Genes to Memes

In the past genetic inheritance went hand-in-hand with mimetic continuance.

The homogeneity of the group ensured that whatever shared values, principles, morals, ideals, ideas, were passed on they were always common, no matter who the father was.
The female was, and is, the carrier of tradition. She adds nothing, subtracts nothing and remains totally loyal to it.
Females never experiment, because they are attracted to stability, order (masculinity) which ensures their value and the value of their offspring.
Male order offers them stability, social peace.
A predictable space to exploit their natural talents.

A female will always defend whatever masculine power she is seduced by early on.
This is why a mother is the “heart” of a family, and why females take so easily to institution or cultures.
She will never challenge the status quo, or question its premises, but only act to preserve and to enhance them…to her benefit.

The male, on the other hand, is the one who must challenge authority, if he is to pass on his own genes.
He is disruptive to the status quo.

To prevent this masculine proclivity from tearing apart tribes the technology of marriage, based on the principle of monogamy, was invented. This turned the “free-radical” males into investors in the group’s welfare.
This in homogeneous groups, where all the males shared in a genetic inheritance but, more so, shared in common values, ideals, and ideas.

This is not the case today.
Modernity, as a continuance of the universal Christian dogma, is a Meme which wishes to incorporate divergent genetic lines, peoples carrying different values, principles, ideas and ideals, into one uniform, stable, whole.
To accomplish this it must eliminate the natural connections and identifications…and so it must eliminate the carriers of such codes: males.
Females will fall in line easily…and in time they will become vehement defenders of whatever is popular, and current.
For a female it is an easy affair: what is dominant today, in her time and place, is superior…therefore it will be defended for it promises stability and establishes order within which a female can carry out her role as nurturer and mother.

But there is another breed of female. One which is more aware, more intelligent, more discriminating than the average.
For her the present, the popular, is not automatically superior to the past or the unpopular.
She knows the difference between quantity and quality.
For such a female breeding with an average man would be like breeding with an ape…even if he belongs, theoretically, to her race and her bloodline.
If the male carries the principles and values of Modernity, then he is an emasculated male…which may be similar to her, Genetically, but has nothing in common with her Mimetically.

Feminization has progressed so far in our time that genetic lineage is not a guarantor of mimetic lineage.
There has been a rupture between the past and the present, now projected as a Utopian future.

Take the modern Greeks.
They are infected with Judeo-Christian morals, ideals, values…and have little to do with the Hellenes they are descendants of.
In fact they, most of them, are the antithesis to them.
It is possible today to find more real Greeks outside modern Greece…Nietzsche was more of a Greek than they are.

Memes are how cultures are propagated.
Genes pass on a potential that may or may not be realized to its fullest, but it does not guarantee that the ideals that sprung from a particular genetic pool will find fertile ground in a mind infected with modern nihilism.
This is particularly true in a world where the inferior male, and female, has been given the “right” to pass on genes which may not be representative of the group’s best qualities.

The nihilistic infection works from the bottom up. It infects the rabble, the lowest element sin a group.
It is a meme that has appeal across genetic lines, because it seduces the basest elements in the species…now reproduced due to the absence of natural culling, becoming increasingly numerous, drowning out the qualities which inspired the emergence of a tribe.
This universalization of weakness, of meekness, cannot be combated by remaining stuck in tribal qualifications.

Mimetic warfare is one performed on a noetic level.
A shared meme must find its fighters from amongst a larger genetic pool.

Where memes develop, evolve, organically: s gradually springing out of the (niter)activity of a population with the given environment, resulting in ideas, ideals, morals, priciples, social behaviors, hierarchies and traditions…there are some that follow a reverse path.
There are some which begin as an idea, ideal, infecting the segments of a population feeling vulnerable or victimized by this (inter
)action between population and environment, and seeking for an alternative which might overturn the hierarchies established.

Whereas memes begin humbly and then spread, if they are strong enough, across tribal and generation boundaries, these last types of memes begin as universal, transcendental, appeals to the lowest parts of the group’s nature.
They are not restricted because they are instantaneously universal, as they seduce the fear and the sexual need present in all mammals, instead of appealing to the higher brain, the noble part of human nature.

This makes them worldly…cosmopolitan…and deeply nihilistic.
If such a meme is successful it may gain power…and attempt to turn its ideology into a pragmatic phenomenon; turn its mimetic appeal into a genetic fact.
Here resentment finds an outlet in mimicry. It begins from lowly origins but then aspires to be like the memes it infected, in effect contradicting itself.
Zionism is an example of this process.

