
In today’s Americanised world ancient Spartans, and Athenians, for that matter, would be Nazis, or fascists…worse, in fact, because the Nazis did not dare go to the extremes the Dorians did.

In fact “Nazi” is the term that has replaced “evil” in the minds of wannabe Nietzscheans who dream of their Pagan ancestry, so that they can continue believing that they’ve overcome Abrahamism, particularly the dreaded Christian variant.
All that they’ve accomplished is a rudimentary form of self-decieption, changing terminologies…like replacing one-god, with uni-verse, and the one-gods absolution with absolute order…and the word salvation with liberty or freedom.
Absolute freedom, i.e., salvation, from past and inheritance and the body, or absolute surrender to its determining immutability.

You can always distinguish the charlatan by how easily he shifts from seeing no fault in the loved one, showering him/her with praise and flattery to keep him close and loyal, and then how he can find no virtue in the same person when he’s ceased to be useful or has broken his naïve heart, seeing only vices and faults in the same exact person.
In the end good and evil have to do with utility.

subject - object - objective
mind - body - movement

And now that you got that out — ?

Were you expecting argument?

Not from you, no.

I know who I am talking to and about.

Miscegenation has had side effects, such as being of multiple racial - genetic - and cultural - memetic - backgrounds creating confusion, and a desire to harmonize the defeated victims with the idealized dominating tribes.
A harmonizing that cannot always be accomplished, especially when the two offer contrary world-views, such as that between Hellenism and Judaism, or between Christianity and heathenism/paganism.
To achieve some kind of synthesis such minds indulge in obscurantism and mysticism, creating linguistic confusions so as to integrate and unify two or more incompatible spiritual or political world-views.
Detaching words from their constricting references in reality, “liberates” them to be redefined - used to them symbolize and conceal the incompatible unity with a magical moniker.
It could be anything…e.g., love, or value, or anything with a positive connotation so as to inhibit doubt.

A typical modern/post-modern confusion is between what is and what ought to be - the real and the ideal.
Because the modern’s “is” is a tautology with his/her “ought” it presumes that this is the case for everyone, therefore any description of reality is automatically an expression of a wish, a desire, an objective.

A moderns conception of the negative is as a rejection, so when he/she speaks of what he adores it is always positive - there is no negative in what he values and loves and appreciates.
So, any expression of negativity is automatically an expression of hate because what is loved is never negative in any way.
Consequently, anything honest about sexes and races is automatically an expression of violence and hatred.
If we push this to its own “logics” end then anything negative spoken about a dog is an expression of violence and rejection, i.e., if you dare say that dogs are, on average, not as smart as humans then you must be proposing extermination or exploitation or torture…
It follows that what is of your own has no vices and what is not has no virtues.
Either/Or psychosis. The foundation of Messianism.

Complexities produced by miscegenation, i.e., genetic and memetic mixing and diluting
The problem of lost heritage

We can appreciate the conundrums produced by colonization.
Consider the plight of the mestizos…miscegenated native Americans and Conquering Spaniards.
The Spaniards infecting the natives with their diseases, both physical and mental, e.g., Christianity.
Ironically the carriers are also the source of pagan worship of natural order, but also of Abrahamic anti-natural order…
How to harmonize these two conflicting world-views?
On the one hand wanting to identify and preserve a conquered heritage, and on the other idealizing a conquering heritage…complicated further by the infestation of Spain by an Afro-Asiatic spirituality…infecting the helpless natives with smallpox, and nihilism…
With what side will such an individual identify with? How can it harmonize what is contrary?
We now see why Christianity is a saviour… concealing the paradoxes beneath semiotic obscurantism and mysticism,…how did Nietzsche put it - many of whom worship as a god-like paternal figure?

