Schizopost. 6: The Transyuggothic Philosophy of Horror.

Had a quick skim-read of the OP, to get a gist of the thread… will comment later.

I edited and added a bunch of stuff, I find it difficult to stop talking, but I believe I am done now; it rests.

I am glad to see everyone astounded and stricken dumb, though I could not resist the urge to add some important text to one paragraph in particular: (From the P.O.D, to the Zothyrians, to the AOE, to the CCRU, to the Gestalt Legacy, to the Nummagrammaticists, to the Hermaedionic Gnostics, to the Sysynphreans… So many groups, all working in a great drama.)

Pabaxis is known as Kattak to the CCRU, while Thoth is incorporated into Thothtodlana. Interestingly, or ‘synchromystically’, we find both of them connected there, just as Kek and Thoth are connected in their roles in service of Yaldabaoth, the Demiurge. Thus: “When the world was born Thothtodlana entered into the secret of the Kattku and – confusing herself with the universe – circled the whole of time. That was when she swam through living flesh, her hunger unlimited and furious. She seemed doomed to devour herself forever. The dead knew no rest, and the earth shuddered. It was then that Ooqvu the worm-witch arrived amongst us. It was Ooqvu that found the pattern in the folds of Thothtodlana’s skin, and followed it back to Tchukululok. It was Ooqvu that called to Thothtodlana from deep in Tchukululok, and released her from the Kattku. That is why we still carry the marks of Ooqvu on our skin.” We should understand the secret of Kattku/Kattak as being the infinite Babel of Pabaxis-Kek, (Does the set of all sets conform entitely the binary recursive function? By this Babel, recall Borges’ Library of Babel. It is filled with every book ever written or that could be written, though also with endless tomes of gibberish- yet it also contains endless volumes in which unknown languages, ciphers, and grammars are outlined, by which any one of these books of gibberish could be deciphered into any other sensible volume. From CCRU documents, describing the great Worm, the ‘Linear-Serpent’ in Hermaedion’s vocabulary: “From micropause research it takes what it needs to grow in the middle, through recursive binary splitting, making a mesh as it spreads, continuously increasing in virulence.” ) which Thoth had first to sift through in order to find the bits of meaning needed to design a world for Yaldabaoth. The CCRU recognized what they called the Kattak-effect, namely, the smallest change that could make the greatest possible difference to a system. By this ‘ectypo-skhismatic’ effect of minimal difference [Note a related group of cybernetic magicians and philosophotypes to add to our tabulation of many, including the CCRU: the Gestalt Legacy Project, who regard the ancient skhisma, as the smallest division of the musical interval that can be processed by the human auditory system, as a kind of sonotypic “pivot-point sigil” which, analytically impermeable, regenerates Thought from its own Impossibility by providing the very analytic modus it cannot be touched, claimed, or conquered by, therein providing, through a kind of ‘exaptive resilience’ in the face of Harman’s ‘epistmological withdraw’ of the Mortonian hyperobject, * (See David Kollar’s “The Art of Shipwrecking, the Information Age and the Rise of Exaptive Resilience”, from “Dialogue and Universalism”, P. 67-84.) a possible escape from ‘automanical sense-slavery’, that is, “an amethodological futuring” in the form of a harmonic suture, ‘recoding machinic blasts from the future left to decay somewhere in the untime’. See Xenolistening, Burch; on Helmholtz’s skhisma, as detailed in his “On the Sensations of Tone”. Secondarily, A Gestalt Biography of Dick Price.] we might regard the transition from Uranian to Saturnal time and those events in which the two respective ‘world-images’ are misaligned in some microscopic way,- such that one might, in exploiting this anomalous misalignment, reach back into their own image in Uranian time from within Saturnal time, modifying it so as to exercise mimetico-magical effects back on the standard timeline,- a process which, at its most refined, was practiced by the Atlanteans as chronoplasty, (the origin of what Zothyrians and Nummagrammatists practiced, having learned from the Atlanteans’ mistakes, as chronosorcery.) even to the end of reaching back far enough into Uranian time (and comprehensively enough) to reshape, not a single man or event, but the entire World itself,- to recut the string of the Beginning and End into a new ‘calendar’ with which to subdue the OECUMENON, to break the jaw and tear the Urobour away from itself,- though it ended in their destruction, for they inadvertently synchromystically resonated the Phanic-echo of the ectromaton across their orthogonal timelines, returning themselves to non-entity in the Sophic achamoth,(losing the thread of their Beginning) or what Lurianic kabbalists would call the empty mirror-world of the DAAT. The reproved and ‘toned down’ version of this form of magic, colloquially designated as chronosorcery, lies mostly, for Zothyrian cultists, in the creation of mimetic time-viroids (like ‘Valis’) through which consciousness can be shepherded across parallel realities and timelines and magickal-affectivity thereby reproduced, recovered, and ‘preserved’, [As CCRU documents say of the AOE, who shares their occult instinct: “The AOE focuses upon a single problem – acknowledging no other – how to reproduce magical power across discontinuity.” In Hermaedionic Gnosticism, the material-imprints left behind by those beings who refused to participate in creation,- those beings who left murmurings of their non-presence in the fetal stages of creation, as represented by the Dogon Egg, are most conspicuously engaged with those who did participate, the Aeons, which are unfolded in a kind of precession, like the Earth itself in 2,000 year periods around the galactic center, in male-female, astro-cthonic pairings, (syzygies) with an initial outpouring of the aionios occupying a primordial split or ‘pairing’ between ‘darkness’ and ‘creation’,- a primordial division from which the Egyptian Ogdoad expanded (within the Gnostic Logos of John’s Gospel, as what the CCRU understood to be Taddum, an overcoding of Lemurian time-sorcery) in multiples of two, up to 8 distinct ‘elder gods’,- a binary split upon which the AION slithers impenetrably, (as what the CCRU calls the Great Babylonian Worm, Hummpa) never collapsing itself to a singularity, that it might occupy the center,- ** which would be the “Eye of Horus”, upon which basis the Egyptians evolved a new pantheon of 9 beings, that is, the Ennead, as a technological replacement for the first model of the binary theogon capable of incorporating an idea of the in-between state. The AOE was focused almost entirely on surviving the “Excruciation of Humppa-Taddum”, and thus sought the secrets of Neo-Atlantean chronoplastics, that they might preserve their magickal knowledge and potency in similar time-viroids secreted into parallel timelines, in both multiple pasts and futures, that stand unaffected by the coming Excruciation at the terminus of Pisces and the entrance into Aquarius.] and through which different knowledge-artifacts (‘zairja’, like the Idearium recovered by Hermaedion) can be hidden in astral wombs and pyromantic somatoforms, (thus the Zothyrian gnostics entirely erased themselves from our own timeline and hid themselves away in another using one such astral container) while, for Nummagrammaticists, it lies in the invocation of mostly chronodemons and amphidemons, or in any case, those beings capable of aiding them in “weaponing mandela-effects” and facilitating their campaigns of time-warfare against certain other sects. In the Hermaedionic view, such beings arise as non-progenies reft in the metaphysical structure of reality by the ‘material-imprints’ noted above. The two groups of Zothyrian cultists and Nummagrammaticists of course tried to erase each other from their respective timelines for many ages (many ‘strange aeons’) before the Zoythrians simply decided to hide themselves away in some parallel timeline, moving across parallel realities as discarnate and fragmentated sub-consciousnesses through their chronospores, (which would hopeless multiply and eventually reconstitute them somewhere) while the Nummagrammaticists continued temporal-warfare with the AOE and the Catholic Oecumenon on our own.

