
Symmetry = order.
Proportionality = sacrifice of symmetry to functionality.
Life finds this beautiful.
Beauty = symmetry/proportionality, relative to a survival and reproductive objective, indicating superior probabilities, within an expanding field of possibilities ([size=85]space/time[/size]).
Symmetry, indicating resistance to flux, and to chaos.
Proportionality indicating functional potentials - fitness, ability to perform, given a specific survival and reproductive strategy - species.

The common concept is probability, relative to an objective, which in the case of life the primal, primary, objective is survival - reproduction is an extension necessitated by mortality.

Language = form of communication.
All life communicates, beginning with plants.
The body constantly communicates unbeknownst to the mind, e.g. pheromones, electromagnetic aura, scents, textures, colourations, gestures etc.
Language begins as vocalizations, communicating mental states.
This is the beginning of art.
We hear it in the songbird’s song.
Art is libidinal energies expunging themselves using a medium such as light, air, stone etc. A product of excess.

Two types of needs.
Need, as the sensation of lack.
Desire, the sensation of excess.
Desire is the byproduct of need, if consistently and successfully satisfied.
These excess energies are stored as stress, for the fight/flight mechanism later evolving the heterosexual method of expunging them - libidinal.
Art evolves as additional method of expunging libidinal energies.

Two general kinds of art:
Art representing world.
Art representing the artist’s reaction to world.
Exoteric or Esoteric.
Or a mixture of the two.
We can trace these two types across all fields of artistry, including philosophy, using language as its artform.
So, we have philosophies that represent the world, and philosophies that represent man’s reaction to the world.
Philosophies that describe and explore the real world; philosophies that explore how man processes, collects, analyzes, reacts, or ought to, to achieve specific goals.
Or a mixture of the two.

1st Proposition – Patterns
The brain forages for patterns. It is an ordering biological tool.
The mind is its projection in time/space. As such it is attracted to patterns and order. The brain can only comprehend what it can store and analyze.
Storage requires ordering, i.e., cataloguing, categorizing; ordering chaos and/or complexity necessitates simplifications/generalizations.
Life constructs approximations to efficiently and effectively interact; it understands by finding patterns in the data patterns and, through them, extrapolating the unknown.

2nd Proposition – Resistance
The path-of-least-resistance implies that repetition reduces resistances, via habituation and experience stored as memory. We are drawn to the familiar because neural pathways, once established, are conveniently reused, rather than replaced. Continuous, repetitive reuse converts the unfamiliar into the something familiar, and difficulty into ease. This attraction to the familiar creates behavioral patterns resulting in thinking, species, or culture.

3rd Proposition – Energy
Energy is resonating interactivity; momentum/movement manifesting universal Flux. Matter is resonating energy, of a particular rhythm/tone, making it more or less substantial in relation to organic metabolism and the subsequent sensual acuity it manifests.

4th Proposition – Melody
Music is a sonar, i.e., atmospheric, stimulations of organic sense organs; acoustic patterns of consistent repetition – otherwise it is called noise; energy made audible.

The familiarity and repeating consistency of patterns make them pleasing; awakening memories by stimulating neural pathways which might have atrophied (forgotten) harmonizing with organic energies, imitating their resonating aggregate rhythms – triggering emotional and psychosomatic effects.

Why do we find beauty attractive?
We intuitively recognize heightened potentials and probabilities for success.

Why do we find a natural panorama beautiful?
We are awe struck by the world’s probabilities - most of which we cannot process.

Why do we find a musical piece beautiful?
Our biorhythms find resonance with the melody and the musical rhythms.
We are swept away by probabilities we cannot fully conceptualize. the body feeling patterns the mind cannot grasp, but can only surrender to.

Schopenhauer described the cosmos as a symphony, where each particle was a note.
What resonates in us, when we listen to a musical piece, are cosmic patterns in harmony with our own

Space = interpretation of possibilities - forever expanding outward.
Time = movement through possibilities, relative to individua’s metabolism - experienced as change, viz., interactivity between perceived patterns.

