Dynamically Determined Dasein

Triple D Announcement

Today it has been determined that I will be identifying as a hermaphrodite ski instructor with a pronounced feminine lisp.
My pronouns, for as long as this madness lasts, will be shi, shim
Respecting my subjective identity will show reverence to the almighty primordial one who determines all and everything.

We apologize for insulting us, yesterday…but I really had no choice in the matter.
We determined how we would insult us.

No they them.
We Us

I only can hope that we determine that I return to our masculine identity on the morrow…but I really have no say in the matter.
Praise be upon the Prime One, and to his multiple names.

As always I am trapped in a dilemma I return to in my personal rendition of Dasein, which I need not justify nor define, 'cause it’s all subjective.
The more I love pussy I look back and reconsider my love of cock, and the more I move towards cock, nestled in between my butt cheeks, sliding up into my rectum, I painfully recall that I also enjoy pussy and tits. The more I think I am a hetero the more I doubt myself and think I may be homo - back and forth, and up and down I go.
I’m fractured and fragmented, being ripped apart…painfully pleasing.
My thrusting and coiling has dug me a hole 6 feet deep and 4.5 feet across, and here I stay waiting for Godot to give me a hand out, hoping that he will not rape me.

have you been drinking?

There is no you and I…there is us and we.
We have been drinknig…at 4:30 in the a. & m…as usual.
Drinkin’ hard…

i dont do all the pronoun shit. just saying it seems like you might be a little drunk.

Why so mad?

Is a slave that convinces himself that he likes being a slave, and that he cannot have not ever been a slave, truly a slave?

Things that make me go…hmmmmmmm :confusion-confused:

you’re so weird

Are you angry at something?

Why is it open season on Christianity but you never see a critique of Islam - fearing a beheading - or of Judaism - fearing a doxing and economic destruction.
I mean the Abrahams are treated differently.

The daughter, Chris Abraham, is treated like shit, called a whore, a slut, easy…but the son, Allah Abraham, is treated with velvet gloves and nobody dares say anything about the mother, Isra Abraham.
Is she so perfect that nothing bad can be found about her? She old.
She carries crystal balls and is into astrology and palm reading, and undermining and she luvs her word games…so she seems fucked up, but nobody says anything.
Is it because she was mistreated by her husbands? Two of which fathered her children.
But she identifies with being victimized, and she’s one annoying bitch. In fact if she isn’t she may disappear, die…poof…she needs a beating to cry out and let the world know that she still lives.
But her treatment of her daughter is despicable. Sexism there. Envy…because her daughter was more giving with her body, giving her pussy, her love, to everyone, indiscriminately, for a few shekels.
Mothers always have a soft spot for their sons and compete with their daughters.

Maybe her mistreatment of her daughter has to do with who the fathers are.
One, I know, was a Greek, or a Roman who spoke Greek. She was swept away by his charms…almost losing herself in his embrace. The other I’m not so sure about. It may have been that Persian she met, or a Semite from one of the desert tribes…nobody knows for certain. She’s had so many husbands over the centuries. Lived in so many homes. Taking something from each one, before she was kicked out.
Is it Chrissy’s European heritage that reminds the mother of the intoxicating seduction she once suffered at his hands? Did he steal her heart when he went away…unable to tolerate her constant complaining and crying and demanding?

are you doing the war on xmas thing?

did you see lauren boebert’s episode this week w/ ilhan omar?

I mean, dat bitch has disowned her own daughter, her own abstraction of mind…idea of her ideas.
Dat’s cold yo.
It ain’t right to treat your own daughter dat way.
Chrissie is a typical daddy’s girl. She luvs her daddy - like all daughters who have lost their father do - idolizing him, recalling him in ways that don’t match what he was…for us who met the man when he still roamed the Aegean - but her spirit is all her mother’s, right down to the complaining and bitching and demanding…and playing the victim to be noticed and to get gifts.
Daughter is so like her mother.

She been takin to wearing Greek fashions, bleaching her skin, making her hair look like those ancient statues, but you can see the similarities with mother through all that glitter and glamour.
Every time she opens her mouth you can hear the mother’s Asian accent. It’s uncanny.
But there’s been bad blood between the two, so both want to pretend they are not related.

The son, on the other hand…he’s crazy. So macho. So brutal. But he has a soft heart…his mother’s son. Circumcised and all. He still maintains her rules and traditions…no pork, no tolerance of others, no abandoning of the family mission to “save the world”. He got that from mommy.

Thing have gotten so bad between the two that when Chrissy had that fling with that immigrant Semite in Germany, she never told her mother. Not even when she got pregnant and had a baby…Mordecai.
She don’t even know the family has been growing.
Bet she will not accept her own grandson…because its Chrissy’s son.
She pretends she doesn’t know, but I suspect that she does, especially since Mordecai has proven to be a bully…part of his family heritage.
So painful to see a family not getting along, when they are so rich and powerful…yet constantly complaining and demanding, and crying.
It always comes down to money.

Why is criticizing Judaism and Zionism anti-Semitic but criticizing Islam is not anti-Aryan, or anti-Pakistani, or anti-Semitic, for that matter, and why is pissing on Christianity not anti-Greek, or anti-Italian…or anti-Celtic.
Why is bashing paganism so cool and acceptable? Not racist at all, not bigotry.
Just fun…with no consequences.
Is it part of a victim hierarchy pyramid of postmodern decay?

Is it because we cool kids now belong to the Nietzsche gang where kicking Christianity is a rite of passage…how we signal our worthiness to belong to the gang, the price of entrance into the cool kids club?
Let’s ask Brian.
He’s so edgy…
Peer pressure.

are you mad because people get upset with you when you’re racist?

what are you saying here?

Gad, you’re dull.


why do you hate it so much when people are direct?

“are you mad because people get upset with you when you’re racist?”

See this is cancel culture, you communist. Why do you have to incriminate racists like that? I swear to god these fucking progressives. They did the same thing to Ted Bundy.

ahh yes. cancel culture. a thing made up by the right to label as assholes people who call people out for being assholes.

the mythologies every age gather the simpletons of every age.
You just repeat shit.

A whigger and a commie.
Sitting on a tree.