[size=85]* We have two formulations, nearly identical, from which we should understand exaptation in terms of the 'recognition of knowing’s unknowing as a ‘structuring principle’:

  1. Art of Shipwrecking: “In this context, the only accepted universal ontology is that which claims that everything is thematizable, except “everything is thematizable” (cf. Habermas, 1984). The unique ontology not only admits that it is questionable that it is not infallible at all and that often (but not always!) local values are expressed in it, but it also uses this recognition as a structuring principle when it constructs itself.”

  2. Dark Correlationism: Mysticism, Magic, and the New Realisms. Rebekah Sheldon. “This, Thacker teaches, has also been the task of the horror genre and of apophatic mysticism, which is sometimes called negative theology or darkness mysticism. In the work of supernatural horror writers equally as much as the theology of Christian mystics, darkness signals a limit. Often associated with a type of speech—a commitment to the unsayable—apophatic mysticism in fact uses negative constructions to give shape to a positivity that is itself strictly unknowable and indescribable. For the 14th century’s Meister Eckhart, for example, the divine can never be known for itself but only through the mediation of blindness. “The Godhead radiates light, but the human only receives dark-ness” (Thacker 2015a, 26). Darkness, then, like Harman’s withdrawn objects, signals the pressure of something that can only present as nothing. What we know is our own unknowing.”

