
Erased duplicate

…a bottleneck of thoughts, from the last few days… buffered, but now released, into the akashic record of time and out into the mental plane of pure thought. Does the mind seek it, or it seek the mind, though?

Meno said: “MagsJ, all fakery discounted by now, being absolutely on the level to connect the largess of the gap between the Vampire, and his often associated psychic element, tends to portray him negatively. In terms of covering some diffuse self parody or other.”

-it wasn’t the audio, but the visual aesthetic, that I posted the video for… reminiscent of a church graveyard I used to find myself in, on occasion, when young… where the priest did John Wayne impressions, and the graves, used for hide-and-seek, with kin.

MagsJ said,

“wasn’t the audio, but the visual aesthetic, that I posted the video for… reminiscent of a church graveyard I used to find myself in, on occasion,”

Its like a comedy of errors, for the playing field is supplicant to my own corrected viduals, as a metafor, leading to the hopefully more complete metamorphosis, for of course literally non obliging, but me, analogous to the bat’s blindness, find myself needing to cover the interchange, so sorrily decided by the continental oceanic gap.

Cover that, kindness, of which in case of vampires and bats, could instill some measure of impression between the literal and the imaginary.

Leave at that, but so that sorrily miss especially the dark room with what appears as a faint small figure sitting by. a table, faded into the background , a contextual mix.

Why is Dracula the strongest vampire?
Like all vampires, Dracula’s powers grow stronger with time, age, experience, and the consumption of human blood. He is even shown to be more powerful than Hybrids, Enhanced Originals, and even Advanced Originals, or the Beast. … However, he needs to feed on human blood to sustain that life. › wiki


5th or 6th century




Europe, headquartered in Hungary

The Old World Coven is the oldest coven of Vampires that is located in Europe. The Coven likely had a different title before 1873, when the cities of Buda, Pest and Óbuda were united to form the city of Budapest.


The Old World Coven was formed in the 6th century, as the Vampires began to take action against a powerful enemy, the bestial Werewolves who sought to destroy all in their path. When Hungarian warlord Viktor agreed to wage war on the Werewolves on behalf of Marcus Corvinus in return for immortality and turned his army into the first Death Dealers, the foundation for a society was laid. Under the leadership of the three Vampire Elders, this society grew and rules were established. Thus, the Covenant and the Coven with it were conceived.

Viktor and Amelia, two of the three Vampire Elders, sought to undermine Marcus’s authority, which implies this may have been the primary reason a Vampire Council was formed and The Chain was conceived.

In the third film, taking place in medieval times, a large number of Coven members are seen in a secluded mountain fortress of Castle Corvinus, however, it is unlikely that that was the Vampires’ only settlement at the time as Semira is known to have been Regent of the Budapest Coven for an unspecified period of time prior to being sent to the Nordic Coven in 1402 or 1403.

At some unknown point, the growing Vampire Coven would also spread out in branches over the continent, establishing powerbases and extending its reach to countries like the Paris Coven in France and the Nordic Coven in Scandinavia. Later, the Vampires colonized America and established the New World Coven most likely with a base in New York.

By the 21st Century, as seen in the first film, a number of members had gathered at a secluded mansion, but it remains unknown how large a part of the Coven’s population they represented. The Vampires in the Coven owned Ziodex Industries and had begun manufacturing synthetic blood.

You’re sailing softly through the sun
In a broken stone age dawn
You fly so high

I get a strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

You’re walking meadows in my mind
Making waves across my time
Oh no, oh no

I get a strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

Oh, I’m never gonna be the same again
Now I’ve seen the way it’s got to end
Sweet dream, sweet dream

Strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Got a strange magic

It’s magic, it’s magic, it’s magic
Strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic
Got a strange magic
Strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic

Got a strange magic
Strange magic
Oh, what a strange magic
Oh, it’s a strange magic

Got a strange magic
Strange magic
You know I got a strange magic
Yeah I got a strange magic
Strange magic

Written by Jeff Lynne
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC

"Communism and the Vampire: The most famous use of the vampire image in political rhetoric came in the nineteenth century in the writings of Karl Marx. Marx borrowed the image from his colleague Frederick Engels, who had made a passing reference to the “vampire property-holding” class in The Condition of the Working Class in England. Marx commandeered the image and turned it into an integral element of his condemnation of the bourgeoisie (middle class). The bourgeoisie supported the capitalist system—the very system that had it in its grip.

Thus Marx could speak of British industry as vampire-like, living by sucking blood, or the French middle class stealing the life of the peasant. In France the system had “become a vampire that sucks out its the peasant’s blood and brains and throws them to the alchemist’s cauldron of capital.” As Chris Baldick noted, for Marx, the essential vampiric relationship was between capital and labor. Capital sucks the life out of living labor and changed it into things of value, such as commodities. He contrasted living labor (the working class) with dead labor (raw products and machinery). Living labor was sentenced to be ruled by the “dead” products of its past work.

