
Rollmöpse and Family

No, I am saying to you, I am thinking about the familiar and rollmöpse popped into my mind, apparently emerged, appeared, somehow formed and matched by a watering mouth and image of waterfalls, a family of words, of utterances, of madness waiting for focus to break the insanity. A clean stream of thoughts…I have been … imperception … sophi … slight … neo … neossophi

… new wisdom forms. I spoke before of known, acknown and unknown.


…studying words, like filling a barrel, closing barrel, and then shaking the barrel - a barrel full of words - new words to remember - double-checking meaning of sophi and neo, I come across this word neossology: the study of young birds and neossoptile: one of the downy feathers of a newly hatched bird. Oh yes, I was pondering the hints in metaphor and how new idioms come into being - “New idioms come along all the time,” says Arnold Zwicky, adjunct professor of linguistics at Stanford University. “There are several sources for idioms, but the big contributor is figurative language, especially metaphors. When a metaphor is first used, it’s fresh and vivid—and people have to think through the image to appreciate what it conveys. But with continued use, listeners can ‘short-circuit’ these connections and move automatically from the expression to its content, without thinking about why the expression conveys what it does. Then it’s an idiom. The process is a slow and gradual one, and people aren’t usually aware of the change that’s happening.”

Are New Idioms Ever Created?

Fascinating!..a fascinating exploration of patterns and a reminder of the time I stated that interlocutors develop a lexicon peculiar to their unique situation - often translated away from the situation to enforce lucidity. I further state that interlocutors develop conceptual patterns peculiar to the unique situation. Intentional placement and usage of leap-frogging segments - bypass and compression. Proffered impartations for the guy searching the black soul for which no easy definition offered lead me to: it simply means that the one who is speaking is mad…and the one listening crazy too…its about your own nature…your humility and kindness…and…Forgiving the ignorant is also an art. Try it! Sounds good to me. I said that not yet, do I want to remove my experience from meaning and now I say that I don’t want intended meaning to be taken too far away from the quotidian segment of life - this is the life of eating the breakfast and the rollmöpse, taking the shower and entering slumber the night before work - what does it mean to my everyday life? this is what I ask - the labels are not useful in themselves unless attachments to connecting features are made.

Does your polity make cheaper my rollmöpse or will they be off of the menu for now on? Will I have water for my shower? Can I lay my head and will I have a job?

Etcetera…can the young be cared for and are the old disposed of as a second inconvenient thought? Truly, I don’t want to spend my time looking at the cul de chameaux of words.

Cor Vivaldi - Leck mich im Arsch - W A Mozart - 04/14 - YouTube 1:58 - saved the lifetime cultured and embrace

My message to the disconnected: kiss my ass…please and rather, enrich me with your wisdom…further not for me forgetting the contextual concerns…meaning over labels…

…unless of course through continued discourse we already have an understanding…neossophi…

…from the metaphor to the idiom…from the elevated back to the real deal…everyday life…

…resentment brought about by misunderstanding has no place…it just starts wars…

…and…now…I can sip from a three-star bottle of smoking kills…

Foiled by but one word…hidden points, a general theme or two, and other fun chaotic tidbits…and a little unknown in the morph…we don’t always need to know the pattern.
Settling from a boil to a simmer and below - a watched pot never boils. So I find myself no longer staring at the cul de chameaux and ponder…and how is it that we should say something without being there to know what to say when we return? Not requiring an answer because we should say something. If we are not thinking something and saying something then we are not understanding something. We should also be feeling something. What is it that we should feel? Also not requiring an answer because what we feel should be enough to complement our understanding without polluting our own pattern. Conversely with the intention not to pollute another’s pattern we should wonder what we should be telling them driven from their own inquiry into our own thoughts based on us being there.

We should help them feel what it is like, not just understand the words imparted but get a feel for what it is like to be there.

Where? Here.

People will complain no matter what but what causes such offense to get people started. There is an instance of me reading through a conversation where people are discussing a cultural fusion. What struck me as hilarious were Europeans, Americans, and other English discussing Quechua people with apparently no part of the discussion having input from Quechua people. It is funny when Europeans, Americans and other English get a bee in their bonnets over other cultures without consultation of the said cultures. I have heard some really messed up things in recent times but for me, one of the strangest was that mathematics is racist - this is just plain confusing - how can numbers and shapes and whatever be racist? I can see how subsections of mathematics could be used for racist purposes. Then I see the idea that racism does not just cover its own meaning - apparently racism is synonymous with other biased judgments that are not formed from reason or actual understanding of a given situation - so I guess when I count my fingers I am being racist to myself and others - what gives? Would this not be a word fusion? Turning a word into a more generalized form. So I guess on the next list of things I will see is word fusions describing cultural fusions - seems like that will go well, not.

Some people lack vocabulary and a means to use it while others overestimate their own right to the power of the world and others just have no idea how foolish they are even when well dressed - clothes do not make the man - nor does the education make the man able to use what he has learned - "Putin tells Biden: ‘Don’t be mad at the mirror if you are ugly’, compares Capitol rioters to his own ‘dissent’ - taken from some news site out of convenience because I have already watched the interview in which Putin decimates the stupid reporter. Years ago I read the odd article of people discussing the idiotic concept of alpha and beta people - one thing I find some resonance with is that categorically we have not defined the alpha and beta properly - some betas are in positions that they do not belong in while some alphas get laughed at by the morons among the beta group - this just says that we don’t understand the alpha-beta concept but again this concept to me is reminiscent of the cul de chameaux.