What lacks substance requires verbiage and a following to substantiate it.
What lacks power seeks it via others.
What lacks a sense of self, finds it in icons and idols in their twilight.

youtube.com/watch?v=ea4mEns … ERSPECTIVA

McGilchrist encapsulates my own metaphysical positions beginning at 19:05…

Cosmos is order/chaos…
Order = patterns - predictable, repeating, consistent.
Vibrating energies with a specific dimensional sequence, determining the probability of its interactivity, interpreted as appearance, within an expanding field of possibilities, i.e., space.
Chaos, not complexity, but randomness absence of a consistent, predictable, repeating sequence, ergo an unpredictable, inconsistent sequence.
We living organisms, dependent on order and a product of order, can only perceive and appreciate forms of order, i.e., patterns.
Chaos is frightening because it is unpredictable and anti-life…it challenges ordering or organizing, i.e., organisms.

Energy, from the Greek “at work”, in the process of…indicating dynamism and momentum, i.e., movement.
The human mind can only conceptualize the multiplicity of energy as a singular concept, reducing it down to a level it can process and name.

Dynamism means interactivity - Flux is another term for it.
Probability is another way of saying pattern.
Possibility is another way of saying a lack of pattern, or a pattern that cannot be perceived. In both cases the mind interprets this as a void, black, a darkness…ergo man confuses complexity for randomness, preferring the notion of complexity as a hidden pattern, or a occult pattern, only a few “chosen” or “gifted” can see…and the rest can only speculate about and surrender to those that do see it.
The idea of unpredictable possibilities is the most terrifying of all.

What is expanding space/time = it is dimensional fragmentation, i.e., increase of possibilities accompanied by a decrease of probabilities, tending towards absolute uniform randomness where all is possible, including the emergence of a near-absolute yin/yang absolute order, a duality conceptualized as a singularity. The mind must abstract, by simplifying/generalizing the complex do a manageable level…an idea a singular concept, an ideal.
Confusing the representation for the represented - or the abstraction for the “thing ion itself” - the noumenon for the phenomenon - is a common self-decpetive mistake moderns sometimes intentionally make so as to help them cope with an indifferent not entirely ordered fluctuating existence. The mind of an organism needs certainty and predictability, It needs order.

Past is never overcome, no matter how desperately modern minds wish it were not so.
Past is continuously manifesting as presence, and interpreted as appearance. a mind may choose to forget, and immerse itself in Lethe, state of forgetfulness, rejecting a-Letheia, or recollection, remembrance, un-forgetting…but it can never escape the past - ergo race is not a social construct that can be socially eradicated, annulled, erased.
Race, like species, is a biological category indicating potentials, i.e., probabilities, in relation to genetic traits.
Sexual categories are hormonal, adjusting inherited potentials, to facilitate reproductive specialization.

do one on self consciousness
as the source of nihilism
your ~original thought~

No self-cosnciuosne sis the source of anxiety…nihilism is a world-view, using semiotics, which conceals, or defends the ego from this source of anxiety.
This is why there are as many variants of nihilism as there are creative way of using language to protect the ego from an indifferent, mostly unknown and partially unpredictable reality.

Other than that, your patronizing sardonic essence exposes more than what it attempts to reveal.

The idea that appearances are illusory expresses a hope, driven by an impulse to conceal oneself from being perceived, either because you identify as prey - victim - or as predator.

Imbeciles, or desperate degenerates, want to dismiss anything that opens them up to undesirable probabilities, so they define concepts “out of existence”, essentially slandering their relevance, converting them into a method of evasion and of escape, or by reducing the concept a word represents, to an absurdity, such as skin pigmentation.
The idea that we’ve evolved perceptions that trick us, or are meant to confuse us, rather than help is discriminate and evaluate and orient ourselves, is a symptom of degeneracy and herd psychosis .

Only the human manimal, suffering form the negative repercussions of self-awarnes,s can doubt its own senses and declare what appears to be different as being a hidden sameness…and only the human manimal can project itself, noetically, “outside” existence, outside space/time, so as to conceptualize multiplicity as a singularity. Only the human manimal can make itself the insane and ill manimal, if it thinks its insanity and sickness will improve tis odds of surviving a threatening cosmos.

Very few can be philosophers, in the truest sense of the word, because none but a few can place integrity and clarity above their own well-being.


