
Note to Others

Let me give you an analysis of what iamretarded does.
Her strategy.
She thinks she’s practicing philosophy but she is practicing nihilism, politics, using emotions.
She’s anti-philosophy.

1- She reads your post, only to piss on it, only to reject it. Because she always does.
She negates. Destroys. Creates nothing. Offers nothing in return but the desert of the real.
What she understands, because most of it is incomprehensible to her unless you “bring it down to earth
Translation: dumb it down, make it a soap opera scenario, like Mary Joe is pregnant with an unwanted baby, creating an ethical dilemma full of emotion.
Reason must be made a moral question where emotion is a factor.
What she doesn’t understand she ignores. Dismisses it altogether. It’s objectivist clap trap…skyhooks, Ayn Rand, blah blah blah etc.

Then step…
2- She links you to one of her posts where she uses ten sentences to say “I am not convinced” or “I think so” or “This is how I was raised”.
No argument, no reasoning, just declarations. She has none. She has no arguments…only allusions and declarations.
‘It’s how she understands Dasein’. take it or leave it. The end.
Why ten sentences and not a few? Because she wants it to seem like it’s the product of complex profound thinking, and tis simple like her mind.

Then step…
3-She repeats until you become frustrated.
Inevitably you will because you are dealing with a brain-dead maniac.

And finally there’s the payback, for her…
4- She declares victory and begins to mock you until you engage her, again…and then again…and again…until Godot comes and we are saved from her presence.

To undermine you and your beliefs, without having to deal with them directly.
To emotionally destroy your confidence.
To break you down so that you will submit to her “solution” to the world’s woes.
She wants to change the world…and impotent as she is, she’s found you…
She is convinced that this method will destroy your spirit to the point that her delusions, with no evidence and no reasoning, will be made plausible.

Masculine minds use it differently from Feminine minds.

Feminization of Man

Take the term “truth”.
Truth for a female mind means whatever is effective in manipulating or convincing or coercing other minds.
For a male mind truth is synonymous with perspective, and is evaluated as more or less probable.
Truth for a woman is absolute. It either works or it doesn’t.
For a man it is never complete…never final always the best estimation.

Truth again…I forgot.
For a feminine mind it is about popularity.
How many believe it is true.
What the many believe is true, is true.
Truth is a social construct, expressing in-group dynamics.

For a male mind it is in relation to a fluctuating world.
It is most probably so but for how long?
It is not created but discovered…un-covered.Revealed,
Aletheia. Re-called.

We’ll need a context of course.

I know! How about yours!! And how about we take it to the agora!!!

Better still…

Think about it: a dramatic “simulcast”! The exchange unfolding at KT and ILP simultaneously!!

Now that ought to grab the world’s attention.

And not just semiotically.

click clack, click clack?

I prefer clop-clopclopclop, clop-clopclopclop, the beat of Equine upon the tundra plains.
Careful, the Khanate rides again, and they are headed this way!
Put your ear to the dirt, listen to the ground, and you will hear that old ancestral sound.
Perhaps if your sense is keen enough it may recall those dusty memories, somewhere in the genes.

Which one is he??
I seem to detect the cerebral activity (if it can be called that) of Polish Boy? polishyouthgotipbanned who has not been vomiting on the site since May.

Again, what the hell does this even have to do with anything noted in my posts above? :laughing:

I know what we need: a context!!

Here’s one:

Ironically, Satyr tried to court and spark her too over at KT. A trip to Greece as I recall.


Can’t say I’m not jealous, she is the Gem of this hell hole, after all, outshining all the women who came before her.

Clop-clopclopclop, clop-clopclopclop…

I’ll accept that as your apology.

Good luck courting and sparking her yourself.

You know, if she’s actually willing to go there. And, of course, with three more years to go given her pledge to the Goddess. :sunglasses:

Note to phoneutria [and Lys if you exist]:

Given my actual interest in philosophy, you’ll always be the Gems of this hellhole to me.

I can agree with that.

That’s the name of your book.

I can agree that female minds have a tendency to think in terms of “If it works, then it’s true” but I don’t think it has anything to do with definitions (I don’t think there’s any difference between how female minds define words and how other people define them.) Instead, I’d say it’s a direct consequence of their shallow, surface-level, style of reasoning.