These products did not serve living labor, but living labor served the products it had created. Its service provided the means to obtain the products (which made up the wealth of the middle and upper class). Very early in Capital Marx stated, “Capital is dead labour which, vampirelike, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.”

Dracula and Xenophobia: Recent comment on the novel Dracula, especially that of Stephen D. Arata, emphasized the social comment Bram Stoker more or less consciously embedded in his novel. Dracula, like other British novels of the period, expressed the fear that had developed as the British Empire declined: as the civilized world declined, Great Britain, and by extension Western Europe and North America, were under the threat of reverse colonization from the earth’s “primitive” outposts. Stoker was well known for placing his gothic setting at a distant place, rather than pushing his storyline into the distant past. In the person of Dracula, he brought the wild unknown of the East, of Transylvania, to contemporary London.

Arata convincingly argued that Stoker held Transylvania as a fresh and appropriate symbol of the strife believed to be inherent in the interaction of the races of Eastern Europe and the Middle East. Dracula was not like Lord Ruthven or Carmilla—merely another decadent member of displaced royalty. He was a warrior in a land that pitted warriors against each other as a matter of course. His intentions were always domination and conquest. The coming of vampirism could bring the racial heterogeneity (and the racial strife inherent within it) to Great Britain. After figuring out what Dracula was and what he intended by his purchase of property in London, Jonathan Harker lamented his role in introducing Dracula to the city’s teeming millions. He would conquer the land and foul the blood of the British race; the threat to the body was also a threat to the body politic.

The central problem for Stoker was a form of Victorian racism and the threatened pollution that the savage races, represented by the figure of Dracula, brought. After Dracula bit Mina Murray, she became “unclean.” The boxes of foreign earth he brought to England had to be “sanitized.” The untouchable Dracula was also sexually virile, capable of making any number of offspring, while British men by contrast were unproductive. Unlike the mothers, the fathers of the major characters were not mentioned, the only exception being Arthur Holmwood‘s father, who died during the course of the novel. Only at the end, after Dracula was killed, did Harker symbolize the father of a new generation with a pure racial heritage.

The Contemporary Vampire: Throughout the twentieth century, the vampire has become a stock image utilized internationally by political cartoonists and commen tators to describe the objects of their hostile political commentary. In recent decades, war, fascism, and even the country of Ghana have been labeled as vampiric entities. One recent vivid example of such usage of the vampire metaphor appeared in the wake of the fall of Communism in Russia and Eastern Europe at the end of the 1980s and the proclamation by then U.S. President George Bush of a “New World Order.”

This term had previously entered the language through its use by a wide variety of political utopians from which it had acquired a number of controversial connotations. It sparked a variety of negative comment. The most virulent of the opposition, claiming that a New World Order amounts to the arrival of a world government, organized the Police Against the New World Order and launched Operation Vampire Killer 2000. Its program consists of a step-by-step plan to inform police, the military, and other law enforcement units about the New World Order and thus prevent their cooperation with it."

This is from a piece I found stashed, for which I cant find the siyrce, but will keep searching fof it.

Actually, in the swamp, if there is one, the only way to resist is through a thorough, vampiric existence.

It really is an inverted life, which gives new life , by aceeding to the eternal night of egolessness, for how can anyone perceive the nothingness of the intangible?

That covers the acid test of the nothingness around being and and existence, which really is something, - else besides that which glimmers with false hope.

The signs are everywhere, beware all who enter here, because there really is no exit. What can’t be seen, can hardly be understood, the break is enormous, it is a gaping hole no one could or should be expected to envision, not less figure out. It has a hidden objective, although such simplest things are hardest to understand.

Perhaps a mouse who used to roar in presence of cats in the jungle, got smart and took to flight in the darkness as dark princes once did.

"Dark Prince introduces the Carpathians, a powerful and ancient race. They have many gifts, including the ability to shape-shift, and extended life spans, living well over many years. Though they feed on human blood, they don’t kill their human prey, and for the most part live among them without detection. Despite their gifts, the Carpathians are on the edge of extinction. There have been few children born to them in the past few centuries, those that have been born are all male and often die in the first year. It has been more than 500 years since a female has been born. Without females, many of the males are turning, becoming vampires, the monsters of human legend. After 200 years, a male Carpathian loses the ability to feel emotions and see in color. These will only return to him when he finds his lifemate, the other half of his soul.

Mikhail Dubrinsky, Prince of the Carpathians, has worked tirelessly for centuries to discover why so many of their children die in the first years. However, his efforts have come to no avail. It is at this time, when he is on the brink of despair and self-destruction that he meets a beautiful human psychic, Raven Whitney. Raven is a strong telepath, and has worked with the police to capture four serial killers. But her gift has come with a price: a life of isolation, and pain whenever she uses her gift. When he meets her, he is shocked and amazed when he suddenly is able to see colors in her presence; he realizes that she is his lifemate. Despite his joy, there is doubt in his mind. No human woman has ever been a lifemate to a Carpathian. All human females who were converted had become deranged creatures, feeding on children and had to be destroyed.

