A Case for Immaterial Space

George Berkeley and Immanuel Kant both denied the existence of ontological space. Issac Newton maintained that
space is absolute, a condition of immaterial space. Even the relativists such as Leibnitz maintained that there is
no space without mass. The nebulous spacetime of Einstein is deemed to be emergent by String theory and Loop
quantum gravity, a warning that the nature of space is still in flux. If space consists of a fabric, neutrinos and
photons are not hampered by it and space is transparent as though there is no space. It is understandable that
Berkeley, Kant and Leibnitz denied the existence of space. They could not arrive at the view that space is an immaterial
existent that makes reality possible and even makes reality actual. Since no entity can create itself, mass and
reality are a creation of immaterial space. Immaterial space should make a better universe: mass is not hampered
by a fabric and Newton’s first law of motion should even work better. For the point of view of this post, the paramount
question is does the immaterial exist??–mass could not create itself!!

Are you suggesting spacetime is Descartes’ spiritual matter (mind)?

Descartes thought that space was full; therefore, there was no space.

You mean like conservation full? You didn’t really answer my question… unless you mean… yes… God is full - as in complete.

p.s. Leibniz’ monads & Descartes’ corpuscles :slight_smile:


Not really. Didn’t suggest anything on Descartes. His view of space is that it is always filled. So if
space is filled, there is NO space. Space is still there–filled. The issue of space is still unsettled,
but I think my view is correct. Materialists, like scientists, think materially.

No suggestions on Descartes. Nothing on God or spirituality.

What if you’re wrong & won’t understand or advance until you plug that into the numbers?

No, I did not intend that.

No, not now. Maybe later.

Fine. No Snell-Descartes for you.

But please.

What came first?

The field or the rotation?

The spiral or the dipole rotor?

The magnetron or the field?

Space is 3 dimensional distance, or otherwise known as “volume.”

Volume is independent of what is contained in that volume.

For example, a 1 gallon jug can have zero water in it, or it can have 1/2 a gallon of water in it, or it can be full with 1 gallon of water in it. The 1 gallon is 1 gallon of SPACE, and the water in that space is independent of that space.

Another example is a cylinder for an engine. The displaced VOLUME of the cylinder is simply pi x r^2 x stroke. So a cylinder with a bore (diameter) of 4" and a stroke of 3" has a displacement VOLUME of (3.14159 x (2 x 2)) x 3, or 37.69908 cubic inches of displacement VOLUME (space).

That 37.69908 cubic inches is totally independent of how much air/fuel mass is contained in that cylinder. The space is not in any way changed by how much mass is contained in that space. Space is simply 3 DIMENSIONAL DISTANCE.

Do you know that feeling you get when you’re not really doing anything or thinking about anything and you’re not meditating on purpose and you’re not feeling the way it feels to purposely / purposefully rest your thoughts — and something wants to fill the gap, or the gap wants to be filled?

That’s space.

As conceived by those who don’t understand conservation.

In life if you have air you are done for be nobody in this life you’ll beat them all the mall unless they never saw you coming if you have air in life you can fall from grace anytime so just beat it just lose in life let them win and you will not regret anything about it

I chose to take the road less taken Robert Frost

If space, or Einstein’s spacetime, were made of no physical substance at all, then they simply would not exist at all, because to exist is to be made of “something”. Agreed?

If “something” is made of “nothing”, then this “something” is “nothing” (does not exist). Period.

And, if space was made of some physical substance, then, in principle, we should be able to experimentally detect the physical existence of such substance, either directly or indirectly. Agreed?

So, what is space made of ??

=D> #-o


Marhatten…is that you god-man?
A cartoon?
A clown?

Yeup…your every post reveals a mind so simple, so desperate…


I am your, and the only, supernatural supreme Creator God,
you tiny little parakeet.

So much need. So weak.

This has got to be the stupidet shit I’ve ever read on this forum…

And this includes Ecmandu’s posting.


No things.