in thinking about Spinoza...

as I go to work this afternoon, I may wind up cutting this

Because of other readings, I have come back to Spinoza,
and in thinking about the Spinozian god, it got me to thinking…

we exists in a universe with laws and limits…,
for example, human can only live so long
and two dogs in reproduction cannot reproduce an
elephant… we cannot grow to 24 feet in height…
we call these limits, laws… we have several natural laws…
we have called them the laws of gravity, the laws of evolution,
the laws of thermodynamics, the law of entropy…

these “laws” creates limits and bounds within our existence…
we cannot, cannot violate these laws… we cannot defeat the
law of Thermodynamics… we just can’t…
now think about it… what is the difference between these laws
and how we think of “god”…

not much difference actually…what we might see has morality/ethics,
is really nothing more than our understanding of the laws of evolution…
our ethics/morality must stand within what we think/know about evolution…

we cannot have any type of ethics/morality standing outside of the theory/law
of evolution…we can’t have ethics/morality stand outside of the various laws
that govern our lives… for example, our ethics/morality must stand within
the laws of gravity, the law of thermodynamics, within entropy, with as I said,
within evolution…but what does this practically mean?

it means that our understanding of god lies within those laws/theories that
govern our lives…

as I wish I had more time, I don’t and until Monday, I shall expand upon


and its Monday… and I’m back…

when last seen, I was making a point about the “law”
of science that dominate our lives… for example,
we are bound to the laws of evolution, to the laws
of gravity, to the laws of Thermodynamics, to the laws
of entropy…we cannot escape these laws… they bound and determine the
who, what, when, where, why and how of our existence…

let us look at the bible and god… in the bible, god also lays down rule
that bind us and dominates us… for example, the law,
“Thou shall not kill” and for thousands of years, that was the part of
the attempt to limit us, bind us to certain behaviors…just as the
laws of science limit us, bind us to certain behaviors, certain actions…

we cannot escape our being human by the laws of gravity, evolution,
entropy… we will be born, we will grow old, we will face disease and
death… we cannot do anything other than those things…
the laws, the limits of science prevents us from becoming anything else…
given the inexorable nature of science, we are limited, bound to
the laws of science, of evolution and gravity and entropy…we can do no other…

and compare that to the laws, limits of theology, of religion, of god…
the nature of science, the fixity of the laws of nature forces us to
obey science with a rigidity that isn’t found in religion…according to
the Christian we have ‘‘free’’ will, to do as we will, just expect to be punished
for eternity for said disobedience…but does science, the various laws of
nature allow us such latitude? not at all…

the Hubris of man/human beings is quickly punished by science/nature…
much quicker then by the hand of god…

if we are to think of religion as being a method/means of placing
limits on the behavior/actions of man/human beings, we can trust the laws
of science, of nature to be a far more reliable, fairer means of
putting limits, boundaries on the behavior/actions of human beings…

god plays favorites, science/ nature does not…

and so we return to what I have called ‘‘The question of the 21st century’’

if we cannot depend on god or religion, to enforce questions of ethics/morality,
then can we find the ethics/morality within science/nature?

As Nietzche searched for an ethics/morality with the laws of man/human beings,
we can do the same.

What does the laws of nature, of evolution, of gravity,
of entropy, of thermodynamics tell us about what should
our ethics/morality be?


in a godless universe, what is right or wrong, and how do we know?


so we have in both capitalism and communism, the idea that to
create the “ideal” society, we must sacrifice some to the betterment
of all, the idea that to make an omelet, we have to crack a few eggs,
is the exact same idea that inhabits both capitalism and communism…

and in part, why I refuse to be either a “capitalist” or a “communist”,
this idea that we must sacrifice some for the betterment of all…
(of course, UR is too stupid to realize I have, plenty of times,
renounced both capitalism and communism… not a real strong
learning curve in that one)

why must some be sacrificed for the betterment of all?
it makes no sense to me… because who gets to determine
who is sacrificed and who isn’t? and if they believe that some
must be sacrificed for the betterment of all, then I must
question their judgment in the first place.

can the “revolution” occur without, without the sacrifice of those who
are the sacrificial lambs?