** I would insert here an important distinction related to the ‘primordial split’, the aionios, and the many theories of xenopsychological phenomenon. Sysynphreus differs from Hermaedion in pronouncing Phanes as a coward; in accusing him of what, in Holderlinian poetics, we understand as the “divine infidelity”. In Hermaedion’s view, Phanes’ goal of achieving total self-reflection through the resolution and dissolution of his fractured Multiplicity (and the apotheosis of consciousness through the epistrophe, in Plotinus’ expression, or ‘return’ to unity) was noble, and one subverted by the aeons and archons alike. In Sysynphreus’ view, however, Phanes was the first to cowardly flee,- from his own fractured multiplicity, at the abomenal surface of the seething precreation, out of which the Demiurge later created the World in his absence as a haunting reminder of the great failure of Existence, and an irreparable gulf torn between Phanes and his Unity, to which he shall never return- the primordial split in its most ancestral formulation. For Hermaedion, the Demiurge heroically sacrifices himself in deliberately failing to return creation to the height of Phanes so that he could leave behind his own ‘murmuring’ within it as an anti-gnosis, and this for the improvement of mankind, that we should achieve Unitas for ourselves, while, for Sysynphreus, the Demiurge is a Luciferic force bent on preventing all beings from grasping the intended Unity of Phanes, that is, the apotheosis of consciousness. It was Phanes’ fleeing that left behind the great murmuring, the ectromaton, the missing center. Accordingly, a great demon was born from this material-imprint, the first murmuring of the Outside, which Sysynphreus named, using certain Qlippothic gematria, “Haromaiel”- the Impenetrable Center, the Demiurge as a demonic entity rebelliously haunting reality with the ‘phanic echo’,- an eternal barrier to the entrance to Unitas, consciousness, and apotheosis. Around him the Binary God squirms in between the two extremes of the primordial split,- a demon named Sithalech, intent on preventing any who make it to his liminal boundary from ever passing between the poles and touching the center. Such entities are quintessential anti-consciousnesses, and the study of them detailed by the likes of Hermaedion and Sysynphreus offers us the most developed theory of chronodemons, amphidemons, xenodemons, Transyuggothic forces, and other such ‘xenopsychological phenomenon’. [/size]

I felt the need to point out an important point of distinction between the achamoth and the bythys.

The achamoth refers to the first Pandemaic impulse, arising outside the dramatic narrative of Pandemos’ first true encounter with OURNS, and therefor preceding even the formation of the BYTHYS, which would be the second movement of Pandemos, or properly, the first ‘conscious’ movement of the Pandemos, (the ‘kheper’) that is,- the movement following the initial exchange of Pandemos and Ouranos; it designates the “first murmuring” or ‘false unitas/false enlightenment’ that would later give rise to the aionios, and, with that, the syzygetic order of the Aeons and their respective Archons. It is into this pre-cosmogonic void that Sophia casts her “shadow” and congeals the nigredo of Matter. The BYTHYS, on the other hand,- as a mythopoietic summation of the primordial act of division by which Phanes dis-integrated his own Unitas,- incited all other resultant components of the first-multiplicity to begin dividing as well, each from each, each from itself; an act of cosmic mitosis or self-transformation which induced the entire causal chain of transformations.

" We must also link to this idea of minimal differentiation or ‘ectypo-skhismatic metaontology’ and the production of anomalous parallel versions of the self across temporal continuities the idea of the kheper, which for the Egyptians serves as an image of the great demiourgic Scarab. The kheper satisfies the ambition of AOE-like theorists to produce magickal affect across discontinuity, rupture, and chiasm. The kheper emerges at tenuous disjunctions within time, that is, within the stream of parallel self-hoods produced across time,- self-hoods which, in their distinction or ‘moment-universes’, (the munikava, as we have discussed, also includes an element of self-transformation in its application of transcendental psychology to the dual roles of creator-created, who by such transformation trade places in a cosmic duel or balancing-act on the threshold of the kharmic aeon, whose resolution would, at the first impulsion of Time, determine the intial transformation setting into motion the cosmogonic chain of transformations constituting a new Universe, whose final fate would depend on one of the two’s victory) appear at anomalous intersections of different self-streams or khepers. The kheper is in fact what enables the self to pass into a parallel self and move across unstable nebulae within time, thereby enjoying the same capacity for self-transformation Ra had utilized in fertilizing the alchemical nigredo (the Adamic clay) at the beginning of the Universe to bring forth the protosarkos or first-flesh,- the origin of organic matter. In summation: Ra induced his own self-transformation or kheper, generating from its unity the ‘first multiplicity’ through a process of asexual reproduction, animating dead matter and inducing the first splitting of the primordial somatoform, such that, by its own transformation, each member of the new multiplicity should be transformed, (just as the telescopic efflorescence of hidden essences across the surface of a hyperobject, in Harman’s system of speculative realism, produce yet new essences in an aporetic “epistemological withdraw” which drives the engine of Thought irretrievably onward toward an unknowable terminus,- a terminus Schelling calls the Un-Intuitable) and each of these transformations or kheper driving still other kheper in their turn,- a cosmogonic profusion encoded by the magickal formula “kheper+kheperi+kheperu”.