But he knows she is the only woman for him, the other half of his soul. He is determined to live as a human with her and to die when she does. However, this is not to be. Raven is attacked by fanatics, and he is forced to convert her to save her life. Her survival brings new hope to him and his people, for if one psychic human female can be a lifemate, surely there are others."

Know Thyself

Subject: Re: Desperate Degenerates Yesterday at 10:53 am

Satyr wrote:
I visit, from time to time…only reading what I can see. Haven’t bothered to become a member.
I’ll only be banned when they sniff an old goat.

Last time a pseudo-intellectual bombastic buffoon attempted to teach me Greek.
A member of the van clan, moulded to be narcissistic and proud of it.
He reported me to the “authorities” just as I was expanding my views on tribal Vampire clans, mental parasites and whatnot… and I was thrown out with a final taunt that irreparably bruised my fragile ego.

γνῶθι σεαυτόν
μηδέν άγαν

…and just as the discussion was starting to get really interesting too…

I heard many innuendo, about 'know Thyself, some arguably positive, some reverse
Just as such is implied as an eternal dialogue abut the status quo and it’s conflicting progressive post modern counterpart.

That innuendo in another context, I need not point out the authors ship, unbeknown to one, is carried furtively, without leveling the two sources of participation, creating a sense of tedium, with both sides stuck in a stale mated counterpositipn.

Reference to prom is on my part a shallow attempt to designate a literal celebration about some hope for a finality, the object behind if, to overcome the difference in labels and levels. Vampires are left in that mystical cave, the ground of which is beyond that simplistic, literal positive realm where Wittgenstein’s lostness, was lost on others.

Man on the street I used to know:

What about Trump as vampire? He says sure.

I go -others on street claim both rotted.

Man says: heard coming civil war.

I go hope it doesent
, as long it doesent go nucelar!

Better resolve than accept a popular notion .
Vampira says ignorance may be bliss, and she got the message of what philosophy in the ruins should be all about.

Well, then while there, read about it in the papers, and never go down ( there with regret)

So now what? Well You cam always start.
A vignette, like some memoir, until they shut down the presses.

Yeah. But that won’t look so good.
True. But in any case, maybe some one will come along. Maybe. Someone else who is unafraid of the dark.

I dunno. It’s worth a try.

Fiction and fact, and some overlap



House of Corvinus

Alexander Corvinus (Hungarian: Corvin Sándor) is the first true Immortal in the Underworld movies and is the father of Markus Corvinus and William Corvinus, as well as an ancestor of Michael Corvin, who is a descendant of Corvinus’s third and mortal son. He is portrayed by Derek Jacobi.

Alexander was a Hungarian warlord who lived in the early 5th century. He ascended to power just in time to watch his village ravaged by an unknown plague. Alexander was the only survivor of the plague. His body was able to adapt the virus, and, likewise be adapted by it, and through some unknown means consequently made him immortal. The plague that wiped-out his home town and mutated with Alexander may have been a part of the first wave of the Bubonic plague to hit Europe (otherwise known as the “Plague of Justinian”), although the timing for the Justinian Plague is off by a nigh-century (although archaeo-pathological evidence reveals that Bubonic plague had been around as early as the Bronze Age), and that Bubonic plague is bacterial rather than viral.

Years later, with his wife Helena, he fathered three children, two of whom inherited the immortal strain in its active form: twin brothers Markus and William. Markus was bitten by a bat and metamorphosed into the first vampire. William was bitten by a wolf and metamorphosed into the first werewolf. William became a savage beast that was unable to ever assume human form again, something Alexander attributed to his uncontrollable rage. Only Alexander’s third son (who inherited the immortal strain in its inactive form) remained a human. Markus and his vampire army (led by Viktor) captured his brother William and locked him in a secret prison for over 800 years, the location of which was kept from Markus. When Viktor ordered his vampire daughter executed for having been impregnated by a Lycan, he inadvertently touched off a centuries-long war between lycans and vampires. Alexander chose to keep the war contained from ever spilling into the mortal realm. He hired humans to clean up after the battles and to help conceal their existence from the normal human population. Alexander states in Underworld: Evolution that he believes he and his sons were oddities of nature, and that the world is not theirs to conquer but belongs to the humans. Despite not displaying any powers of his own, he is referred to by Selene as the strongest of the immortals and the only one capable of killing his sons, indicating he does possess some abilities.

At the time of Underworld: Evolution, Alexander was operating under the alias of Lorenz Macaro, and ran his operation from the ship “Sancta Helena”. He meets with Selene and Michael, who ask for his help to destroy Markus and William. He reveals that no matter what they have become, he cannot help Selene and Michael against them, for they are his own sons. Alexander has come into possession of Viktor’s body (and Viktor’s half of the prison key that holds William Corvinus). Alexander is visited by Markus, who impales him with his wing talon, takes Viktor’s half of the key and leaves him for dead.