we, I hold, put way too much emphasis, on the need, the act of
sacrifice for others… we applaud those who sacrificed themselves
to the “cause” be it the cause of “America” or the cause of “Communism” or
the cause of “Patriotism”… for most people won’t consider their
own being to be sacrificed, but the need to sacrifice others is strong…
in other words, we find it far more convenient for others to be sacrificed
then ourselves…this human need to seek out to sacrificed others, to blame others,
to seek the cause of our discomfort in others, to seek out our alienation and our
unhappiness in the actions/beliefs of others…

the conservative specializes in this type of dishonesty and blame seeking…
others are always to blame with the conservative…
and others are always the ones to be sacrificed with the conservative…
this need to spill blood of others for our benefit is a conservative need…

but the question arises, does the conservative have an “ideal”
state to be reached? the conservative often criticizes the left for
holding to “utopias” but does the conservative have something to strive
for, to reach for outside of personal wealth, in which the
sacrifice of others is needed… does the conservative have
a goal outside of the trinkets of existence?

at least the liberal has a goal of creating something beyond the personal
desires of the liberal… the worker state of communism is a goal,
just not a very desirable one and we need to rethink that goal…
but it is a goal that is society wide instead of individual based…

but let us return to the laws of nature, of science…
it seems to me that in thinking about these laws, they don’t
engage in the small, personal…the laws of science/nature
aren’t engaged in the one or the individual… they are laws applicable to
all beings, human and otherwise…the laws of nature are engaged
with all of us… not as one individual, but as a species…
and we should think about this in regard to thinking about
about the laws of nature…

the laws of nature, the laws of evolution, of gravity,
of thermodynamics, of entropy, are an engagement with
impersonal forces that apply to every single one of us…
they don’t play favorites… they apply to every single living creature, great and small…

let us remember this in our thinking about ethics/morality in regards to
the laws of nature… they need to apply to each of us equally because
the laws of nature do apply to each of us, equally… in fact, we
can see the concept of justice in the equal application of the laws of nature…
for justice is the application of equality to actions…
we don’t see the laws of nature being applied to some but
not to others… it is equally done regardless of our status in life…

in other words, we can see the act of justice done in the laws of
nature… it is equal to everyone, and no favorites are exempted…

thus in thinking about the laws of nature, we can see those human values such
as justice can be found in the laws of nature…
for the laws of nature is applied to all living creatures without exception…
as justice is to be applied to everyone, without exception…

so we can derive some examples from the laws of nature into our
own lives…with justice being one such example…


so let us continue to think about the laws of nature…

it has been said, that nature itself, is the war of all against all…
animals attack each other, in compliance with the rules of evolution,
to eat each other and “survive”… now many see this as nature being
at “war”…and if we are to be within nature, we too, must engage in
this type of warfare… of an engagement within the “rules” of nature
to the struggle of the “survival of the fittest” within nature…

but think about it… when you look at nature, do you actually see
the constant struggle of the “survival of the fittest?”

I am looking outside right now… and what do I see? do I see this constant
struggle of the “survival of the fittest?” Not at all…I have on a couple of
occasion’s, taken weeklong camping trips into the Sierra’s mountains,
both Yosemite and Kings Cayon national parks…in each trip, I hiked
roughly 60 miles… and did I see the disorder and chaos of nature against
nature? Not at all… what I did see was the order of nature…
because if nature was a disordered as claimed, then nature simple
couldn’t have lasted that long… disorder, chaos, the war within nature,
would simply destroy nature and fairly quickly… when I see nature, I don’t
see the war against all that some see… I see order…I see balance,
a very stabilized place… the fact is, nature is not the war against all, but
a place of stability and order…and that fact, is the fact of nature
we should engage with… we should engage with order because that
is the fundamental fact of nature… we don’t see disorder and chaos
within nature, the war of all against all, we see order and that is the law
of nature we should be following…thus the rules of nature can lead us
to see the ethics/morality we should be following… we should, if we
actually followed nature, we should engage with order and stability…

our laws should be an engagement with order and stability… and not too
surprisingly, we see this in our laws and institutions…

let us begin our search for the laws and ethics/morality of human beings within
the laws of nature, of evolution, of gravity, of thermodynamics…

let us walk away from a god’s less universe and enter a universe of
nature’s laws… we can find our ethics/morality within the laws of
nature… within the various laws of nature like the law of evolution…


if we look at the cosmos, the sky, the solar system,
the milky way, our galaxy and other galaxies, we don’t see the
chaos and disorder that is claimed for it…

what we see is a very ordered universe… and yet, at times, at times
we can see disorder and chaos within the universe…
but is it a common sight in the universe or is it the exception?