But the segments that remain true to their origins try to destroy the rightist elements amongst them…the elements preaching exclusivity…the special nature of this burgeoning tribe, not yet fully so.
Exclusivity or the denouncement of mixing is considered detrimental and contradictory to the essence of the nihilistic meme.
Therefore we have a further universality which does away with more than just race and sex, but attempts to destroy the boundaries of tribes and nationalities and religious doctrine.

The nihilistic meme morphs into a secular version, no longer hindered by the restrictions of religion or nationalism.
Marxism is an example of this.

But the all leveling meme exposes its anti-life, anti-world attitude because if ti follows through with its own logic, extinction will be the result…beginning with anti-species…with the redefinition of family and of what sexuality and sex are.
At this point homosexuality will not be the only sexual mutation that gains social acceptance, but a variety of sexual mutations will also become acceptable.

To appreciate how nihilism comes about, and why it becomes so seductive to the majority, one must trace back its origins to cognition, how man engages the world and interprets a dynamic reality using abstraction, and how man, being a life-form, a self-organizing (organism), emergent unity, has an antagonistic relationship towards fluidity, or increasing entropy or Flux, the disordering.

Agon characterizes existence.
An ordering in the constant state of disordering, the establishment of patterns (knowledge, experience being patterns) within the dissolution of patterns we call chaos, or randomness.
Memory (genetic-memetic) is how man holds onto becoming, and when we speak of nihilism we separate of a forgetfulness, a shrinking of human perception by limiting, and controlling, human memory.
The narrative is how the memory is passed on memetically, and who controls the narrative controls the sense of self, the mind’s identity.
Immediately we notice how nihilistic memes attempt to discredit, dismiss, forget, genetic memory, or what we call nature. It is contrary to this memory, because it needs to redefine, re-identify, and use human emotion to direct the mind towards a Utopian premise, which produces, in the meantime, total obedience, discipline, surrender, domination.

The foundation of human thinking is binary - this either/or the simplest minds always follow religiously.
This either/or is the projection of the dualities of good/evil, God/Satan, here/there, I/other, beginning/end, 1/0 …where each it taken literally as a static absolute, rather than a signpost, a projected, simplified/generalized, abstraction.
This either/or produces paradoxes, when the word symbolizing these mental models are applied literally upon a reality which is fluid and has no static absolutes.

All simple minds need to put life within this either/or scenario: either liberal or conservative, either Republican or Democrat, either Communism or Capitalism.
None of these options are real, because they are never applied, in the fluid real world absolutely. the theory is never applied perfectly; the ideal never matches the real.
All that is left I the 'in theory" the hypothetical future, or beyond, or immanent, application of the ideal state.

Nihilism is the rejection of dynamic reality, settling upon the either/or paradigm, where the choice is made easier. Emotion takes over and the mind can now, given the polar opposite options selects the most soothing, comforting, inspirational, hopeful.
Secular Humanism is this choice between two projected absolutes, used as polar opposites so as to produce the illusion of understanding.

The immanent is where hope is placed, once the dogmatic, religious, foundation of secular humanism is stripped of its Divinity.
Fear is the natural reaction to the unknown, the dark, the randomness of chaos, and so in the either/or scenario two absolute forms of hypothetical order, are presented.
The secular humanist is convinced that it likes change, is pro-change, when in fact this is only in relation to the status quo, which he finds dissatisfying and unflattering.
He wants change only because he hopes, his future utopia, his better state, is immanent.

Given the real, he can only hope that any change is an increase in the possibility that his won desires will be fulfilled.
To maintain this hope he is willing to risk it all, and to give himself to chaos, to randomness, to anything that rejects what is and was.
This was, is another way of saying nature - sum of all nurturing, the past.

The gene is “selfish,” as Dawkins calls it, in that it has evolved to propagate itself, sometimes to the detriment of the organism it produces.
The individual is a vehicle for its propagation.
Similarly a meme is selfish, and is also a method of propagating itself, oftentimes to the detriment of the organisms that participate within its organization.
The meme does not evolve to satisfy personal desires and needs. It may even contradict them if its own existence is in question.
The meme takes over the mind, inhibits its resistance, and hijacks the will.
As such, a mind free from genetic influence may question its own existence, and a mind liberated from the shared meme may question the ideas and morals and principles of the common man.