What female minds struggle with, it seems, is self-awareness and logical consistency. Since their self-awareness is limited, they have trouble explaining what they mean by their words. And since they are associative thinkers, rather than logical thinkers, they can often be seen speaking in terms of “My truth” and “Your truth”, confusing two related but different concepts: that of truth with that of opinion.

Well, if truth is a perspective, and each one of us has their own perspective, then it follows that there are such things as “My truth” and “Your truth”. But that’s not the case, right? And that’s because truth is not a perspective. Perspective is merely a different word for opinion and opinions are not necessarily truths because opinions can be false. The correct definition of the word “truth” is “true belief”. In other words, truth is a belief that corresponds to reality.

There is also no such thing as truths that are more probable and truths that are less probable. Truths are truths. Either something is true or it isn’t. Either the Sun will rise tomorrow or it won’t. It makes no sense to say “The truth that the Sun will rise tomorrow is 99% probability”. Probability pertains to beliefs. Specifically, it’s a measure of how confident we are in our beliefs. “The probability that the Sun will rise tomorrow is 99%” means “I am 99% confident that the Sun will rise tomorrow”.

Truth is indeed binary (i.e. something is either true or not) though in some cases it can also be multi-valued (e.g. a theory can be true in some but not all regards.)

But I agree that truth is separate from utility. What’s true is not necessarily useful and what’s useful is not necessarily true.

Right. A masculine mind is open to being wrong regarding any one of his beliefs. That’s what you’re trying to say – and that’s what I agree with – but you’re incorrectly associating it with truth.

There is no absolute truth, as there is no omniscience…no possibility.

In a fluctuating existence all is rearranging.
What we call truth is the pattern we think we’ve found underlying all perceptible patterns - order.
But since neither is order absolute, but there is also chaos, absolute truth can never be.
Chaos is the eternally incomprehensible, yet existent.
We name things to offer us the illusion that the unknown is now known - reducing our anxiety.
We name things to make the threatening intimate. We think that because we named it that we understand it.
Knowledge is not understanding.

Truth is circusmtantial…it refers to a set of relationships at a given point in space/time.
Point = a generalization/simplification of a period encompassing possibilities/probabilities.
The encompassing is based on the processing speeds of the observer’s mind - his particular metabolic rhythms.

I am not exactly sure what “absolute truth” is but I can make a guess. Since the word “absolute” means “complete”, I interpret “absolute truth” to mean “complete truth”. And let’s say that a truth is said to be complete truth if and only if it contains no falsehoods. Are there such truths? Isn’t it obvious that there are? An example would be “The Sun will rise tomorrow”. There is not a shred of falsehood within that statement, isn’t there? And if that statement for some strange reason turns out to be false, then its colloraly, which is “The Sun will not rise tomorrow”, will be an instance of complete truth. There’s no alternative. It’s either one or the other.

I can accept that all is rearranging but that doesn’t seem particularly relevant to the issue at hand.

We think that our model of reality is truth and that’s why we call it truth. It’s not necessarily so. But the definition of the word “truth” is not “our model of reality”. The definition of the word “truth” is “a model of reality that corresponds to reality”. That can be my model reality, it can be your model of reality, it can be anyone’s model of reality, it can be noone’s model of reality – the only condition is that it’s true.

Are you absolutely certain the sun will rise tomorrow…or are you so certain, given precedent and what you know of the sun and earth, that the probabiltiy is so high that you call it “absolutely certain”?

Absolute = indivisible, immutable.
That’s how I use the term. Indicating a singularity, the god-particle.
To know the absolute truth implies you have a god’s perspective of the universe…and the uni-verse is a a indivisible, immutable complete whole.
If not…all you have are proximations or estimations of probability.

Now don’t go into “truth is there is no truth” and “there are absolutely no absolutes” because I’ve gone through why linguistics cause paradoxes elsewhere, and I refuse to do so again here.

How can you know the truth if it changes?

Yes…so truth is an evaluation of how the mental map - in your head - relates to the geography - outside your mind.
But the geography is fluid, not static, so the mental map may be useful, or accurate within a range of time but not indefinitely.
It must be continuously adjusted and reaffirmed.
It is why consciousness evolved - to deal with flux, in real-time.
Free-will is that.

We may have different maps of the geography but they re not equally accurate, because then iamretarded would be correct…all is a social construct imposed on us by the prevailing powers.
He who has power imposes his map on the rest - Postmodernism Marxism - because there is no geography only maps, and we can cooperate to create a mutually beneficial map.

