Effort and Effect

This post was first written for the blog of my girlfriend and I. My original intention in writing it was to raise our awareness about how the things that we put our time, energy, focus, and effort shape our world not just in what we personally experience, but in our activities we influence external circumstances, including objects in our personal and common environments as well as having impacts on others’ experiences of people in general and us as individuals:

"All day, we put our time, focus, and effort into countless small tasks. When we exert our effort, there are effects which form the character of the world around us, but most directly, our own lives and by extension the lives of those who interact with us.

Throughout our lives, from the time of childhood through our parents, schooling, and other mediums, we form ideas about what we must do and what we would like to happen. Sometimes, the visions of what we would like are based on learned conceptions of what we must (or must not) do, rather than being free expressions of our will.

Very rarely do people consider the manner in which their time, focus, and efforts will effect their world, particularly when considered accumulatively over time and in conjunction with the actions, habits, practices, and qualities of other people and things.

For example, one is raised and educated to seek employment, and often the employment which people get is based off of the needs and availability of jobs markets whose demands reflect those of outside institutions. One could conceive of an individual working their entire life for a company whose impact on the planet is not contributing towards a world which the worker wishes to live in, despite being dependent on employment for the satisfaction of survival needs.

Our system of institutions and the direction of human effort and capability are no longer directed towards things like the survival or even the well-being of individuals, including those whose work keeps the institution in practice.

The vision of Wäderby Orchard is to reconnect human effort with well-being, but to do so we must reconceive our relationship with the natural world, ourselves, and each other. What I mean by reconceiving our relationship with the natural world is that we need to understand that human life grows out of, is sustained by, and thrives with the natural world. It is always from the Earth which we extract any raw material. It is from the Earth which vegetation grows which can be harvested as food as well as materials such as wood, soap lather, and much more.

By reconnecting ourselves to nature, we can not only circumvent high degrees of resource waste, but get in tune with both of the planet and cosmos from which we were created."

This is a link to the original post: https://waderbyorchard.wordpress.com/2021/06/18/effort-and-effect/

Survival is our objective. We as humans have the primary objective to survive. Most living things have the same instinct, to survive.

We have basic needs in order to survive, such as fresh air to breathe, water to drink, and food to eat. That is our primary purpose on a daily basis, to ensure those needs are met in order to survive.

When those needs become readily available we tend to take them for granted. When we don’t have to worry about insufficient air to breathe, or clean water to drink, or where our next meal is coming from we tend to move on to less important things in our lives. When those things become a non issue, we worry about even less important things, and on and on. We become more critical of little BS things the more our basic needs become a non concern. When you have abundant food and water you have no concern for where your next meal is coming from. You have more time to waste on being angry at the neighbor’s cat in your back yard. How dare the neighbor allow his animal to pee in your turf!

Lose the food and water and the basic needs are not met, and your sole purpose in life is to worry about where your next meal is coming from. You give a rats ass about if the neighbors cat was in your back yard. You have no time to worry about that BS!

The general population in the year 2021 has food and water, and no need to worry about those issues like they did in the year 3,000 BC. In 2021, we have all the time in the world to play silly little games and be critical of EVERY TINY BS DETAIL.

I agree. I hope that people will learn to move away from only using words to try to influence others to trying to conceive of new modes of accomplishing their goals and then enacting those goals through practice.