I would say, chaos and disorder are not the everyday, the accepted
actions within the universe… in fact, I would say that disorder
and chaos are the exceptions to the universe, not the prevailing
course of the universe…look at the familiar aspects of our own
planet earth… look at the forest, the sea’s, the sky and the land…
do you see, as common actions, disorder and chaos within our daily lives?

not at all… do you occasionally see disorder and chaos? yep, but they
aren’t the commonplace activity within our earth… or even within our lives…

most people lives are stable, ordered, fixed within the routines of our lives…
and most people prefer their lives to be ordered, stable, routine… just like
the universe is normally ordered, stable, routine… and we can see that
the reason for the order and stability of the universe lies within the laws of
nature, the law/rules of evolution, of gravity, of thermodynamics, of entropy…

are there moments of chaos and disorder? yep, but they are few and far in between…
and we need those moments to be few and far in between…

“when in the course of human events”

discusses the events that have disordered our universe… but to exists
as a human being, we must have and we need our lives to be ordered
and stable… and so our laws and our own nature requires us to
work on creating order and stability within our lives…
thus we have laws… and rules… to keep order
and stability within our lives…to follow nature…

is this something new or original? Hardly… the Chinese worked this out
3000 years ago… and within every generation, comes a voice saying
to hold order and stability, we must follow nature…

but and this is important, we mustn’t fall into the trap of thinking
that we must, as the conservative does, that we must follow the past
and not deviate in any fashion from what was done in the past…

so, going into the future, we can follow nature and still have an engagement
with creating the future… we can and must create new rules and idea’s that
mesh with the new environment we find ourselves in and we can still follow
the idea that the path for us is seeking order and stability… the two ideas don’t
conflict with each other…we can seek the new and original and still be within
nature by holding to order and stability…


So its two in the morning and I can’t sleep…
hence this post…

When thinking about it, we can confirm the dual nature of human beings,
indeed, of all existence… we can see this in this dual nature of existence
by its two natures… the first is the call to order and the second, the trickier
one is the drive to chaos…the Greeks "saw’’ this and Nietzsche understood this
as the “Apollonian” drive and the “Dionysian” drive…we, in each of us,
in various degrees, have a drive toward order and a drive toward chaos…

and in doing so, we do follow nature…and we can see this within societies…
the more ordered and structured the society, the less the chaotic side can emerge,
we can see this in the Soviet Union…the structure and ordered created
by the Soviet Union eventually was overthrown by the Chaotic side of existence…

we can see this in America within the Salem Witch trials… the Witch trials didn’t just
happen to occur where they did, they happened because that was where the
eternal battle between order and chaos happened… too much order
in the human system and we, as matter of course rebel…
look underneath every ordered human society and we see, even under
the tightest system, the need of human beings to engage in chaos and disorder…
look at America during the 1950’s, it looked like a structure and ordered
decade, but look deeper and one can see the chaos and disorder at work…
the gray flannel suit had its opposite nature, the beatnik…

look at the movies that have captured this dual nature of human existence,
“The Purge” movies for example…

now this conflict within us is mirrored within our political beliefs…
the young, hold to a less structure and ordered society,
the old, hold to a more structure and ordered society…
the liberal, the left, hold to a less structure society
and the conservative, the right, holds to a more structure society…

and within us, within each of us, is a various degree of need for order
and a need for chaos… it is not a question of right or wrong, but
of the dual human need for structure/order and the need for some chaos…

too much chaos and disorder and we get Hobbes, “life becomes nasty, short,
and brutish” and too much order and we get 1984… and we can see the need
in 1984 to escape this need for order.

existence is a balancing act between the need for an ordered, stable
existence and the need for disorder and chaos…

at some points, we need, must have chaos and disorder…
that is a human need within us and at some times, we require,
demand order and stability in our universe…

so how do we overcome this dual nature of humanity, existence for us?

we can see this in the eastern philosophies… the Buddha for example,
has laid out a plan to overcome the need for disorder and chaos in our lives…
and within the west, we have those who have called for us to become masters
of ourselves… the ones who have called for us to educate and overcome our
emotions, which is the driver of disorder and chaos…to gain mastery over ourselves
is the ways and means to overcome our need for disorder and chaos…

and even Socrates has laid out how to overcome our dual nature…
to become aware of who we are, “to know thyself”
and then the maxim, “The unexamined life isn’t worth living”

both are designed to help us become aware of our dual nature,
of our need for both order and disorder/chaos…

and what is chaos/disorder? our emotional selves responding to
attempts to control and organize our emotional selves…

to gain mastery of our emotions is the path to overcoming
this need for disorder and chaos…

it is the “educated” man who realizes that our nature, our true
nature lies within the two sides, order and disorder/chaos…