As Alexander lays dying, he calls Selene to him to drink some of his pure immortal blood. The blood, he tells her, will make her “the future” and is her only hope of being strong enough to destroy the Corvinus brothers. After Selene and Michael leave, Alexander detonates a case of explosives on his ship, obliterating it in the harbor, along with killing himself. His blood enhances Selene’s powers, making her equal to the Hybrid Markus in strength and giving her an immunity to sunlight, ultimately allowing her to defeat him. She tells Detective Sebastian in Underworld: Awakening about getting her sunlight immunity from Alexander, referring to it as a gift from him. Detective Sebastian displays knowledge of who Alexander is when Selene brings him up.

Main article: Michael Corvin
Michael Corvin (in Hungarian: Corvin Mihály), bitten first by Lucian and later by Selene, metamorphosed into a Lycan/Vampire Hybrid. Being a hybrid, Michael can regenerate cells and muscle tissues as well as internal organs even when he is dead, as long as his body stays intact. (Michael came back to life when Markus killed him by impaling him through the chest). Counting the unborn child of Lucian and Sonja, Michael is the second Lycan/Vampire Hybrid. In Underworld: Awakening, he is labeled “Subject 0”. He is portrayed by Scott Speedman and appears in a cameo in Underworld: Blood Wars by Trent Garrett.

Eve is the 12/14-year-old hybrid daughter of Selene and Michael Corvin, through whom she is a descendant of Alexander Corvinus. In Underworld: Awakening, she tells Selene that her name is Subject 2. She was born without her parents’ knowledge during their 12/15-year captivity in Antigen; while a watch guard on patrol at the pier that Selene and Michael tried to leave the city in answers that the pier has been closed for at least about 12 years, interviews from the set, and by one of the film’s Producers in bonus material on the DVD and Blu-ray, confirmed that upwards of 15 years had passed from the time that Selene and Michael were captured, to the time that Eve breaks Selene out of cryo-suspension.[12]

The scientists in the facility told her that her mother was dead and never heard anything about her father. After her escape, Selene discovers Eve and learns that she is her daughter, realizing that she had been pregnant at the time of her capture, and given birth to Eve all during her unconscious state. Being pursued by both humans and Lycans because of her unique origin, and despite Selene’s attempts to shield her from the dangers around them, she is recaptured by Antigen, but is rescued by Selene and Detective Sebastian during an attack on the facility. Eve joins the fight herself and kills Doctor Lane. In Underworld: Blood Wars, Eve has gone away to prevent any vampires and lycans from getting her blood. As a result, Selene does not know where Eve is. However, she appears in the very last shot of the film, revealing that she has been following her mother; as her mother is now one of the Vampire Nation’s new Elders, this makes Eve an heir to her mother and to the Vampire Nation. Eve is portrayed by India Eisley.

Now the real question revolves around the relationship of Saint Germain, Elizabeth Bathory, Sandor Corvin and the Holy Roman emperor. I may be able to trace this, by and by , but not promising anything to others or even myself…

The object of this to those who understand THE HUNGER, is. simply to avoid the delirium of getting on to the seminal interpretation of deprivation of eschatological, seminal interpretation of 'real facts pertaining within values held within specific contexts.

This may appear to close bounderies to some, and in this vain, occasional references may be made.

The followup, with tome allowing, is a study which follows in some sensible progression, the implications of the Treaty of Trianon, at the closed of WWI, and perhaps some unhappy consequences as they imported the causal references tying the assassination of the objectives that the Austrian monarchy enertained, which tied directly into the supposed mind and heart of the Austrian born Adolph furrier.

A further stretch may flow to Trump’s simulated send of such a continuing trend, for which he simply was unprepared for, except by tie in by a prescription of erotically fed back narcissism.

That he didn’t cover the whole gamut which a Nietzcisement he partook in, is not surprising, for his chastisement by Wagner of not being able to overcome the narcissistic feedback between the self and other in terms prescribed literally, ( seminallt, indicating Wagners displeasure of Nietzche not being to overcome that narcissistic bind.

All for art’s sake, as if Gotterdamerung was his answer to Narcissus, as curtailing Parcifal’s objective hope to suggest a final stroke to solve the ‘naturalistic fallacy’

The escotological unearthing of ‘facts’ on my part, without much preparation, is daunting, to say the least, but it is, as if drawn by my dream of MPolanyi, which I really believe inbedded in a dream, but a never forgotten shadow of a real promise, to seek some answers.

That nouns believes this absolute necessity, then, comes with no surprise.

Open the main menu

Esterházy family


Trending Topics: Daily news digest Coronavirus Kuciak murder trial Last Week in Slovakia Faces of Slovakia Foreigners’ Police
Esterházy: traitor or hero?
SCULPTURES continue to demonstrate their power in Slovakia. After the equestrian statue of Svätopluk in front of Bratislava Castle divided society a year ago, a similar situation, though on a smaller scale, has now occurred in Slovakia’s second city, Košice, where a bust of a controversial interwar politician has laid bare the division between Slovaks and Hungarians – and not only between locals in Košice, but also among historians and politicians.