It does not matter how certain I am. The point is that one of the two statements is necessarily true (and completely so.) Basically, regardless of what happens tomorrow, either the statement “The Sun will rise tomorrow” is completely true or the statement “The Sun will not rise tomorrow” is completely true. There is no alternative. If we ask John to adopt the belief that the Sun will rise tomorrow, and Mary to adopt the opposite belief, then, regardless of what happens the next day, we will end up with a person who holds an absolutely (= completely) true belief. How confident they are in their beliefs has nothing to do with it – truth, absolute or not, has nothing to do with confidence.

Alright. But what does “indivisible truth” mean then? or “immutable truth”?

Right. So you’re saying that, in order to know absolute truth, you must have god’s perspective of the universe. I don’t think that’s the case. In fact, you can discover absolute truth purely by chance (which is why Plato said that knowledge isn’t merely true belief but justified true belief.) God’s perspective is necessary if you want to have an extremely high level of confidence. But as I said, truth is defined as a belief that corresponds to reality – how strong that belief is is irrelevant.

Truth does not change. Reality does. Opinions do. But truth does not. You seem to be saying that it’s possible for a statement such as “Hitler was a Nazi” to be true on some days but false on others.

No. Truth is a mental map that corresponds to the geography. Your evaluation of how your mental map relates to the geography is your opinion – merely another mental map – that may or may not be true.

I agree with all of that. I merely disagree that this has anything to do with truth.

Yup. Two different maps describing one and the same portion of space cannot be both true.

It does…you take precedent to establish how confident you are that what has occurred before will continue to occur again…nut it isn’t certain that it will.
The probability is high…but not absolute, not total, not complete.
It is so only within what you know and understand about the world.

Truth that has no doubt.

Justified…in that it agrees with precedent.

The state of certainty is a mental state.
To be certain, confident, that given what you know - which is not complete - and given precedent - past - this is most likely true.

We say, "that’s absolutely true" to express a degree of certainty, not to refer to a singularity, i.e., immutable, indivisible, state.

Truth refers to reality.
Hitler was a Nazi” is a fact…not an indivisible, immutable singularity.
Perhaps like Marx wasn’t a communist, he wasn’t a Nazi, but only used Nazism.

Degree…my mental map may be more true than another’s.

All maps are simplification/generalizations of a fluid geography.
A map may be better than another map, within a given time period.
A map is an approximation, representation, of a geography.

Some have a Tolkien map of Middle Earth, calling it more real…justifying it as existing on a higher dimension.

Maybe disagreeing on semantics is the wrong approach.
Maybe, trying to find the proper definition of a term is a good approach.

Maybe, using the term “truth” not as it is written in a dictionary - referring to text, or to a conventional use - but how the term can be used to connect us to a shared world, is the better approach.

Like the term “morality”. There’s the conventional use, the dictionary definition, expressing the world of man, and then there’s the world independent from man.
How can we harmonize the two so that the word morality", like the word “truth” can bridge the world of man and the world independent from man?
I propose we use the world independent from man to discipline how man defines concepts within his world.

Semiotics represent man’s representations of his understanding/knowledge of the world.
Words are projections connecting man to a world beyond his mind/body.
A world man must adapt/adjust to, or suffer the consequences.

Let’s discipline our metaphysics to our experiences in physis, nature, i.e., the sensually experienced tangible world.
Let this world be the foundation for his metaphysics. and then let this harmony of physics - not theoretical physics - and metaphysics - including theoretical physics, be our starting point for our ideologies, our objectives, our explorations.
Disciplining the mind’s proclivity to imagine to the unforgiving, harsh indifference of reality.

We can still engage in thought experiments, without becoming too invested in them - swept away upon the mind’s fluttering fantasies, floating into the world of pure ideas.
Ah Plato, you freak.

Man is simple. He becomes complicated when he develops language and learns to conceal his simplicity, in motive.
Language becomes a way of negating, repelling, forgetting, un-revealing what is revealed, what may be revealed.
Intricate linguistic threads fabricating garments enveloping him like a womb - adorning himself with insinuating trinkets, forgetting there’s a body underneath…concealed.

Holy shit, did my prose make you feel like such an idiot you felt the need to make multiple threads about it to soothe your ego?

LOL wtf is this.

I am inspired by many things…don’t be so needy.
People remind me of what I see in them. You ain’t special.