ART is the controlled use of disorder and chaos into the act of creation,
look into the history of paintings and see that as society becomes more
ordered and structured, the paintings become Cubism, Dadaism, less ordered
and far less structured… this ARTISTIC need to overcome order and structure,
is part and parcel of the dual nature of human beings… when we see ART,
that organized and structured, we can also tell that society is or has become
less organized and structured…ART is a way of bringing about the
path less traveled, to either need that is being unmet, be it structured/order
or disorder/chaos… ART is an attempt to seek out the missing aspect of
our existence, be it bringing about order or bringing about slight disorder
and slight chaos… to level the balance out of the human equation…

once again, I point out that existence is really an equation…

we must balance out the two sides of existence…
1 + 1 = 2… is an equation, and for that equation to work, it
must balance out…it must be equal on both sides…
you must have the balance of order and disorder as an equation…

so the equation looks like this…

order = disorder/chaos…too much on either side throws the balance off…
so we can’t have too much order or too much chaos on their respective sides…

the equation must balance between the two, between order and disorder and chaos…
if the equation is off balanced, too much on one side or the other, the society itself
is unbalanced and to repair it requires us to equalize the two sides…
if the society becomes too ordered, then we must add disorder and chaos to
the equation and if the equation becomes too disordered and chaotic,
then we must engage in restoring order…but not too much…
it is a balancing act that is hard for any society to achieve,
but the real problem has been few if any society/states/civilizations
have realized that the two, order and disorder must be in balance for
the society/state to work…

so let us think about this… the right/conservative wants to throw off the balance
by allowing IQ45 to have his dictatorship and thus an futile attempt to restore,
balance… because we must work out the balance within each action…

restoring balance requires us to understand what exactly is out of balance,
in our today’s society, the left and the right have gone too far away from
the equal sign…the left has gone too far away in an attempt to hold the balance,
the right has driven the balance into one direction and thus has destroyed
the balance in the equation of our American society/state…
the mob attempt to overthrow the government, on Jan 6, 2021 is one such attempt
to exceed the equation or the balance of existence…

the American government to succeed must hold the balance between order
and disorder… and mob rule isn’t the path to the equation becoming equal…

we can think about BLM as an attempt to restore the balance between
the police overreaching and without any consequences to murder blacks
and minorities…and the holding accountable all authority, including the police
and including the White House… the President is not above the law…
for that belief, held by the GOP and the Trump White House, brings about
a failure of the equation in the state…

for a look at our American system of Government, the real solution is found
in the creation of balance of power between the people and the state, between
the branches of government, and we have lost that balance of power with the
power of the corporation to buy and sell the government…

congress is now a subdivision of ExxonMobil…and thus we have lost
the balance of the equation within the government…the corporation,
big business now holds the reign of power in government and that
throws off the carefully thought-out balance, the equation created by
our founding fathers…thus we have order and disorder created by
big business and our capitalistic overlords… we must bring about
the equation that keeps our government in balance, within the equation
where both sides are equal… which is not happening now and thus why
we are ought of Wack… we have lost the balance, the equation of government
that has been the “American dream” until now…

we cannot, cannot restore that equation, that balance until
we remove the influence of big business, of money into government…
or, or we create a new equation, a new equation which includes
big business but then increases the power of those who fight corporations…
we must hold corporations into a new balance of power, a new equation in
which we have equal power as the corporation, equal power or the equation
is fucked up and we continue on this path of losing control over our lives
and our existence…we must regain that balance, that equation of existence or
we will fail as a society, as a civilization, as a state… we must regain our balance,
our equation of existence… to hold to the real equation of existence which is
to balance out the human need for order and the human need for disorder/chaos…

that is the equation we must restore into balance…


as I think, I think, that most people would agree that
order is preferable to disorder and chaos… but most wouldn’t be able
to tell you why, why is order and structure better then disorder/chaos?