Esterházy’s bust was unveiled in Košice on March
SCULPTURES continue to demonstrate their power in Slovakia. After the equestrian statue of Svätopluk in front of Bratislava Castle divided society a year ago, a similar situation, though on a smaller scale, has now occurred in Slovakia’s second city, Košice, where a bust of a controversial interwar politician has laid bare the division between Slovaks and Hungarians – and not only between locals in Košice, but also among historians and politicians.

An argument that ended in a brawl marked the ceremonial unveiling of the bust of János Esterházy, a local ethnic Hungarian politician active mainly in the 1930s, at a private lot on the main street of the city. The unveiling was organised by the Košice Civic Club on March 14, which is the anniversary of the emergence of the Nazi-allied 1st Slovak Republic in 1939. A few ethnic Slovak Košice inhabitants turned out to protest against the bust.

Peter Kalmus, a local artist who was active in the November 1989 revolution, presented what he called a peaceful protest. After the bust was unveiled, he attempted to cover it with toilet paper but was stopped by two young men who attacked him and threw him to the ground. The police detained the pair and later accused them of promoting extremism based on the right-wing extremist symbols they were reported to have been wearing.

Who was Esterházy

Count János Esterházy was an ethnic Hungarian politician in interwar Czechoslovakia. He served as a member of the Czechoslovak parliament, and later, after Slovakia broke away from Czechoslovakia, he sat in the Slovak parliament. Historical facts about his personality have been blurred by the divergent portrayal of his role by Slovaks and Hungarians: while the former have tended to think of him as a traitor, the latter have instead tended to regard him as something of a hero.

Historians highlight his attitude in the vote on the so-called deportation law, which the Slovak parliament passed in May 1942 to permit the deportation of the country’s Jewish citizens to Nazi concentration camps. Esterházy was the only MP not to vote in favour of the law, arguing that he could not support a law which granted the right to the majority to expatriate a minority. His stance won him heavy criticism from the Slovak press at the time.

After the war, Esterházy was convicted by a Soviet court, and later also by a court in communist Czechoslovakia. The Czechoslovak court first sentenced him to death, later commuting that to life imprisonment. Esterházy died in a prison hospital in 1957.

Traitor or hero?

Opinions on Esterházy are divided even within the Slovak community, as well as within the Hungarian community. Most Slovak historians claim he was a traitor to the Czechoslovak state, though some say that this argument lacks historical foundation.

“János Esterházy, as a minority politician, was continuously trying to break up the Czechoslovak state and its democratic regime,” the Historical Institute of the Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAV) wrote in a statement about Esterházy, adding that in pursuit of that aim, Esterházy secretly collaborated with Hungary as well as with Nazi Germany.

Historian Milan Zemko from SAV’s Historical Institute said that Esterházy took an active part in the preparation of the Vienna Arbitration, which stripped Czechoslovakia of its eastern and some southern parts, including the city of Košice, and handed them to Hungary.

“Slovaks can hardly see this in a positive light,” Zemko told The Slovak Spectator. “Hungarians, however, see it as a contribution to the re-unification of magyarság, the Hungarian community in the Carpathian Basin, and thus as positive for the Hungarian nation.”

István Kollai, a historian and director of the Hungarian Cultural Institute in Bratislava, stressed that Hungarians who found themselves living in Czechoslovakia after the Trianon Treaty had determined the borders of the new post-Austro-Hungary nation-states were not happy with their position and, although most of them did not support the potential change of borders actively and were not against Czechoslovak statehood, they certainly welcomed the change of borders which followed the Vienna Arbitration.

“Hungarians tried to accept their actual situation but it’s true that they were happy to see the kind of changes that were happening in their favour,” Kollai told The Slovak Spectator, adding that this is exactly where János Esterházy serves as an example which could help Slovaks to understand the position of Hungarians in Czechoslovakia at that time.

“He was not a war criminal,” Kollai said, explaining that a war criminal is someone who violates universal human rights, which in his view Esterházy did not. Esterházy opposed the Czechoslovak state-building process and most Slovak nation-building ideas too, but although Slovak and Czech state and nation-building ambitions were legitimate, opposing them does not equate to opposing universal human rights, Kollai said.

Principles or tactics?

The debate about Esterházy, however, covers more controversial territory. He was a representative of the Nazi-allied Slovak state and a self-proclaimed anti-Semite, but this was to some extent balanced by his clear opposition to the 1942 deportation law and the evidence of Jews whom he saved by helping them to escape Slovakia.

Historians from SAV say that despite his vote on the deportation law, he had supported all the previous anti-Jewish laws in parliament and himself stated that he was “always on the anti-Jewish side since childhood and will always remain there”.

“He declared himself an anti-Semite, but that doesn’t mean he completely identified with the intentions and policies of Adolf Hitler,” Zemko said. “More likely, he hoped that Hitler’s revisionist and expansionist politics will be useful in favour of Hungarian revisionism too.”

