Overcoming Abraham

We who live in this world have been raised under the influence of a spiritual dogma - world- view - that has hijacked our thinking via our understanding of specific words.
Through Americanism and its world dominance, and centuries before it, the world has been encased in Old & New Testament definitions of terms like god, morality, purpose…

Those of us who rebelled against these scriptural concepts eventually came to identify ourselves with their negation - a negation of a negation of reality.
Nietzsche being the icon.
Some of us call ourselves atheist because we reject Biblical definitions and descriptions of the god of Abraham; we call ourselves a-moralists because we reject biblical definitions and descriptions of morality, as god given rules; and we call ourselves nihilists because we reject biblical descriptions and definitions of purpose being to make atonement for a primordial sin, dedicating our lives to fulfilling this purpose - for the Jews the purpose is to return existence to its original perfection.

In that sense we are all with Nietzsche, nihilists of nihilism…because as they’ve been described and defined in the Bible, these words contradict and nullify experienced existence.
But was there no world before?
Was god always described and defined in biblical terms?
Was there no morality before the bible tells us, god gave it to us?
Was there no purpose?

These concepts can be rescued from their corrupted state.
God can be reconnected to existence as references to natural forces, or a representation of the forever incomprehensible and counterintuitive - chaotic. Offering us mere mortals salvation from out anxiety before the unknown.
Morality can be returned to refer to human codes of conduct written down as laws - similar to how man discovers natural laws - referring to necessary behaviours for cooperative survival and reproductive strategies to remain effective.
Purpose can be rescued from the theoretically divine and connected to its reference to an objective.
Meaning being another term, that can be rescued from nihilism - describing existence as ‘meaningless’ - returning it to its reference to ordering interconnective interactive dynamic existence; a cosmos full of meaning and not meaningless at all.

When we remain nihilists we are essentially remaining true to the Old & New Testament corruptions of words, and the concepts they refer to.
We have not overcome Abraham, but remain in his shadow…trapped in his nihilistic hole, unable to dig ourselves out because we do not understand how words were used to enslave us - not using physical chains but mental chains, that gave us comfort and shelter.
Freedom is terrifying for a slave, born and raised in chains. Responsibility along is enough to drive a man back to the stable.
Such a slave does not need physical chains, or prison bars with guards…he is his own jailer; his mind incarcerated semiotically.


When a slave is rescued from his chains, does he not seek new chains and new masters to give himself to?

We liberate our words from their Abrahamic corruptions only to enslave them to new idols, giving us new definitions that remain contrary to experienced existence.
How many of us can define the terms we use to describe our convictions in ways that can be verified independently?
How many of us understand the words we use to communicate our beliefs?

How many of us can use our words to connect minds to an indifferent shared existence?

How many of us have truly overcome the Old & New Testaments?

Are we not all recovering Abrahamics?
Has not Nietzsche’s declaration that “god is dead” nor panicked us, compelling us to run to a new name for the same concept?

If we baptize a concept, change its name, but remain true to its previous descriptions, definitions, am I really progressing?

Is not our definition and understanding of nihilism also part of nihilism?

Do we not adopt Abraham’s god to declare ourselves atheists?
Do we not adopt Biblical ethics to declare ourselves a-moralists?
Do we not adopt Scriptural accounts of life’s meaning/purpose, to declare the world meaningless?

And when we move form spiritual dogmas to secular forms, and adopt secular terminologies, have we escaped the concepts?

Has not Abraham’s one-god not become universe, or absolute order - an mental enclosure that makes of life a sadistic ploy?
Have we transcended or simply changed the words associated with the same ancient concepts we were born and raised on?
Have we overcome our need to follow prophets when we follow Nietzsche religiously…or any mortal man, using his words as sacred talismans, or indisputable divine wisdom?

In between absolute one and absolute nil, is where you’ll find existence.

Do we need a creator god to explain how morality emerges and what is its function?
Do we need the god of the bible to explain what love is and why it is so powerful an emotion?

Do we need an authority’s certainty to tell us what to consider probable and what improbable?
Have we not been trained to distrust our own senses, to the point where most of us consider the world they exposes us to, an “illusion”?
How comforting this is…and this should make us doubt it.

Nihilism’s power is in its linguistic alternatives - seducing us with a theoretical relief from existence.
Nihilists seek large collectives sharing the basic premises of their nullifications, because their convictions require affirmation form somewhere, other than the world.

Abrahamics find it in the Old & New Testaments, in Quran or Torah…
Progressives find it in books, written by popular icons.

Circumcision and the idea that God does shit that ancients expected from a “God”.
God is portrayed as a king, an absolute ruler, which is arrogant.
Punishing people, at times, for mere disbelief.
Abrahamic religion makes other religions, other than their own,
a crime punishable by death.

Jehovah’s witnesses are a kind of Jew, to me.
They believe in the bible absolutely.

Even Marxists and postmoderns are linguistically imprisoned by Abrahamism.

Lol Jakob, what kind of shit hole did I let you drag me into.

I see this as a struggle between new and old ideas.

Abraham was from way back.
But his crap spread and got famous.
It became a standard.

Is Judaism a conquest religion?
When they inherited the promised land,
and drove out all the races that lived there.

When Christianity/Judaism spread, “God” meant/means “LORD”, Absolute Authority, a Ruler through Fear, Depiction of Abrahamism:


Kabbalism is, itself, an appropriation and corruption of Gnosticism.

Circumcision, practiced among the ancient-Egyptian, was transferred to their slaves, as a mark of distinction - cleanliness.
Perhaps a mark of enslavement…recognizable, like a branding, indicating a belonging to a group.
Symbolic castration. A man signals his role as god’s agent.

Defining concepts “out of existence” implies that a mediator is required to attempt to comprehend…or to reach the divine, as it is defined and described in Abrahamic scripture.
To make sacred is to sacrifice…

Yes, Circumcision is symbolic of castration. The “good slaves” got to reproduce, but only through permission of ‘God’. It is used today as a reminder of this submission.

Clearing our minds form centuries of Abrahamic infections requires will and courage.
Words like ‘god’, ‘morality’, ‘meaning’, ‘value’, ‘love’…

The tragedy is not that very few men are free…
The tragedy is that even fewer than those, want to become free.

Yes…so even when you offer an alternate to their understanding and negation of morality, they refuse to consider it and offer their own alternative using the same method of using words to attach the mind to experienced reality.
They excuse themselves by claiming that without the authority of god there is no authority…and so all words are rendered meaningless and ready to be defined by collective consent…or, like the pseudo-anrachists as they will.

They can only accept a new Master, a new Lord.
It’s not even a possible consideration in their minds otherwise.

I believe there’s a genetic element to it,
Events that happened millenniums ago.

It’s the difference between a Mustang and a domesticated, buck-broken horse, different genealogies.
Wolf — Dog.

Using words to detach minds from reality - rewarding them with the pleasure of existential relief - is how you prepare them for exploitation by the priestly, who present themselves s mediators between the real and the unreal; seducing, bribing, coercing them with words.

A relief from the experience of existing, as need/suffering.
Hedonism is their reward.
Prolonged detachment - sheltering - leads to atrophy, increasing dependency.
The longer sheeple remain behind fences, provided for and protected by a shepherd/farmer, the more they can no longer survive outside the enclosures he provides…not because he is benevolent, but because he harvests them so that he also becomes a farmer losing his hunting abilities.