most people can survive disorder/chaos and even a few might prosper
within that disorder/chaos, but the majority of people can’t…
we need order and structure in our lives… if we are to accomplish
anything… such as the basics, feeding, clothing, housing ourselves
and our family is best done while in an ordered, structured universe…

it is not a question of black and white, but a question of shades of gray…
a matter of degrees… at some point within disorder and chaos, we will be no
longer able to act to achieve what is necessary to survive… to feed and house
and to achieve the health care and education that is vital for our survival…
to reach the bottom rung of the pyramid that Maslow talks about…
we have basic needs, physical and emotional/psychological needs that must
be met… and it is only in times of order and structure that we can fully,
note that word, fully met our physical and emotional/psychological needs…
when it is disordered and chaotic, we might be able to meet some of our needs,
but certainly not all of them… education needs to happen within an ordered
and structure universe…for a child to feel safe and loved, psychological needs,
they need to feel safe and secure…and within a disordered/chaotic universe that
need becomes harder, not impossible, but certainly harder to fulfill…

so, in order to reach our biological/psychological/emotional needs,
it would certainly help to have an ordered, structure universe…
and therein lies the value of an ordered/structure universe…
it helps us reach our biological/psychological/emotional needs of
being human…but within all human beings lies the disordered/chaotic
aspect of human existence… but look at children… really watch them
and see that they create order and structure within their play, within their
activities, within how they cope and deal with each other…
drop a ball within a group of children and within minutes, an ordered,
structure game will happen…even with children who cannot speak to each other…
with different languages… and an game will take place…

and what is a game? what is play? an attempt to create an ordered/structure
existence… will a degree of chaos and disorder occur within that play, within
that game? yep, but that is partially because like the use of energy, we cannot
convert 100% energy from any mechanical operation… so an car engine, cannot
operate with a 100% efficiency…it wastes energy as all systems do…
chaos/disorder comes from and is part of the inability to convert
actions, that use energy 100% in their efficiency…in other words, the
human body is only, roughly, 25% energy efficient…in other words, the remainder
again roughly, 75% can be called chaos/disorder/entropy…

can any physical system be made to be 100% energy efficient?
No, hence every system has some disorder/chaos/entropy within it…
any energy that isn’t harnessed, becomes part of disorder/chaos/entropy…
as we age, we are less able to organize energy within our bodies,
enough disorganization, disorder/chaos with our energy distribution
will cause enough entropy to end our lives…basically we die
because we lack the energy to maintain our bodily systems…

death comes from a lack of enough energy in our bodies…
that is entropy… and therein lies the fate of the universe…
in billions, if not trillions of years…the universe ends because it
lacks enough energy to run it…as that ends our own days too…

so morality/ethics become a question of energy…
does an action increase or decreases our energy?
ethics/morals become a question of how it impacts
our energy requirements?

an order/structure universe uses its energy more efficiently, whereas
a disordered, chaotic universe uses energy inefficiently, it leads to
an increase in entropy, and that is by nature, bad…so moral/ethics must
include an understanding of the energy used or saved…as ‘‘good’’
morals saves or increases our energy, it is good and morals/ethics that
waste energy or increases entropy, is ‘‘bad’’


So what we need to do is take into account, energy used and stored in
every action we take… so, in other words, the energy use becomes
a question legally, politically, scientifically, socially and philosophically…

the question isn’t about money, because money is a byproduct of energy saved
and used… it becomes a question of energy…do we spend money
on low-income housing? Yes, because it increases the energy available
within that community…many, if not all questions of existence
become a question of energy usage, energy used and energy saved…


so let us rethink our economic and political systems by our
energy thinking…

Don’t think of capitalism in terms of money, but think of it in terms
of energy…As I have explained before, I work for one hour
and I create $10 dollars of products, which is really just energy spent,
and I am paid $5.00 dollars, what happens to that time/energy and money
spent? It is stolen by the corporation… they steal that $5.00 of time/energy/
products and use it however they want… so, basically it is this way,
I create the energy/money and the corporation takes it, centralizes it,
and then I get paid out of that central fund…my share is quite small,
pennies on the dollars…if the corporation takes in billions of dollars
and I get $5.00 dollars an hour, my share is quite small…
so, we have what has been described as trickle down economics,
or voodoo economics. I get what is left over after the corporation
takes the money/time/effort/energy… I used to create that product,
which is my time, effort, energy… and the bulk of it is stolen by
the corporation…

and let us think about communism and surprisingly enough, the monarchy…
we know that prior monarchies considered ALL the land and all energy
spent on the creation of food, shelter, products used by that society,
as belonging to the monarch… or to say this another way,
the owns the means of production and then, trickle down the leftover
to be used by everyone else…and what about communism?

in communism, the state owns the means of production and we have heard
the rest before… the people get the leftover after the state is done using it.
then using the idea of energy in economic systems, there is
no difference between capitalism, communism, monarchy.
all three use a variation of trickle-down economics…to take the money,
time/effort/energy… centralizes it and then the state trickles down that time,
money, effort, energy back to its citizens…

you could easily write a history of the world in terms of voodoo
economics…politically, economically, historically, legally, and

so, what is a solution that avoids this trickle-down economics?