  • Rainbow Lorikeets can become very territorial and aggressive upon reaching maturity.

  • Lorikeets are the clowns of the bird world. Just like a clown they have an unmistakable bright red beak and colourful plumage and they are mischievous and noisy making sure that all eyes are on them. Those that keep lorikeets describe them as addictive since watching their cheeky antics can keep them from doing anything else for hours.

How very dualistic… territorial and aggressive yet mischievous and playful.

If that’s how you want to imagine me…then do so.
I wont fuss, nor cuss, on the bus on my way back to mus-terfully, mastering, my master-baiting worm dangling smack talkin’ blatherin’
I’m a wonderin who will come a wanderin’ whack-whack wand waving smotherin’ wanting to be noticed
Givin’ notice after a job well done warnin’ no more to cum, cum stormin’

I luvs my word associating cRAP…the kids luv it as well.
So…hard…ya know…for the rebel spirit of the lost and never found, lookin’ for a master’ that will not abuse he bound-aries, not let he ovaries dry and shrivel with no spit, spit, spittle to keep em moist, and slit, slip-slip slippery, full of innueding endings…


Oh my… that would be the cheeky in you, I guess… lorikeet, the cheeky (and innuendo’y) relative of the parakeet…

Were you shaking your sexy tail feather while typing that out? Post me one of those fine long tail feathers of yours, so that I can write to you with it, in a symbiotic relationship of communication.

When King George VI was forced to abnegate the throne the fate of Britain was sealed…and is currently being finalized with the never ending completion of BREXIT.
With Britain’s departure some hope is kept alive that Europe will dislodge itself from its infestation and become the 4th emerging Super Power, or Super-State…in this age when nation states have become obsolete, just as city-states became obsolete.

This is not “Globalization”…because Globalization refers to Americanization…a New World Order under the dominion of a Messianic monopolizing World state, under the control of American elites…they call it “free markets” and “open borders” - code for no borders and no ethnicities…ergo no distinct culture.
Liker Australia, New Zealand, Canada, the US…all the Anglo-Sphere, in fact…it is the “model”. A post-truth post-culture culture of no-culture…a culture of supply and demand.
Like identity, a product or a service anyone can purchase, and then recycle or throw away and choose another.

Uniformity of peoples.

The cock feather is mightier than the sword, me lady…
Dip it into your dark ink well and scribble a little ditty on my parchment.

Why have not the mestizos of European infused bloods - Spanish in particular - failed to produce any intellectual product of any note?
For the same reason Spain, Portugal, and now the UK are suffering the consequences of colonization.
You cannot dilute genetics and not reduce potentials.
The Spaniards and the Portuguese made the mistake the English would later emulate…they imported their colonized peoples, mixing with them…and they never produced anything of any quality since.

Can we not expect a similar outcome when miscegenation really produces an American meting pot?
So far Europeans only mingled with their own, but gradually their discriminating tastes have been reduced by shaming tactics…by those who practice strict genetic codes in their own reproductive practices.
What remains are a people with no sense of identity…and no inherited potential to overcome what they’ve allowed themselves to become.
The end is near…when in China they never bought into the Americana romanticism, and were never overly affected by Hollywood propaganda, and pop-cultural garbage messaging, like cRap…
We can say something similar about India…where Bollywood remains a partial buffer immunizing the populace to Abrahamic nihilism…and we may say something similar about the x-soviet block members who were protected by an iron wall…until recently.

I will have to reach deep into the dark recesses of my enlightened mind, in order to formulate words that are worthy for your parchment to be adorned with them.

Lyrical prose, but not speaking of woes, and such questions I will pose… to you.

“me lady…”

Pedro? is that you…

It was Edward VIII who abdicated… to Marry the divorcée, Mrs Simpson…

All states should be super, and trade and interact, under the setting of an ultra-moderne global sky.

The American public have been sold down the river of bribes, starting at the estuary of nepotism, and ending in giant lakes of tears, on the public lands of a lawless America.

I have had my fill, of the current state of current world affairs, and the non-delivery of a peoples’ needs from their respective governments.