Working from the Greek magickal papyri and the Jeuian diagrams,- the first of which enjoys the frequent appearance of Egyptian figures (like Seht, as demiurge, and Ra, in the role of Phanes) upon the stage of Hellenistic cosmology,- it seems that the word-sigil ACRAM-MACHA-MEREI (acrammachamarei) signifies the invisible boundary between the emergence of one kheper and the disappearance of another, or a kind of ontological minima and sub-liminal bardo between that aspect of the Self outside the Absolute and that aspect of the Self within the Absolute, or the ‘visible’ and ‘invisible’ self-hoods, to continue using Gnostic terminology.


Words are understandable/understood… no matter how you string them together.

Words > sentence > paragraph > book. I think it’s the meaning/the intent, behind them/words, that gives them any/their weight.

…and language came to be/came to be a thing, and language then became universal… and when that day arose, language became a tool… a tool for manipulation and lies.

Who do we listen to, who do we believe?

You believe the guy whose doesn’t believe himself.

“I felt the need to point out an important point of distinction between the achamoth and the bythys”

Cool, because earlier I was like ‘damn I hope he knows the important distinction between achamoth and the bythys’… and then bam, you nailed it.

I said ‘we’ not ‘I’ …does your response still apply after that fact/is dependent on the ‘we’ and not the ‘I’?

Like dough, proving? rising, only to have all the air knocked out of it.

Lectins… f*ck em!

We partake in what we want to partake in and discard the rest, or sometimes we might want to fully submerge ourselves in reality and at other times feel the need of total abstraction from it… the mind, focusing in on what it chooses to settle on, at any given moment.

What a load of pretentious and shallow shit. A mature Lyssa has come about, finally. Real Europeans are not European…they are Greek and Indian.

Who are you referring to here? Name names… be brave.

Scared of being schooled?

of course i am scared, life is fragile and one retard with a weapon is enough to cause a great tragedy and a mass of senseless suffering. you think i dont live in a fear of some autistic cunt raping my sister when she is out late in the evening??? or that somebody tries to kidnap my youngest when she goes school??? or that i come across somebody i should not have came across at 3 am in the park whilst drunk? you think i am not scared of SATIRE or the cunt kvasire? of course i am. but i am not a coward nor a fool and i dont let my fear consume me and turn me into an animal.

but do you think i am scared to call names??? haha…who is scard of whom??? i am hiding now???

What perturbs me in this day and age is the redefining of words rather than inventing new words to describe change, it’s unabashed word hijacking that is mucking up ideas but the intent of word hijacking is to deceive.

Dont worry about the language, worry about free-speech and quality of information and its accessibility and worry about tribalization of the Western societies and the decline of the Éuropean’ Christian ethics. Even if you hacked the English language by 2/3s, it would matter minimally but if you make it impossible to distinguish between garbage and lies and good information or you censor the free exchange of news and discourse then you kill the democracy and kill what people have in their heads and you kill its quality.

Language fixation is for daft kooks.

Yeah, I did worry about the free-speech, and I got banned off every social media I had, so I decided to speak in Latin or Greek when I had something to say about that, because these faggoty Shoggoth-puppet AI-whores can’t understand when I use those tongues.

From my perspective, the world has gone mad. The world has reaped what it sowed… lack of foresight/forethought much.

It has been mad for a very long time. What has happened recently is that smartphones replaced humans as the dominant species. Humans have now no responsibility whatsoever anymore, not for themselves nor for their world, and thus all that is left for them to experience of themselves is their own insanity.

Have you noticed how every blogging retard and ‘awesome person’ on youtube is now saying ‘this is insane’ ? Insane is the new inane.