Claims of anti-Semitism can burden historical personalities of that time, Kollai said, but in the case of Esterházy his anti-Semitism is not a strong issue, “because nobody can be sure whether it was genuine or only tactical behaviour”.

Kollai claims that there are Jewish survivors who were saved by the Esterházy family, and some of them even wrote letters to the Yad Vashem Museum in Israel to nominate Esterházy for the “Righteous Among the Nations” title.

Zemko admits that Esterházy might have helped some Jews who were threatened by the wartime regime in Slovakia but says “he was far from being alone in this praiseworthy activity in Slovakia, even among politicians”.

Bust or rehabilitation?

Views about whether Esterházy deserves to have a bust in Košice differ, just like the opinions about his historical role. Matica Slovenská, a state-supported cultural organisation, rejected the bust as tension-inducing, and some human rights organisations have protested against it due to Esterházy’s record of anti-Semitism. But historians are divided over the bust.

“I believe it is not justified,” Zemko said. “Esterházy, with his political and conspiratorial activities against the state of which he was a citizen, is not a good example for the present and the future of Europeans.”

Ivan Mrva, a historian at the University of Ss Cyril and Methodius, however, says that Esterházy’s conspiratorial activities are unconfirmed and in the end he was a victim of post-war hysteria in Europe. From that point of view, the bust is not problematic.

“The question, however, is whether this is not one of the Hungarian provocations that have grown in number – and we, Slovaks, are sensitive to that,” Mrva said.

Kollai of the Hungarian Cultural Institute said Hungarians are trying to avoid any provocation and believe that Esterházy can serve as an example for Slovaks of what Hungarians think about some historical issues.

“If this example is accepted by Slovaks as an understandable point of view at that time, it means that the whole behaviour of the Hungarian community at that time was understandable and acceptable,” Kollai said.

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The Esterházy family (in another spelling Eszterházy , in Latin :Familia Estoras), an old Hungarian noble family with the rank of prince and count from the Solomon clan , which has played a decisive role in Hungarian history since the 17th century . The family members were high-ranking persons like Miklós Esterházy and Paul Esterhazy palatines , Imre Esterházy , Archbishop of Esztergom , Joseph Esterhazy Chief Justice , Esterházy “the Magnificent” Nicholas Joseph , who include Joseph Haydn was also patron and Pál Esterházy Antal to Minister around the person of King in the Batthyány government in 1848 , as well as Hungarian Prime Minister Móric Esterházy and the Kossuth Prize-winning Hungarian writer Péter Esterházy .

Noble family
Coa Hungary Family Esterházy.svg
Kingdom of Hungary , Austro-Hungarian Monarchy
Solomon’s clan
12th century
Side branch
Fraknó branch
· Tata subsection
· Bernolákovo subsection
Csesznek branch
in Zvolen branch
· older subsection
· Transylvania subsection
Prince of Galanta
count , imperial prince
Esterházy Castle in Fertőd

The imperial coat of arms of the Ducno branch of the family on the wall of Kőszeg Castle
We distinguish three main branches and four additional branches of the Esterházys. The three main branches are Frakno , Chesny and Zvolen . The former is divided into two subdivisions, Tata and Cseklész , while the third main branch is divided into the older and Transylvanian subdivisions. The most well-known of the family’s many estates and castles are the Eisenstadt Castle and the Fractno Castle (today both Austria ), as well as the Csákvár Castle , the Tata Castle and the Fertőd Castle called “Magyar Versailles” .

Branches of the family Editing
This family also has three main and several branches. It was first branched by the sons of Ferenc Esterházy. Miklós founded the Frakno branch, Daniel founded the Csesznek branch, and Paul (1587–1645) [1] [3] founded the Zvolen branch. Different branches of the family were given different titles and rights. Thus, the Tatai branch of the Frakno branch was princely, the Cseklész branch, the Csesznek and Zólyom branches were counts. Among the main branches, Cseszneki is also divided into two subdivisions, namely the older subdivision and the Transylvanian subdivision.

List of princes of Esterházy Editing
Miklós Esterházy (1583–1645) ∞ Krisztina Nyáry

