The Dan-blog.

Thank you Meno_, for visiting my thread.

And thank You for these pearls.

Good job Dan

Thank you so much.

What is a question?
What is the biggest question?
What is the best question?

A question is an expression of interest,
but it seems that interest is an instinctive process.
Something selected Interest, and made it a common theme
amoungst the human species. Most mammals, birds, etc.
are intrinsicly capable of paying attention.
To what they pay attention, is based in instinct.
It’s an inborn meta knowledge.
Genetic knowledge.
From here we can either build upon it,
or ignore it, or even reject it.
An animal cares about food, for example.
To not care, is a form of lifelessness.
To care is to live.
So, life has selected to care,
to care about answers.
Questions come about through care for attention.

Big questions are universal questions.
Often simplified at the loss of the concept.
Reduction and reality don’t mix well.

Superiority and inferiority are based on
the context and circumstance. An old example for me
is gills vs lungs. One works well in water,
one works well on land. But does that make them
inferior or superior to each other?
Superiority and inferiority are abstractions
which have come across as problematic all too often.
What is the best thing? What is the worst thing?
That depends on the sum of moral knowing a person has.
The sum is often unique. So the worst and best will
have a unique answer, instead of a common universal answer.
Let’s say we want a real best question,
instead of best-for-me.
“How” in general, and its sub specie : “should.”
How should we live? That is a good one.
Both decadence and nobility have their teeth
in how one should live. Most creatures live
based on instinct. So, it seems nihilistic to deny
human nature in favor of some kind of semi-new contraption.
We are born with a basic how of existing.
We can build upon it, or ignore it, or even deny it.

“The natural man is an enemy to God.”
When a religion pushes for something unnatural,
example : circumcision. They must first uproot
the natural, before they replace it.
Self proclaimed christians have burnt piles of bibles,
too. Nature-denying is a disease that has come
about through many mediums.

Animals tend to not own any tools or property.
They live purely as a self in the world.
Everything they have they were born with.
Humans have culture, however, and now technology, too.
Technology cannot replace nature, however.
We came about through nature.
We need nature like we need the earth.
It’s an inborn necessity. And from that nature,
came instinct, which leads attention and focus.

“Why? Because I said so.”
Will. This is what life came about through.
Before the truth and value of will was supplanted,
it was an easy, true answer to the question of:
“Why live?”. “Because I want to.”
Somehow, in our modern culture, will has become
an abstraction of desire. Petty, common desire.
The human world is too artificial.
To the point where it causes disease and confusion.

Our own nature guides us and provides answers.
If you over-water a plant, you kill it.
Desire is over watered upon our society.
Even to unusual and unnatural desires.
There must then be a desire to restore what was lost.
To re-discover our nature, and possibly
to create new natures, also.

Hey, Dan. I like the love of animals that speaks from your signature.

Animals have an environment, humans have a world.
Animals adapt to the environment, humans do the opposite.

Humans have bare skin, walk upright on two legs, have graceful hands with a thumb that they can put in an opposition position to the other fingers (humans can i.e. throw, they are throwers; they can use their hands like tools and use them to make other tools, first of all throwing tools, later vaccines and nanobots), they have brains so complex that they could conquer and have conquered the whole world with their technology, they made themselves gods.

In nature, a naked skin, the bipedalism, the upright walk, the graceful hands and, above all, the very complex brain are of no use to humans at all - on the contrary: all these cultural advantages are only disadvantages in nature. Humans are not capable of surviving in a purely natural way; they can survive only thanks to their culture, which is based on their non-natural resp. anti-natural features.

Human culture is a culture opposed to nature. It is based on distanciation, not on adaptation.

In rudiments, a little human resemblance can be detectable in some apes (i.e. chimpanzees, bonobos). But you only have to look at these apes and observe them for a longer time to realize that they are very far away from humans.


I agree with what you are saying.

Humans are animals exemplified.

Like noted in the matrix movie, humans are like viruses. Humans actually do have animal analogues.

They kill their host.
A brief comment about Truth.

So, self love expresses itself as we act considerately towards our surroundings?
Does fear drive our ugly intents?

It’s complex.

There is something like meta-hostility
where someone harms someone else for profit,
gratification, excitement, relief, or pleasure.

Self love and love for parents are both very important.

Love for reality is a special thing.
It’s like appreciating being alive and being part of it all.

Here Dalhi lama talks about short lasting happiness,
and long term happiness.

The way i take it,
your mind has a configuration.
It can generate extra happiness, or extra sadness.

I would say, appreciate and embrace all life.
Let your love of life grow.

I’m kind of surprised at what i posted here so far.

I think there is something semi new to post :

Conscious breathing,
and paying attention to my thoughts,
being present,
it is getting annoying.
I try to purposefully turn on automatic thoughts and automatic breathing.
I didn’t expect it to go this way.
Maybe something will change later regarding this.

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Let’s talk about the planes.

essential plane
physical plane
base/earth plane
astral plane
mental plane
hyper dimensional plane

Essential plane is quantum reality.
The smallest finest energy and material.
Things start here, then they grow and change.
The main purest planes are essential planes.

Physical plane is what we live with already.
It is marked by its stars and planets.

Base plane is similar to physicality,
but a solid version of any other plane added to it.

The astral plane exists between mind and matter.
Astral material is like deli meat on endless
sandwiches. It’s the transitional plane, too.

The mental plane is where dreams take place.
Thought controls this type of energy.

Hyper plane is for dimensions beyond
a mere 3. It covers temporal realms,
sub realms, heaven, etc.

plane1.JPGHere’s a real plane.

It is an improvement on the older wooden type as it give you better adjustment control with the knob.

It is real

plane 2.JPGThis type is quicker to use, but tends to be too aggressive if not used with care. You can’t put the wood back on!!

There is always the danger of planning through the electrical cable.

It would seem to me, that right now, as far as i know,
we exist in a world of multiple realities.
The astral reality surrounds most of these realities,
and allows for spiritual beings to travel between
realities in search for resources and energies.

When we tried to effect the physical,
it automatically disconnected into a new bud of
alternate time. Trying to reach the physical,
from the astral, ends up in creating new time
lines that move away from physicality.

I’m not sure how to remedy this.

Unfortunately no one really knows what is going on, but it is good to try and map out the possibilities as you are doing. Just don’t get sucked into believing or affirming anything simply because it is possible. Unless you can demonstrate a good reason for doing that.

Years ago when I realized it was quite easy to construct models of pure possibilities with regard to things outside of conventional science and philosophy, and then fill in, clarify-correct and juxtapose these against each other and against our reason and our experiences, I also quickly realized that no one else was doing this. Philosophy and science are, for the most part, cowardly and pathetic. No one has the balls to play with truth, they just collect scraps off the floor to incrementally add something here or there to whatever already exists. Concepts are more or less fixed in each person’s mind already, society does that for them. And they like being a puppet of their masters, so why would they want to break out of that?

Humans are herd animals, 99% of them are Stockholm syndrome’d followers and 1% are psychopathic leaders. This fact repeats itself again and again and again. It is no different today. It is not going to change any time soon. The psychos can kill off 99% of humanity but the same fact will just keep reasserting itself all over again. No one bothers to do the dirty work of thinking, because no one is really thinking.

Nice work though in your attempts to do some clear possibility-mapping. It’s a good start.

In and through the crack between philosophy and technology, the superconscious smiles and winks knowingly.

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