Jared Taylor VS. ILP Forum

(ILP represented by RA the Rapper)





This is actually an interesting debate. I don’t know when it took place, but it’s still very relevant today in 2021.

It is essentially a battle between Herd-psychology (the “Humanism” of RA the rapper) versus the Pack-psychology (the “Racism” of Jared Taylor).

What does realism have to do with humanism.
A “noble lie”?..
How long can a lie survive reality?
Even a shared lie…one propagated from mind to mind…how long can it survive reality?
A lie has a benefit…and a cost.

Some lies can be perpetuated in perpetuity, as long as the costs are continually paid.
Societies can afford to pay $1,000 each year per person, probably indefinitely.
Societies cannot afford to pay $1,000,000 each year per person, immediately.

What is the Cost of Race Denialism? (Humanism)
An elderly white man or woman is knocked-out cold, sometimes injured, sometimes killed, by the ghetto “knockout game”.
This Cost, can mean your life at random. How frequent is this phenomenon? Why is it censored? Why is it “racist”?
Is it then “racist” to not want to be the victim of supposedly “random” violence?

What is the Cost of Race Realism?
Are Conservative-Right-Republicans persecuted by the Liberal-Left-Democrats EDIT correction? What happened to Donald Trump?
You will be Doxxed, Libeled, Hated, Censored, and the focus of Rioting. The Establishment will amass power to destroy you.
But what of the Rewards? Is it not a Reward to continue the Lineage and Genetic Inheritance of your Forefathers?

What is the cost, in blood?
Do not the Race-mixers destroy their Ancestry?
Do they not Shame their ancestors?
Do they not hate the Past itself?

The guy “debating” Jared Taylor is a retard…
Are you suggesting that ILP is full of retards like him?
He does remind of of shit-Stain, though.

Race is to humans what breeds, types, sub-species are to other species.
Race is about inherited potentials, i.e., probability.
Nature = determined potentials; nurture = how much of this potential is cultivated.
Therefore, miscegenation is a dilution of potentials.

Speciation is impossible without intermediate stages, like breeds, types, races.

Nature = 80% - nurture 20%…according to Jared.
I am more lenient 70% - 30%.
Actually, to be more precise… nature = 100% and nurture determines how much of this will be cultivated and, perhaps, surpassed and how much will remain uncultivated and atrophy.

Past = determined nature. Immutable.
Present = determining present, dynamic, mutable.

Yes, “RA the Rapper” represents smears, iambiguous, peter kropotkin, zoot allures, ww3_angry, ecmandu, etc.

Interesting exchanges…

I thought so too.

I’m surprised that Anti-Racists and Humanists don’t use East India as an example of “black intelligence”. East Indians have dark skin, and some of the highest IQs on Earth, and throughout history.

That’s the thing about “Race” though, it usually devolves to popular propaganda. People don’t see nuances, and refuse to study history or ulterior societies/cultures.

Ummmm…skin pigmentation is not the only indication of race.
It is one detail…not all dark skinned people are negroes.
Negros refers to sub-Saharan.

White skin is not the only identifier of Caucasians.
Reducing race to skin pigmentation is an attempt to reduce make it absurd, so as to dismiss it…like saying black bears differ from polar bears only in fur colouration.

East Indians are South Asians, probably with some other type(s) of Asian admixture as well.

Exactly, that’s why it’s not as simple as “white versus black”.

But the Left are usually uninformed, willingly ignorant, or just plain retarded, when it comes to these debates.

Jared Taylor made that point several times.

Why have not the Sub-Saharan Africans not developed anything beyond the Stone Age? Even to this day…

The political-Left dodge this point, because they don’t and can’t answer it.

It exposes their ignorance, and cultural flaw.

…so you’re a Race Realist, are you not?

I have a mind, that thinks… I’m not fond of labels, so I don’t adhere to any.

You’d have to go by gotra/clan names, to differentiate between clans/tribes, not by locality.

Like I said… interesting exchanges.

…perhaps because that is where many tribes still dwell. I’m no expert on Sub-Saharan Africa, but I think that true. This is also indicative of all the other continents, in tribes still dwelling independently of Society, is it not? …hence why no development in those areas… they are tribal, not cosmopolitan, so the opposite of cosmopolitan.

Also 60% of that demographic’s population is under 20, so making it the most youthful region in the world.

Decades of conflict, corruption, and poor leadership, has also been a reason for the slow development of the region.

You’re welcome… ; )

I have slightly edited my, below, post…

Necessity is the Mother of Invention.

Humanity (all modern human races) was connected during the Stone Age. This is why Subsarahan Africans, Aboriginal Australians, Siberian Saomi, and Native Americans all use bows & arrows, stone tools, weaving, and basic farming.

The disconnect occurred just before the Bronze Age. The Americas did not invent the Wheel. Subsaharan Africans were isolated from the Fertile Crescent (Modern Turkey, Iraq, and Palestine) as were the Australian Aboriginals. Africans were separated by the Desert. Aboriginals were separated by the Indian Ocean, along with Phillipino tribes like Hawaiians and Samoans. Subsaharan Africans, Australian Aboriginals, and Native Americans did not develop beyond the Stone Age, until they were re-conquered during the Colonial Ages, centuries later.

both of you eat a dick. the same dick at the same time. losers.

lol umad

He’s jealous.