Prince Paul I. Esterházy of Galanta (1635–1713) ∞ (1.) Orsolya Esterházy (2.) Éva Thököly
(1.) Prince Michael I. Esterházy of Galanta (1671–1721) ∞ Anna Margherita di Tizzoni Blandrata
(2.) Prince Antal József Esterházy of Galanta (1688–1721) ∞ Maria Octavia von Gilleis
Esterházy II. Prince Antal Paul of Galanta (1711–1762) ∞ Maria Anna Louisa Lunatti-Visconti
Esterházy Nicholas I. Joseph Prince Galánta (1714-1790) ∞ Marie Elisabeth von Weissenwolff
Prince Antal I. Esterházy Prince of Galanta (1738–1794) ∞ Maria Theresa Erdődy of Monyorókerék and Monoszló
Esterházy II. Prince Miklós Ferdinand of Galanta (1765–1833) ∞ Maria Josepha von und zu Liechtenstein
Esterházy III. Prince Antal Pál of Galanta (1786–1866) ∞ Maria Theresia von Thurn und Taxis
Esterházy III. Prince Károly Miklós Prince of Galanta (1817–1894) ∞ Sarah Frederica Child-Villiers
Esterházy IV. Prince Miklós Pál Prince of Galanta (1843–1898) ∞ Maria von und zu Trauttmansdorff-Weinsberg
Esterházy IV. Miklós Pál Antal Mária Prince of Galanta (1869–1920) ∞ Margit Cziráky of Cirák and Dénesfalva
Esterházy V. Pál Mária Lajos Antal (1901–1989) ∞ Ottrubay Melinda
The more famous members of the famil
Last modified by Csurla 27 days ago
Esterházy Miklós József
(1714–1790) herceg, császári-királyi tábornok

Esterházy-kastély (egyértelműsítő lap)
egyértelműsítő lap

Esterházy Miklós (egyértelműsítő lap)
egyértelműsítő lap

New school curriculum raises eyebrows in Orban’s Hungary

Anti-Semitic authors will soon be compulsory reading in Hungarian schools, and history books will be rewritten to promote pride in the nation. Viktor Orban’s controversial new school curriculum is drawing outrage.
Along with a controversial new bill that greatly increases the power of Hungary’s far-right Prime Minister Victor Orban, which has been described by critics as a power grab, the country’s education system is also facing reforms reflecting the government’s nationalist propaganda.

When Orban presented the new National Core Curriculum (NAT) at the end of January, nobody suspected that two months later, all schools in the country would remain closed until further notice.

The coronavirus crisis has practically brought Hungary’s education system to a standstill.

“Apart from a few exceptions, home schooling is currently not working in Hungary,” Ildiko Reparszky, a teacher at Mihaly Fazeka’s high school in Budapest, told DW.

The state’s online learning platform regularly breaks down. Many teachers and students do not have access to stable internet connections or laptops, especially in the poorer regions of the country.

“The current situation shows how the modernization of the education system has been neglected in recent years,” said Reparszky.

Even though the school system is collapsing, the Hungarian government wants to maintain the launch of its much-criticized nationalist curriculum in September. Protests against it are growing. Teachers’ associations, students, parents, professors and intellectuals have been criticizing the ideologically driven, overloaded new program.

Read more: Hungary’s university ban on gender studies heats up culture war

Deleted from school reading lists: Nobel Prize laureate Imre Kertesz, here at the award ceremony in 2002
The curriculum’s patriotic goals are particularly clear in literature and history. Students should learn to be “proud of their people’s past.” The nation’s historical wartime defeats are to be deleted from textbooks and replaced by portrayals of victorious battles. Hungarian legends and myths are to be presented as historical facts.

The controversial authoritarian rule of Miklos Horthy from 1920 to 1944 is also to be portrayed in a positive light. The fact that Horthy passed anti-Jewish laws in 1920 and later became one of Adolf Hitler’s close allies will be downplayed.

Sandor Petofi (1823-1849)

Laszlo Miklosi, chairman of Hungary’s History Teachers’ Association, described this idealized portrayal of the country’s history as “highly problematic.” It not only distorts students’ views of history, it deters critical thinking, he told DW.

Mandatory reading: anti-Semitic authors

The literature program has also been highly criticized. Hungary’s only Nobel laureate for literature, Holocaust survivor Imre Kertesz, was removed from the curriculum, as well as the internationally recognized and widely translated novelist Peter Esterhazy, who received the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 2004.

Instead, works by nationalist authors such as Jozsef Nyiro and Albert Wass are now mandatory reading. Nyiro was a member of the fascist Arrow Cross Party and an admirer of Nazi propaganda minister Joseph Goebbels. Wass was an avowed anti-Semite and convicted war criminal. The government of Orban’s Fidesz party has been pushing the rehabilitation of these authors for years, erecting new monuments and naming streets after them.

A statue of the nationalist author Albert Wass near Budapest
The new reading lists have sparked a nationwide outcry. Teachers’ unions, universities and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences have called for the curriculum to be withdrawn. Teachers protested on social media under the hashtag #noNAT with slogans such as “I don’t teach fascist writers.” Criticism also came from conservative circles and churches.

Another move in the country’s ‘culture war’

With the introduction of the new curriculum, Viktor Orban’s Fidesz government is pursuing its centralization policy in the education sector. “The government is using schools as a battlefield in their culture war,” political scientist and educational researcher Peter Rado said.

Fights against the new program: Education expert Peter Rado
The government had also previously forced Budapest’s Central European University (CEU), founded by Hungarian-American billionaire George Soros, to relocate the majority of its operations outside the country, while expanding its political influence on the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA).

With the adoption of a controversial cultural law at the end of last year, cultural institutions have also been under greater government control.

