1. To explain the nature of existence, as opposed to non-existence, the theory postulates a universal medium or substrate of existence.
  2. The theory identifies this substrate with the quantum vacuum, which it considers a partial discovery of the universal medium or substrate of existence.
  3. Everything that exists, exists as forms of, and within, this universal substrate, the most elemental forms being the information content of elementary particles.
  4. These elemental forms, in combination according to the standard laws of physics and chemistry, form everything that exists.
  5. The observable universe is a computational information structure that exists in the information space of the universal substrate or medium of existence (the quantum vacuum).
  6. Human (and other) minds (and the collective science and common-sense worlds that codify them) simulate this universal information structure as the familiar ‘physical’ world we experience our lives within. Mind paints appearances, meanings, feelings onto this information world, and calls various combinations of the information of color, texture, heft, etc. ‘physical’ things when upon inspection they can all be seen as information; in fact, it’s clear that information is all that is ever experienced.


  1. Because all things are information forms in the universal medium of existence, they all ‘pop’ into consciousness as we experience them.
  2. Specifically, consciousness is this immanence, or ‘pop’ of forms into conscious awareness as we experience them. More precisely, it’s the ‘pop’ of the immanence of our focus of attention on objects in our simulation of reality as our focus of attention experiences them.


  1. Because the universe is an information structure it evolves through computation. The medium of existence is active and acts as a universal processor that continually computes its current data state from its previous data state based on rules stored as virtual information in the complete fine tuning, which includes the fundamental constants and everything else necessary to compute the continuing evolution of the observable universe.
  2. The universal processor computes each coherent process separately and simultaneously using a fixed number of cycles to compute each tick of present moment time.
  3. First it computes spatial velocity for each process, then uses the remaining cycles in the tick to compute temporal velocity (internal evolution of a process – its velocity through time). This computes a universe that is automatically relativistic, where the speed of light is set by the fixed number of cycles used to compute each tick of present moment time.
  4. As a result everything continually moves through spacetime at the speed of light, c, and the identical fixed distance everything travels though spacetime is the universal present moment. Clock times vary with spatial velocity but everything shares the same universal present moment because everything continually travels the same identical combined spacetime distance.
  5. And if we assume that the processor randomly conflates a small number of spatial velocity and temporal velocity cycles as it computes each coherent process then we automatically get quantum randomness, wave functions, and the Uncertainly Principle which all derive from random conflations of spatial and temporal. velocity. The Uncertainty Principle provides a measure of the conflation rate.
  6. Precisely how this works and its many implications are explained in detail in the theory.


  1. There is much more to the Complete Theory, but most derives from emergence.
  2. Everything is actually computed at the level of the information of the elementary particles, but the classical scale world and everything above the particle scale is emergent, it’s these aggregate data structures which emerge from the combinations of elementary particles based on the rules of the complete fine-tuning.
  3. It’s these emergent forms our minds build simulation models of and in which we appear to live our lives.
  4. The many aspects of the emergent world are also discussed in the theory but are too extensive to be summarized in this introduction.

The Complete Theory of Everything can be found at EdgarLOwen.info . All comments and questions are welcome.