Schopenhauers Mysticism

I thought better of it not to ask …


I’ll try to infer the reason … may i ?


Yeah I’ve taken a pretty deep dive into Schop’s complete works and I don’t recall him accepting reincarnation. He doubts that the soul will be reabsorbed into Brahman at the end of the first volume of The World is Will and Representation based on lack of evidence. Freudian psychoanalysis is based on Schop’s metaphysical will. He doesn’t get the credit he deserves imo.

But then maybe he used an unconsciously ( or deliberate) irony? Like a lot of those crafty guys back then.

Are you seriously arguing on the basis of absence of evidence? Maybe a lot of stuff.

Be my guest…

I’ll hunch, reverse psychology , …I do think that Shopenhauee used that on his admirers to a degree, to lull them into compliance, as my view of 'him has become a tell tale sign of older philosophers in general, that they used irony to a larger extent tget under their peers subconscious, to form some kind of Chanelle agreement

Am I close ?

Not even.

Well here is another possibility, that you may think that Kant used too categirical criteria to slice reason from judgement ( my obsessive two bladed doubletake) leading Schopenhauer to represent the autonomous will and the widening opinions into more and more opinions based on more complex ambiguous choices.

The reasoning, adapting to this disarray resorts to more marginal Grey areas, where the borders are becoming much more grayish, and tenously fixed and rigidly hel on to. The result is a an insecurity, and the wider the gaping hole, the more complex and abstractly do negative sensations to become sensible to the way things really look.

Pretty soon rigid dictatorships of the ego deny access to test their own reality and the God within perishes or, retires .


I feel MagsJ if I keep at it, I will get it,.


…and on second-thoughts, stop being my guest.
. . . . :laughing:

But You know it’s not a matter of not being able to get it exactly right, but more a matter of not giving up ON PRINCIPAL.

That’s just the way I am, no quitter. But will desist when feeling that getting the right answer may be detrimental , rather then the other way. But uncertain even about that.

I still feel that our 'intuition here is more comparable than not though.

I bet you do…

Now let’s stay on-topic, and reply to pertinent posts only.

Ok mysticism ala Schopenhauer. I think , really that I’m chanelling him right when I think he channeled Kant and concluded that to be a dead end. He turned east out of desperation.

Schopenhauer thought that the value of Kant’s philosophy was principally his distinction between the thing in itself and the phenomenal world in which it appears. The latter he identifies with Plato’s allegory of the cave and the Vedic conception of Maya.

And the nomina or the thing In It’self?

If there were reincarnation what would Schopenhauer come back as?

Maybe, popper? or Augustin reborn, or zizek? Or anyone

Not a toad then?

But, seriously, I haven’t found where Schopenhauer espouses reincarnation. If "mysticism’’ isn’t meant here as a derogatory term as it sometimes is, Fixed Cross might be referring not to Schopenhauer’s “world as representation” but to the metaphysical “world as will” part of his philosophy.

I’m intrigued by the reference to Schopenhauer’s metaphysics as “mysticism”. I think Tillich’s discourse on mysticsm is relevant to the question:

Suffice it to say for the moment that critics have compared Schopenhauer’s philosophy with his life and reached different conclusions.

But how is that deconstruction val8d, or rather how could such validity supported to and by those protesters?

I don’t see an exit sign there.