1 My Europe: Stop glorifying fascists!

3 Viktor Orban’s dangerous export of ideologies

© 2020 Deutsche Welle

The State of My Art
The latest news and a little bit more from James Beaman

That Hairy Hound from Budapest

Those who follow my blog or my Facebook know that I have a passion for acting as my own dramaturge with each role I assay, and adore researching the origins of my character–and, in the case of revivals–the actors who played the role before me. Not only does this research provide context for, and texture to my performance, it also gives me a greater appreciation for the originating

creative talents that collaborated on the piece at hand.

This February, I return to one of my favorite theaters in one of my favorite spots: Riverside Theatre in Vero Beach, Florida, to play the delicious cameo role of Zoltan Karpathy in one of the greatest of all musicals, “My Fair Lady.” This top notch regional theatre, lovingly supported by an enthusiastic snowbird community, brings beautiful productions to the stage each season. My debut there was as another Hungarian, impresario Bela Zangler in “Crazy For You,” directed by the wonderful James Brennan; I returned two seasons later to play headwaiter Rudolph Reisenweber in “Hello, Dolly!,” also directed by Jimmy.

I have long been a lover of the works of George Bernard Shaw, and “Pygmalion,” upon which “My Fair Lady” is based, is one of my favorites of his plays. I also adore the film version, produced in 1938 with the participation of Shaw, who won the Oscar for his screenplay. The film starred Leslie Howard and the incomparable Wendy Hiller, who was Shaw’s choice for the role of Eliza Doolittle. Alan Jay Lerner’s book for the musical is based upon the “Pygmalion” screenplay, which is why Zoltan Karpathy–who is not in the original play–appears in “My Fair Lady.”

The reason audiences of the original play never met Karpathy is that the scene at the Embassy Ball, where Eliza dazzles high society with her poise and elocution, was only added to “Pygmalion” for the 1938 film. There’s some fun dramaturgy behind how this character came to be.

Hungarian-born Gabriel Pascal, who was also a long time friend of Shaw’s, was the producer of many of the great writer’s plays, including “Pygmalion,” which was a huge international hit. After failing to persuade Shaw in the '30s to allow a musical adaptation of the play (!), he did convince him to collaborate on the film version. The movie medium allowed for much more freedom of location, and the Embassy Ball sequence was added–along with Karpathy. I can’t help but see this Hungarian fop as an in-joke between Shaw and Pascal!

Shaw wrote the part specially for actor Esmé Percy. Trained as an actor by the divine Sarah Bernhardt, Percy had been a big star of the English stage and something of a matinee idol, and had originated several of Shaw’s leading men. He even played Henry Higgins at one point, opposite the original Eliza Doolittle Mrs. Patrick Campbell.

Esmé Percy
By the 1930s, Percy had lost his good looks (as well as an eye, in an accident involving a Great Dane–he had a glass one for the rest of his life) and had become an established character man on the screen. For him, the delectable Karpathy (originally “Count Aristide Karpathy”) was created. The character is a former student of Professor Higgins, who took his knowledge of phonetics and languages to the courts of Europe, making it his business to unmask social climbers and aristocratic frauds. He of course poses a big threat to Higgins and his “Galatea,” Eliza… but ultimately, he concludes that her English is so good she has to be foreign born; and her manners so impeccable he concludes she is a Hungarian princess in disguise!

Theodore Bikel as Karpathy

The part of Karpathy (now with the first name of Zoltan) in “My Fair Lady” on Broadway was played by Christopher Hewett, best known for his brilliant portrayal of Roger DeBris in the original film of Mel Brooks’ “The Producers.” When the musical was brought to the screen by legendary director George Cukor, the part was played by Theodore Bikel. Bikel was another stage leading man who had become a character actor. He was the original Captain Von Trapp in “The Sound of Music.” Bikel was a guitarist and folk singer and the song “Edelweiss” (incidentally the last song Oscar Hammerstein wrote) was composed for him, to maximize on these talents. By the time “My Fair Lady” came along, he had become known for his virtuosity with dialects–on screen he played German, Russian, French–even a redneck sheriff from the deep South. Who better to prance through the Hungarian affectations of Karpathy?

I take pride in having evolved into something of a “chameleon” and I enjoy submerging myself into delicious characters with crazy dialect challenges. Karpathy is another great cameo to add to the pantheon of characters I’ve been fortunate to play. Oh, let’s face it! I am incredibly blessed not only to work with Jimmy Brennan again, and to do this great musical, but to return to the genteel and sunny environs of Vero Beach once more in the dead of a New York winter. “My Fair Lady” runs March 12-31. For tickets, and more information, visit the Riverside Theatre website.

Now more on ‘c’crazy’ defer to other genres, mostly of philosophical reference.what I am ultimately looking for , is not the escotological referential play, on words, but the linear representation through which allusions can be appropriated.

There was once a Hungurain restaurant down Western avenue, called 'The Heart of Eurioe,

The propriator’s son married a Korean airman He fooled around, and her brother killed him for breaking her heart. True story.