With this in mind the sexual frenzy associated with the mating season, or with lust, can be understood as a behaviour indifferent to the well-being of the particular organism, because the goal is genetic propagation.
Furthermore, a parental self-sacrifice is clarified, though the particular organism may lack the consciousness to know what death is or what genes are.
If we apply this to the meme, then nihilism becomes comprehensible, as an internal method of harmonizing, and the sacrifices of the individual organism in its defence, become an expected aspect of memetic control.

We also gain an understanding as to how and why a mind freed from survival necessities, and which has evolved in awareness, may consider intelligence a detriment to evolutionary goals, as well as towards memetic principles.

The organism absorbs nutrients from the world outside its wilful domain.
It does so unconsciously and automatically, at first, later evolving the ability to direct this absorption of energies more efficiently, by discriminating, and discerning what types of energies it can absorb and which it cannot or threaten to absorb it.

The epidermic shell offers it the choice, which we call will, to direct itself towards an object/objective, analyse it, absorb it, process it, and then simplify it into parts divided into useful and not useful - in the second group it includes the elements which are toxic, dangerous, destructive to its, self-maintaining, self-organizing, unity.

There are three reasons the organism cannot absorb, use, energies it absorbs:

1- It cannot process them, lacking the mechanisms and the energies to break them down to a simplified form it can absorb - absorb meaning integrate its elements, its activities, into its own processes.
2- It cannot recognize them. It fails to understand the manner in which it can absorb those energies, having evolved only to absorb particular types of energies, in particular forms.
3- The energies are toxic, contrary, to its own processes.
They either destroy the processes attempting to integrate them, or they require more energy to be simplified down to a form which would make them easy to integrate.

For the memetic organism, the SueprOrganism, the same holds true, only now the energies are replaced by codes, data, information, which refer to abstractions, ideas, concepts.
Abstractions are interpretation of stimuli, or (inter)actions.

Just as energies assimilated into an organism are stimulants, or (inter)actions which can or cannot be integrated into the organisms internal processes (internal ordering, interactivity) - it interprets their processes into its own, with varying degrees of success), so too are data packages, unities, groupings, which are interpreted, by the brain (the brain takes over the role of stomach), into usable simplifications/generalizations, that can then be integrated into its own internal structures, its own ordering, or expelled, for the reasons given before, as toxic excrement.
In the case of the SuperOrgansim, the organism is its cellular multiplicity.

The meme is what the gene is : a set of preprogrammed instructions directing its processes to organize, and (re)act to stimuli, and directing it towards what and how to integrate external to it energies/data.

The gene uses the senses to analyse the energies in its envirnment.
The meme, also, uses the senses, but it then filters them through the cognitive parts of the brain for further analysis.

The gene uses the stomach to break down energies in preparation for integration/assimilation.
The meme uses the brain for this work.

The gene absorbs energies via the cells.
The meme absorbs ideas via the organisms.

The gene eliminates toxins or energies it cannot process or absorb through the anus and urethra
stomach to break down energies.
The meme uses institutions to incarcerate (quarantine, in the hope of finding a use or of the organism altering its toxicity), or it isolates, as a pressure tactic (using the social instinct to pressure), or it destroys. In the first two methods pressure is akin to a stomach’s acidity trying to break down resistant elements in its isolated, from the rest of the organs, pocket.

The organism’s cells, those micro-parts constructing the organs that are carrying out these processes, are constructed using energies extricated from otherness in the manner mentioned before.
Similarly, the SuperOrganism’s micro-parts, its organisms (members, citizens etc.) are, also, constructed using the elements gathered and processed in the manner mentioned before - we call this indoctrination, education, training.
To guarantee that the parts the SuperOrganism depends upon do not veer off the required activities, behaviours (necessary when a brain is present), a set of mechanism are in place, from birth, to ensure the smooth and predictable outcome: morals, social etiquette, religion, dumbing-down (restriction of critical thinking or thinking beyond the acceptable parameters), law & order institutions, peer pressures, more recently, sophisticated methods based on insight into human psychology, resulting in more advanced methods in human husbandry, and, finally, Nihilism, as a method of eliminating all external sources of behavioural direction, the elimination of all elements which inhibit integration (sexual identity, race identity, bloodlines, analytical ability outside the trained methodologies and so on).

