Love for wisdom

If philosophy is love for wisdom,
it is an act of love itself.
But love is one of our natures.
It is am emotion and an instinct.
Therefor, it must be that truth is good,
otherwise it would not be love-able.
And it must be that wisdom is good,
otherwise it would not be love-able.

When I was depressed,
the truth seemed dark.
Truth was a revealing of an ignored evil.
Humans seemed to twist and turn,
trying to avoid realizing evil in the world.
If truth is evil or bad, why is it worth time?
Trueness seems to be that it is good
to learn, even if what is learned is dark.

Now that I’m on my anti depressant,
truth seems optimal.

I think if one believes in the capacity of the living to effectively utilize truth,
then the acquirement of truth is a step along the path of empowerment.
Confronting truths hold lessons and pieces of knowledge in the jigsaw of our understanding.

It seems wiser to wrestle with a truth than a fabrication.
Not only for the self, but for others who may walk a similar path.
One can leave signposts of discoveries in relation to truth,
allowing others to explore further.

Even if one becomes lost and requires rescue,
I think it’s an admirable endeavor.
Truth is universal, and can be utilized by anyone.
Communal effort, communal reward.

Exploration demands preperation.
It’s careless to rush into the unknown.
One person’s obstacle is another’s tomb.

Even if one understands an obstacle,
if one is injured or exhausted,
the traversable may temporarily be non-traversable.

Furthermore, some journeys are better not taken alone -
Until one finds the right team, better to be postponed.

I hope you’re able to utilize the truths you encounter.

“serenity to accept the unchangeable,
courage to change the things I can,
and wisdom to know the difference.”

Wisdom is knowing when & where to walk.

I read your post, thank you.
However, no replies come to mind at this time.

thirst for wisdom is endless because learning is a never ending process it is attainable by reading books or going with people and having special events like partying or enjoying life together however if not wanted life becomes a waste of time and slander occurs and so there are no reasons for explaining hedonism practiced by hedonists or machavellian in nature which considers power as the source of all good in society and social well beings wisdom is machissmo if considered as philosophy and the humanities such as fine arts which is also a source of knowledge therefore it is acceptable to say that wisdom is everywhere and is everybody’s responsibility such as for existentialists and enlightenment philosophers

O:) =; :-& :-$ :sunglasses:

Opt for life, Dan.

Sometimes the truth is really ugly.
But learning the truth seems to be beyond ordinary morals.
Learning itself, knowledge, seems to always be good.
What you do with it can make it seem good or bad,
but before application, knowledge stands alone as a vital thing.