Matter/Energy = all states, from gas to solids - qualification of spatial possibilities, i.e., probabilities. Order ([size=85]pattern[/size]) represents a limitation of possibilities, without ever attaining certainty - the absolute state: singularity.
A singularity is a theoretical spatial state where all possibilities have imploded into a certainty - god. An impossibility.
If it were possible all existence would end, since existence is continuous dynamic interactivity - experienced by a consciousness as need/suffering, or agon, i.e., war, struggle…
Therefore, this utopian state of eternal peace, with no conflicts ([size=85]interactions[/size]), no injustices ([size=85]absolute equality, uniformity[/size]), no need no suffering, is really a death wish.
A Buddhist desire to not be born again.
Buddhism is to Hinduism what Abrahamic is to Hellenism ([size=85]Indo-European paganism[/size]).
Hellenic asceticism is not Buddhist nor Abrahamic asceticism.
The Greek term paideia ([size=85]παιδεια[/size]) has as its root the term for to make suffer, to agitate.
The Greek term for ascetic ([size=85]ασκησις[/size]) means to exercise - to place oneself in a state of stress, suffering - not as an end, as in nihilistic dogmas, but as a means of increasing habituation with suffering - existence.

Physical symmetry/proportionality does not automatically correspond to mental symmetry/proportionality.
It may indicate inherited potentials - probability - but it requires stress, exercise, to cultivate its potentials.
Physical beauty often results in mental lethargy.

Without stress - suffering - the mind cannot reach its full inherited potentials.

Mental, or Psychological symmetry/proportionality is inconspicuous and can only be detected via the body’s actions, choices - exposing the mind’s judgments.
Some markers:
Humour, charm, indicating mental flexibility, creativity, adaptability.
Empathy - not to be confused with sympathy/antipathy - indicating imagination, objectivity, the ability to think outside one’s subjective needs/desires - understanding.
Aristocracy indicating the objective recognition and appreciation of what is superior.
Sympathy indicating the ability to establish relationships of reciprocity.
Self-control indicating the ability to focus available energies upon an objective, increasing the probability of success, without ever attaining certainty.
Obsessive, addictive personalities tend to squander their energies pursuing objectives that fail; unable to adjust and change course; dependence.

Like a canary dying of a gaseous toxin in the mineshaft, connection with reality fall away as the dying brain suffocates.

Beauty is the first sign of tis disconnections - its falling into its subjective death throws.

Instead of an objective definition it adopts a definition that refers to tis subjective reactions.


Past is constantly made present, as presence.
Presence is translated, interpreted by a conscious mind as appearance, in accordance with evolved, a priori, methods that have proven effective and so have ben propagates as species methods.

Man attempts to conceal and replace appearances using clothing, cosmetics and recently, surgical interventions - and by training, educating individuals into uniform behaviours and using collectivized standards for evaluating existence.
They want to usurp natural order with their own ideologically founded manmade alternatives.
Biological identifiers are contrary to nihilistic ideologies.
Nihilism being a defensive attitude attempting to protect the ego from nature’s injustices, and indifference.
Many types of nihilism, from spiritual to secular - religious to philosophical.

Nihilism attempts to overturn the sequence of genes/memes to memes/genes, using language…words/symbols, semiotics.
This is clear in collectivized definitions of words, such as woman, morality, love, god, free, will…race…
any word, representing a concept, can be rehabilitated by disconnecting it from tis external referents and reattached to other words, forming theories that refer to nothing outside the minds that hold them as abstractions, viz., they redefine words out of existence.
Emotions, including shame, are used to manipulate minds into adopting these redefinitions until they become conventional.
Their collective frame of reference is now the Dictionary or any text that adopts this conventional, popularized, definition.

The collective frame of reference is now text…or vocalized words, with no references in reality.

Over time such minds can be made to lose trust in their own senses, in their own judgments, becoming entirely dependent on collective "experts - replacing the priestly class - deferring to texts in books…
If the text tells them to mistrust their own senses they will do so.
The text is infallible, sacred, holy…it adheres to humanity’s will - god’s will.
Humanity = God; God = Humanity

Appearance is not fake, nor an illusion…it is a manifestation of essence…presence interpreted, perceived, as appearance.