The question now arises:
Which cells are part of the brain in this emerging SuperOrganism?
Their power is not absolute, but directive.
They have a closer proximity to the neural networks carrying stimuli from external sources, via the sense organs, and internally, via the organs.

Their role is not that of a God, although it appears so to the lowly cells (particularly functioning as members of the anus) but of middle-man, intermediary.
They are, themselves, ignorant and weak. Their advantage is that they have more access to the data, the stimulations, that they carry, as part of their function.
Is there a central directing group of cells?
We’ll leave that question unanswered.

Another question is:
Does the size of the SuperOrganism matter?

I would think so.
The complexity of the organism, and this also includes the SueprOrganism, makes its constituent parts slightly less important, depending on the size and complexity of the emerging unity.
A more complex SuperOrganism would require more efficient part, more docile, dumb, simplified, specialized, cells - otherwise it could never reach its level nor maintain itself there.

Therefore, the larger the SuperOrganism the more simplification/generalization it imposes upon its parts. they are more expendable because they are easily replaceable, their role being so simple and general, even in special roles, that it can integrate another.
The larger, more complex, a SuperOrganism becomes, all the more internal order it demands; all the more cohesiveness, efficiency resulting in synergy, and specialization, it requires, further diminishing the importance of any particular cell (organism),within it.
The organism (cell), within the SuperOrganism, is now forced to focus its (inter)actions, and even the, so called, free-thinkers, the “philosophical” ones - remnants of a previous state which has not been eradicated yet, retaining internal inefficiency - are diminished by educating, integrating, training, them to think in increasingly simplified ways.

The illusion of free-thought is maintained because it is fact. Data is available, openly, but how it is processed has already made the data non-threatening.
Once assimilation achieves a certain level of efficiency, of cohesive integration, the free-flow of stimuli is not very important, because the cells have no capacity to integrate it, on their own, in a way which would contradict their specialization.
The cell may still (re)act to hunger or cold, but it has no capacity to act outside the orders it is given from the brain-cells. Free-press, the internet, books, are all permissible, at this point, because none of the data, information, will be understood, or could be understood, in a manner outside the prescribed, the given, the educated and trained.
The cell can only think within the limits of its functions, its job, and anything else it leaves to other experts, other cells that tell it how to (re)act, and what to do.

Why is art and philosophy in such a bad state in our modern times, when information is accessible, on a level unprecedented in history, and we live in, seemingly, free systems?
Well, the above should give you a clue.

Another aspect of all of this is the role Nihilism takes so as to make the entire process easier to accomplish and, more importantly, to sustain.

Nihilism… is the cell, in the case of the SuperOrganism the individual organism, detached/detaching from the world outside the premises of its role within the skin, the boundaries, of its participation.
To increase efficiency one must not only eliminate all individual identifications, but also the sources that may trigger their re-emergence.
Keeping the individual organism, within the SueprOrganism, away from any environment that might inhibit its integration and specialized role, is not conducive to internal integrity.
Feminization is the type required, to achieve internal efficiency – and only after the SuperOrganism has reached a certain level of complexity – and Nihilism is how it maintains this internal ordering.
Disconnected from its previous, its historical, its natural role, the individual settles for whatever it can find.
The weaker ones find any alternative terrifying, because within these predictable, specialized, sheltered contexts they can, at least, find longevity; outside this “body” things become sketchy, less predictable, more threatening. Over time, dependence grows, due to specialization, making every single participant a defender of the status quo.
Only those few who have not been incarcerated (quarantined), eliminated, can persist… now under the label of cancerous cells – the autoimmune system kicks-in excluding them.

Of those, only the clever mask and pretend, and persist…waiting for the body to weaken.
The process repeats.

Now the final question:

Given that none of this is avoidable, which kind of SuperOrganism would you choose to participate within?

Keep in mind that social behaviour is an evolutionary outcrop of weakness… just like love is, as its necessary glue.
Also keep in mind that the weaker you are the more complexity you will seek to immerse yourself within, feeling less vulnerable and more invisible within it.
When it comes to humans, as a species, the choice is not between being a herd animal, a sheep, or a cow, with the solitary bear being the alternative… but between being a sheep and a wolf.
Both congregate in groups, but not of the same size, and because of this, not producing the same nature.
The weak, the feeble, the cowardly, will always seek refuge in multiplicity, and then deny it, wanting to seal the outer pores, close the skin, with the delusion of oneness.
Oneness is always a context, reflection the mind’s integration within a particular meme.

