mature) that even the atheists cannot decide what exists until they define what it is.

Presumption of arbitrary aberrance - an excuse to ignore the older and wiser - an excuse to become the wasted fodder in someone else’s scheme.

What if you haven’t yet figure out what “evil” actually is?

it is what it is, i didn’t describe something which is not opaque and an observible truth. wheras on the other hand ‘sexual stratification and sexual repression’ would be a conflation of that, and hence Misrepresentative. we are not animals, even if we include elements of animalistic behaviours within the wider humn context.

Evil is this world.

Ecmandu has a 250 IQ how the hell could he be wrong. To deny this is to deny the facts.


Curious to know your definition of evil.

“The only good is knowledge, the only evil is ignorance.” -Socrates

Evil is a kind of confusion and resulting perversion of being; evil doesn’t exist in the same way, ontologically speaking, as good does. All being is inherently and necessarily “good”, else it would not be.

L-I-V-E <=> E-V-I-L


A bomb is not evil.
A bomb going off in your baby’s hands is evil.

Really? That’s what you’re going with?


Your example does not answer the OP.