Satyr, Ecmandu and iambiguous

i mean…i see your post there and i would welcome any person in the world to take a look at it for themselves and decide on their own what to think about it.

You don’t know what you don’t know.

neither do you

That’s an interesting retort…

It’s not related to meta knowledge.

I have no clue what ‘Julia’s‘ pussy looks like…

You do.

You will be sent to hell. I won’t.

That’s a lot more important than what you know.

Knowledge is scaled… ranked.

i dont know who julia even is

That’s why I put it as a hypothetical in non-scare quotes.

But you know what I’m eluding to.

i dont though


Do whatever the fuck you want. If I can’t redeem you, you’ll know.

But don’t think you work.

Okay, let’s begin a new thread in which you and I share our own understanding of what it means to be a “psycho”. In regard to a context of your own choosing. A context that revolves around a situation in which, say, liberal and conservative value judgments are likely to come into conflict.

I will note the components of my own moral philosophy in the exchange and you can note the components of yours.

That way as the exchange unfolds you can point to specific examples of your accusations above. As they occur. And note how my frame of mind is just another “formula”.

Also, say what any of us will about Satyr and KT, but at least his forum isn’t crawling with “social media” types who come into a philosophy forum mostly in order to yak yak yak about the sort of trivial pursuits that one would expect to find on facebook or twitter.

Or contribute post after post after post of “one-liners” in which the whole point seems to be “see how clever I am”?!

Not to mention reminding members over and again that he is the man that every woman wants and that every man wants to be.

Of course I’m only paraphrasing Tyler Durden here.

I’m sorry but I can’t help but associate you with that other “pooper”:

Note to Satyr:

You owe me, man! :sunglasses:

Me in the OP:

Him, in the latest Time thread post:

On and on and on and on in post after post after post…these godawful serial abstractions that can’t possibly be further removed from the world of actual human interactions involving conflicting goods.

He seems to honestly believe that this is what philosophy really is.

Still, admittedly, better a post from him like the one above than a post like this from one of our own:

I’m sitting on my couch, watching a video of the alabama/lsu game while smoking a bong and waiting for chinese food to be delivered. I was thinking of getting someone over here to clean the place. This is usually what I’m doing, I’ve seen this game about 130-140 times now. Or I’m in the bathroom someplace, bored and using my phone to post on message boards while I poop.

iambiguous" Him, in the latest Time thread post:

satyr: Nihilism overshadows hearts of men, because of a misevaluation and misunderstanding of truth.
Recovering Abrahamics assumed truth to be absolute and divine, benevolent and fair, but also final and complete.
It proves to be none of the above.
Few can endure an existence with no absolute final, complete solutions that, also, miraculously produce justice, fairness and an end of conflict; an end to need/suffering.
The term “truth” followed a Roman misinterpretation of the Greek aletheia, and after centuries of Abrahamics corruptions it has come to be associated with finality, completeness, certainty, benevolence, fairness… absoluteness.
Truth is god now that god - as Abrahamism defines it - has been exposed as a lie.

K: blah, blah, blah, does seem to cover that vapid crap of Satyr…as far as I can tell,
he put together some abstract words, tossed them together, pretending like that
means something… trying to look, deep and profound…pretentious crap…
the full message being

“a tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing”

yep, that pretty much covers Satyr…



start the thread if you have the balls


So, your context or mine?

i replied there go and check it out.

So much more to the point, it provides me with yet another opportunity to come back around to this:


I’m sitting on my couch, watching a video of the alabama/lsu game while smoking a bong and waiting for chinese food to be delivered. I was thinking of getting someone over here to clean the place. This is usually what I’m doing, I’ve seen this game about 130-140 times now. Or I’m in the bathroom someplace, bored and using my phone to post on message boards while I poop.

u mad bruh

Okay, sure, why not, one more time:

big mad