
[context: someone told me they were frightened of death, and it’s affecting them a lot - so I’ve compiled this as a kind of offering… ways that I make peace with our mortality]


To make peace with death.
To accept death.
To not be controlled by death.


To enable living.

Death’s only power is in contrast to life,
as it is the absence thereof.

If life was a hideous thing that no one wanted,
death’s value would appear great.

One’s distaste for death, is a testament to one’s regard for life.

Death is perhaps one of the few things with utmost certainty you cannot change.
To what purpose is energy devoted to it?
Unlike other problems, one can safely disregard contemplation of death,
as absence of which will not give rise to any further consequence -
you can’t mess up your own death, your body will take of that for you.

Once you’ve came to accept death, and how you will respond to it,
further contemplation isn’t necessary, as it is unchanging and
has no further words to say beyond it’s initial ones.

And when you’re dying?
Bugger death.
Contemplate life more.
Enjoy the sweet nectar 'til the final drop.

You’ll never experience a moment of death.
All you’ll ever know is life.

Once you were not.
To which you will become again.

Then it’s back into the hands of the cosmos.
To which it’s mysteries are quite beyond us.

Infinite chaos.

Put a monkey at a typewriter for eternity.
That monkey will write the autobiography of the cosmos, repeatedly.

What’s an eternity to a finite being?
A window, a glimpse, a snapshot.

One is aware, thus one can be.
When one is able, one is.

It’s healthy if we aren’t nonchalant about death.
It keeps us cautious and vigilant of the things that may do us harm.
Our resistance to the concept of death protects us from it’s causes.

But death isn’t the monster it is often portrayed as.

If life did not end, life would not have evolved.
All the diversity we see in life required death.
It is a vital part of the system.

It’s the cost of life.
The price of admission.

The book’s final word.
The film’s final frame.
The song’s final note.

Would you never experience if you knew it would end?

A life’s final thought.

Scarcity increases the value of that which we cherish.
I think the scarcity of our time, compels change in us.

The pressure / weight can refine us.
Turn our lives into something rare and precious.

A diamond is a chunk of coal that did well under pressure.” ― Henry Kissinger

Our lives can be a fleeting dance to the resonations of the cosmos.
A celebration of the sublime - an affirmation to existence.

The cherished memories.
Places of purity and beauty.
They sing and dance with my heart - my soul.
Their resonations could fill an eternity with warmth.

I’d do it all again.
I wish to do it all again.

We each are given our time in the light.
To spread our wings and fly.
But a moment is reached where one must land to rest.
To clear the skies for another.

And when we’re of the earth,
we can fuel their journey.

To leave seeds from our existence.
Perhaps where a plant may grow.

To create a welcome home.
As was given to us.

We’ll always be here.
We’re all the same energy.

Energy fluctuates, but never truly dissipates.

The content don’t fight restlessness, so the content will be influenced.
The restless play musical chairs with those at rest; the vibrations resonate with all.
In this process, the restless become rested.

Death sits across from me.
I don’t know what to say.
I look at it directly.
It’s been sitting there calmly the whole time.
I’ve tried desperately to ignore it.
My mind is consumed by it.
All my actions are guided by it.
My identity is the remnants of what has endured it’s gaze.
Life, creativity, growth, love, joy.
You’re a second father.
You’re unrelenting.
You force me to react.
I’m better that I know you.
But damned if you’re my core.
I deny it.
Your power is with what you can take away.
I already have my core.
It’s not you.
I know you.
I will continue to make fuel of you.

[shameless spam]

The ending was a poem I wrote here on ILP in 2014, posted here - Second Father

I’m interested to hear feedback as to your reaction to my ramblings, even if it’s simply to say I’m an idiot and to shut up.

Or you can share your own thoughts on death, or your reaction to it - all is welcome.

Now I will indeed shut up about it, unless another graces this thread with participation.

Thanks for reading if you made it this far, or to whatever degree you did make it.


Shut up Ben! :smiley:

Death visits me sometimes, or tries to at least…
but is only able to loiter… for a short while…
…and yet, I don’t think about it much… if at all…
even though death seems to like the look of me,
…and so be compelled to visit, from time to time.

Hey Mags - thanks for being here, friend.

This gives me the feeling of death as an old acquaintance.
Who crosses paths with us, from time to time, before the big meeting.
But one lives their busy life, and soon forgets about the visits at all.

Thanks for sharing… a very lovely read.


Too often… for comfort’s sake.

My doctor said that that was something I would have to think about and come to terms with… and I (subconsciously) did exactly that today, and my optimism came flooding back, and my joie de vivre… along with it.

When I’m on the periphery, I pour a very very large rum and take to my bed, where I remain until such a time arrives that I am no longer on the periphery. Tho I haven’t experienced the phenomena for some months now. :smiley:

Hello guys. In my humble opinion , There is NO death. Only in the mind.

And that opinion comes closest by people who take spirits just before it’s supposed to happen, and let’s remember the close association between ‘spirits’ and ‘souls’.

Ben JS wrote

Just say hello.

It is waiting for you to question it.

That may not, in itself, necessarily be such a bad thing but you do have to learn to let go a bit and allow Death to speak to you. At least you have the awareness to understand your relationship with it.

So, what is your core?

There is another way of looking at this. Death’s power can also be seen in the magnificent gift it has to offer us of human awareness - of cherishing and being grateful for those things and people in life who we love and value and hold to be beautiful.

Death says to us: Mira!!!

Everything else falls back into place In that Aha moment and Death fades away and there is only Life.

…or you can make Death your constant guide and wise companion.

An atheist dwelling on death is engaging in self harm,
for once it is accepted as inevitable,
and life to be savored,
there is no further insight to be gained.
(Instead, think about life more - it’s more interesting.)

[In the context of being absent from existence,
as opposed to the metaphysical questions -
those are questions about matter / energy, not death.
Also, that’d be theorizing/investigating, not dwelling]