If frontiers remain closed, as they are, then this will remain underground.
Pretences, lies, hypocrisy, will be necessary.

The split is already on its way.
It begins, as it always does, from the males.
Females need more coaxing…more seducing. Even the above average ones.
But females are not that important, because males can propagate despite female simplicity, as they have for a very long time, using their superior mind.
The rest will be excluded.
What dilution may occur will be reversed when females of a higher quality choose males closer to their level of appreciation.
The immediate meme will be supplanted, in some cases, by longer term mimetic awareness.
As always, what is superior, or different, will be preserved along masculine bloodlines.

If, and when, frontiers become accessible, then then split will surface, it will become more direct, resulting in speciation along mimetic lines.


—Why are women cast as “evil”?
Because females are chaos/order - submissive to nature. They become nature’s perfect agencies.
Males want to tame, change, nature. Order what chaos exists and appropriate what order exists.

—“Nature only cares about variety”…
Because it creates to then test and weed out the superior from the inferior.
So all kinds of mutations emerge, and only those that offer an advantage are reproduced.

This is laughable. People who are not awake attribute things such as this. Mental illness doesn’t discriminate between sexes. It’s a disease. Are you able to love someone with Down’s syndrome or actual spirit illness?

That’s the measure of a person.

A decent mother or father will go through anything to improve the quality of the life of their child.

The question is how you define quality.

Quality is wisdom. It’s very scarce on this planet.

Shhhhhh…listen to the voices in your head.

Practice cunning-lingus…to erotically stimulate the wo-men.

Sex is aggressive, and this is why women evolved the psychology to endure it and desire it.
They seduce men…not the other way around, imbecile.
Women want sex…and pretend they don’t. It’s part of the game…pretending to be loyal to make men invest in them.

To be perfectly honest here.

You don’t understand women.

Just like men, ultimately, truth drives them more than sex. It’s a better tasting meal, so to speak.

You’re a bitter old man who lives in cognitive dissonance. I know your type.

Yes…your judgement has proven its worth.
If you think “truth” is what women crave…then you are indeed insane.

Dream about heaven on earth, when you travel to hell on a rainbow.

You’re good with words. I like that about you.

That was well written.

So here’s the deal. In our species, contradiction is conspicuous consumption. Conspicuous consumption is a signal that you have enough energy to: waste.

Women are attracted to someone with more power than others.

Here’s the deal though. There are outliers on the spectrum. I’m a solid truth outlier, and people like me because of how I present. Men and women.

There are so many women that I could just say, “please take off your clothes for me”. And they’d just do it. I’d never do that to them. But it’s a fact.

What that really comes down to is something more seductive than you possess. Truth.

Here are some more words…
Unless I’m wrong…of course.

But this is the perfect place for you.
Wannabe gods, gurus, time travelers, great geniuses, hypocrites, omniscient ones, grifters…men-children, women trapped in male bodies…and then there’s Bob.
Bland but his wife thinks he’s cool - she makes scrunchy faces at those who dismiss him. :-&

Mostly desperation and degenracy…as an empire collapses the vermin come out of the corners looking for salvation.

You belong …here.
I’m happy you found yourself a place to be insane.

Someday you’ll understand what I did for you…

I’m forcing beings to declare you as incompetent to stand trial…

I want to thank you from the top of my bottom.

I had no idea I was in the presence of the Christ…second cumin.
Messianism…Abrahamic brainwashing. making everyone insane.
This is what this mental disease does…creates Zombies…using pretty prose, and inspiring words promising beauty, power…secret knowledge.
The tricks of gypsy caravans leaving the deserts after wandering for 40 years.

I’m good with words.

Ultimately it comes down to the life viewings we do on different dimensions.

Let me ask you this…

Do you think you were born and/or will ever die?

That you ask this means you are bonkers…
Medications don’t do shit, do they?
This is what happens to all threads when you allow crazies and men-children into a conversation…or a philosophy forum that shelters women and children…and madmen, inevitably produces this insanity.

Try this:
Go to a playground full of children, or a wedding shower full of women, and try to have a serious discussion.
Now go to an insane asylum and try it.

No scrap that.
Invite one insane fuck to your party…and see what happens.

You know how many demented souls like you I’ve handled in my life?

I could give you a perfect argument/response and you’d just reply, “your mom”.