what was, what is and what will be...

as I try to understand what was, what is and what will be,
I see movement, time, distance… It is hard to grasp
that which is always moving…

I exist and as I age, I move, intellectually, emotionally, psychologically…
what was true at 2 is false at 12 and even more false at 22…
and what is true at 22 is false at 32 or 42 or even 52…
as my self ages and new environments imprint themselves on my soul,
I gain and lose beliefs and practices and hopes and dreams…

along with my own personal movement, all of my existence within
the state, the society, the culture and the systems, all change and evolve…

I am moving, my society is moving, the earth is moving, everything is moving,
in flux and in a state of evolution…
I live inside a moving wheel inside of another moving wheel inside of a another moving wheel…

what stops is dead and cannot move…
I pick up a flower to examine it and all I have accomplished it to kill the flower…
it is now dead, what can I learn from something dead? Answers only the dead know,
that once you stop moving, evolving, you are dead…

and now we know the terrible secret of the conservative…
they have stopped moving… and they are dead…
all that’s left is to bury them…

and what will be?

movement, exploration, action, flow, development, evolution…

the muttering of the white Rabbit… “Oh dear, Oh dear, I shall be late”
but what is he late for? Even he doesn’t know and neither do we…
the running and running and moving ever faster… to speeds unheard of…
and we are the White Rabbit… and we don’t know why it is so important to
go faster and faster and faster still…

to make profits which don’t go into our hands…
we are simply made to work faster and faster and faster…
and why? maybe you know? but do you? you are also the White Rabbit…
what are you late for? and why?

Movement, exploration, action, flow, development, evolution…
and too what end? to keep up with the White Rabbit?
and what of the Queen the Rabbit serves?
Off with their head… and excellent CEO the Queen makes…
insubordination and off with their heads…

and the CEO are overlords in their company, and they can say, with pride,
“L’etat c’est moi” making it clear the CEO and the CEO alone,
rules the estate… and he proves it everyday,
with the words, “off with their heads” and millions are fired from their jobs…

but in our world, there is evolution, action, change, movement…
and what evolution and change and movement will change
the power of the CEO? Where does the revolution come from,
in the age of CEO’s as monarchs?

what movement, evolution will we see tomorrow?
I wish I knew, for I would bet 20 in Vegas… if I only knew…


Our American society is on the brink of collapsing and throwing us into a third world country in many ways. Socially, we are legitimately fucked, there’s too much hate and lack of respect out there and that’s not necessarily due to false reasons either. Economically on the verge of ruin via the wealth gap. Politically, is obvious. The health of our people is compromised. Not just the pandemic and anti vax delaying our recovery, but the obesity… The sloth.

In any case, we all see it coming. We all know its coming. The end is near.

It reminds me of this tweet I saw recently:

“My ability to dissociate has become too powerful. Now I"m just watching the fall of America like ‘hmm yeah that happens to empires’ while I look for dog hats on Amazon.”
-Mike Primavera