Method of Philosophy

Man was dazzled by the sun…his skin scorched by the heat, and now he crawls back into the shadowy cave - that mental womb of his intellectual youth, refusing to come out again.

As long as the cave is guarded and the fires inside stocked, he can spend the rest of his day looking at his own shadow dancing on tis surfaces.

Yes, but there is no fire in the lowest 7 th part of the cave and that’s probably worse than the blazing oven one level up because from there a glimmer may offer some respit for ascent.

I’e never been to the lower parts…I’ve always been a surface dweller, soaring towards the sun.

Ok, will not contest that ., but be careful for not getting too close to the heat.

Okay, I lied…I rule the Underworld

Thanks for the admission, for the evil genius was beginning to doubt you.

That’s not been my experience in life. For me, truth-decisions arise from anxiety/fear/doubt, and are suspended there indefinitely (cognitive dissonance), until applied directly to reality. I can believe things are true, but belief does not make them True. Truth is an interaction/synthesis between subject/object or subject/reality.

Merging pleasure with Truth, means that you have already fallen into a trap of Confirmation Bias (Illogic): Irrationality, Pathology (Appeal to Emotion).

(More to your response Later)

Knowing things only ever makes things less stable. Philosophy requires stability, it does not ever afford it. What offers stability is another very different evolutionary mechanism, which is obedience.

Go on…

10 years ago, most people didn’t really care much about knowing much. Now everybody is a savant genius. Is it likelier that humanity suddenly became illuminated, or that a directive was passed down?

As with the Industrial Revolution, the Technology Revolution of Computation has raised the boats of the masses only slightly.

But the extremes, which are unlimited, are exponential. So the savant-geniuses themselves, yes, have accelerated.

As mentioned, now a Philosopher has access to billions of people in seconds. The next question to ask is, why are the masses so slow to adapt, why are the Midwits of Humanity so resistant to change?

They’re not actually genius savants.

Truth is hard and punishing. On the whole, people already have enough hard and punishing things to do. Philosophy requires privilege for that reason.

The genius savants of our age are just as busy as they were when they were just normal ass people. They didn’t suddenly develop a passion for the muses. But big man says you’re supposed to know, ok, I’m supposed to know. What does twiter say?

What is stable about it is not the half-assed pseudo philosophy that has arisen, but the fact that a clear order is handed down and obeyed.

It doesn’t matter what Twitter says.

It matters what Philosophy says, right here, right now.

That’s a very twitery way of putting it no offence.

I’ve said about Philosophy a lot, elsewhere. I don’t want to derail the thread too much further. I try to respect an OP’s leadership.

If you want more, from me, then my threads are waiting.


I’ve already explained it sufficiently, if you are too low IQ to understand that’s on you.

Define “senses”.

Sorry you’re unable to grasp this basic stuff. You sound autistic. Maybe philosophy isn’t for you.

Everyone lives in their head to a degree, the point is to make your head-space as truthful as possible. Which I have done.

No idea wym sorry.

I hope you can get some meds for whatever condition it is that you clearly are experiencing. My sympathies.

Senses, idealist, are how energies affecting organic sensory cells, interpreting this stimulation into neural energies transmitted to the brain where they are processed into sensations, images, abstractions - these feelings senses, abstractions are then synthesized, sometimes arbitrarily, and represented by symbols, words, numbers.

Language, including mathematics, represent these mental representations.
Subject lives with these interpretations/translations of energy stimuli.

Ideas are such representations.
The degree to which these representations accurately refer to these external patterns determines their veracity, and consequently the success of the mind if it dares to use them to direct tis choices, actions.

There are multiple sensory inpute…five senses…visual sensory input is achieved via a mediating energy, light - electromagnetism - which interacts with an object - a fluctuating pattern itself - and then the organic sensory cells, converted to neural energies transmitted to the brain where they are reconverted to images.
Interpreted twice…once by the body, into neural patterns/energies, and once by the brain, using a priori evolved methods.

Ideas that refer to other ides - words referring to more words - abstractions to other abstractions, are not validated empirically.
They remain in a solipsistic self-referential idealism.

Plato’s cave was the human brain…
His ideal world - from where Christianity was inspired - was the world of the mind, where space/time can be circumvented.
There are no ideas outside human brains.

Moron…I know you’ve reposted this crap before, and nobody called you out on them…so explain what this nonsense means:
Phenomenological expansion?

At what point in your self-refernetial linguistic crap does the concept refer to the world outside the mind?
Or does it continuously refer to other concepts?

How is your idea constructed?
From where, referring to what?
An idea of what?
The idea of a cow.
Let’s say.