I have one possible solution, but do you see a possible solution?


so in thinking about it, can you think of a solution to the problem
of trickle-down life?
as of right now, we have a trickle-down economy, state, society,
culture… how do we defeat this trickle-down world?

the question really becomes a question of ownage… who owns
the state? who owns the economy? who has the power, politically,
socially, economically, philosophically?

we can see that in communism that the state owns the mean of production,
and in capitalism, the capitalist owns the means of production, and in socialism,
the ownage is shared between the state and capitalist… but is that a solution to
the problem of a trickle-down world?

the solution is that we own the economic and social and political world…
we self-own the means of production, we self-own the state,
we own all of it… in other words, all corporations are employee owned…
and the same goes for the state… we self-own the state… in other words,
the answer is democracy… not the pretend democracy we have today, no,
real democracy in which we own the state… not the corporation, as it is
today… we make all decisions as to what is in the media, as to what cars are
made, as to what cereal is bought and sold… all decisions, ALL decisions
are made by those who own the means of production… in other words, us…

politically, socially, economically, philosophically, all decisions are made
by us, for us, by us…

the real deal where we are the economy, the state, the media, the
businesses and every aspect of existence…

government of the people, for the people, by the people…
the economy of the people, for the people, by the people,
the state of the people, for the people, by the people…
the media of the people, for the people, by the people…

every aspect of society is now owned by us, not with stockholders, for they
are too separated from the everyday decisions… we not only own the means of
production, we are the creators and benefactors and workers and management
of all the means of production…

we remove any chance of people making billions or even millions
and we equalize the pay rate of everyone to the point, where there
is no poverty or inability to achieve ones needs… either physically
or emotionally/psychologically…

we move forward both individually and collectively…

we can achieve our possibilities for our own existence within the new
system by us becoming what is possible for us and we also achieve
a collective possibility by an engagement with all of us, together…

now one might claim, that Kropotkin, you are engaging in
a “Utopia”, but am I? I am simple asking that we own the means of
production, not the state and not individual corporations…

the problem has been that our collective acts of energy, of production
has been taken away from us by the state and/or the corporation…

we create $10 dollars of goods and get paid $5.00 dollars for it…
if we own the means of production, then we will get more of our
actual work from actually working… instead of it going to a central
place where it gets disbursed by others, for others, and for the benefit
of others…the goal is to be able to have a say over the central
collection of goods/money/efforts/energy… and the only way to
achieve that is to own the means of production, all of us…
with employee-owned businesses and a real democracy that includes
all of us, equally… without being owned by corporations or wealthy
individuals…in which we get what is left over after they have
used it…the trickle-down effect…is no longer a possibility…
if we all owned the means of production and the state, equally…

and benefits are distributed equally among us, without being trickle-down
to us as it is now…

and within this system comes equality, which as I have said, is justice…
in other words, in this new system, we find justice because we are treated
equally, not based, as it is now, on money, wealth, titles, fame or family name…
we are treated differently because of money or lack therein… and that isn’t justice
and that isn’t equality… justice isn’t blind if it can see your money, or it can see
your title or if it can see your fame or family name…

thus we must own the judicial system and we must own the media and we
must own, equally, every aspect of our lives…

which means what, exactly?

the current system allows many, if not most to escape accountability for
our actions… if we do not have any accountability for our actions, then
we are not being held responsible for our actions…and within the various
systems that allow trickle-down, economically, socially and politically,
we can escape responsibility for our actions by the power being held by
others, the state, god, society, big corporations…

we can only have accountability, responsibility for our actions if
we own all aspects of our lives… socially, economically, politically,

thus to have any responsibility for our lives, we must, must own
all means of production, the state, politically and economically…

it will be a hard cross to bear because we have spent so much time
and effort attempting to escape holding any accountability/responsibility
for ourselves and our actions… we can no longer escape any accountability,
responsibility if we own all aspects of our lives…

we become responsible and accountable for our lives if we own the means
of production, economically, socially and politically…