Morphing the pattern…
It doesn’t matter what, but what causes such an offense to begin. I no longer look at the cul de chameaux, and how should we say something without knowing what to say when we come back? Some people have no vocabulary and a way of using it, while others overestimate their own right to world power. Others don’t know how insane they are when well dressed – the man doesn’t make clothes – nor can education help him. So this kind of morphing makes me laugh a little. I hear you asking, what is the point? There is no point, it is just another intellectual contraption - a pattern designed to temporarily make disruption and why would I do this? Because familiarity breeds contempt and I don’t want you to be in contempt of yourself.

How big should the vocabulary be? It should be big enough not to be…foiled by but one word…

…and what of offense…to offend is to make people think - if they are not thinking about why they are offended, they are thinking about what offended them…

…this should work reversely in the case of offense…as in “Judge not, lest ye be judged.”…offend not, lest ye be offended…

…more of the pattern revealed at a later point…weaving and leap-frogging…

Should the first mind be or be repressed?

Upon construction of reality the first mind is in direct contact and we are unaware up until we push the first constructions into the second mind constructing an awareness. Awareness and second mind and first minds become stronger until reality starts to reconstruct itself - transforming and becoming more artificial.

This artificial reality is perverse - is unnatural.

The next reality masks the first mind.

The final reality(form of mind) is completely artificial(simulated). This is the man made reality.

What is the point of my re-emergence? The point of my re-emergence is to discover the truth of my self and in this truth there are first forms and how I am attracted to these first forms - starting with the two minds and the rediscovery of the more than one self. First mind would be the mind that I am usually unaware of and second mind is the mind that through my waking hours I am nearly always aware of until I want to connect to my first mind and make decisions without words.

I am immersed in my environment - environment builds and fills the pattern - the affect of the atmosphere gives food to build the environment the unknown comes from the atmosphere - the unknown words come from the atmosphere - the environment is build upon acknown and known words.

Culture builds along and into the environment taking the most natural human state and culturing it. God is not known upon birth until the environment is built.

Is there a quantifiable difference between the 'secondary and primary processes , so that the natural can qualify as a sensibly constructed stratagem to deal with the supernatural?

Or, with a supra natural apprehension through a super-intelligent being, can the Superhuman apprehension of a Superman become the paradigmn pattern of a sensible, cognitive apprehension of a simulated paranormal entity called Deity?

Course allow for substitution of axiomatic definitions, which were functional agents for the sake of defferentiation, in the first place.


The lowest rung of undifferentiated anomaly, the like of which come the most archaic and dug in , lasting metaphor for the sake of sustaining it’s own apprehended Being

It’s developmentally changed, cross infused mutations come higher metaphoric content led to the parables of the sustenance of faith.

With hope a sleight of hand on this line was perceived between changes - if not it does not matter because the direction will come back around. Such is one of my paths - a modifiable skeleton moving forward between the weaves. Avoiding the antiaircraft fire - metaphor - against the bird in the clouds - from epidemiological Jungian psychic guns in the local vicinity. Undefined population - but evident between the sides.

Imagine not being able to avoid the subtle interplays. I am yet to consider that again. Let me paint what may perhaps be perceived as an unfinished picture…hopefully for most but not all…

…I have been thinking today about the supernatural as part of the primary as I have been thinking of many things but discovering god upon the built environment through a transcendental process - but is God within us? That is what I am thinking about. Are we the hyper varying by the individual or is God the hyper? Usually, we are in twos except for the first moment - 1 2 4 8 - what is this first moment that we can not measure in an infinite universe - we can not reach the contradiction without first multiplying the first moment. The first moment must split like a cell making two cells. How one sees through the illusion. This may not be a literal split rather than some quintessential formation multiplying from the first pattern. Emerging, multiplying, and evolving, multiplying(at this point is emerging), evolving, and so on - perhaps eating its tail at the end but not necessarily

  • I don’t know about the singularity being true - could be that entropy before rebirth. Kind of like a bubble splitting into two - two to four…just abstracting here…multiplying matryoshka sets…

I need to play this set of contradictory games - this picture may be clear enough - the idea for me is in mediation of the moment - the intermediary - negotiation between the sides.

Pink Floyd - Time

Enjoy the (eargasm)…[i]if not I can post the lyrics…segments contained within…

…home, home again…with the light-heart of the fives…oscillating between the nightmare…[/i]

Encode Recode Decode - Septic Tradition
Last post edited and pertinent reread may be necessitated. Subtle shifts…this formation will not go away…sooooooooo…I am not going to make promises here but perhaps…errrrm…wait a moment please…let me take another sip from this three-star bottle of smoking kills, first…before…attempt at articulation…and maybe…my word pattern does not decay too much…hopefully, some final few notes on the Septic tradition as opposed to the Skeptic tradition. Septic - early 17th century: via Latin from Greek sēptikos, from sēpein ‘make rotten’. The Septic tradition as I see it is making rotten the speech caused by extremes of interpretation of what it means to speak freely. Like opinions and culs(from cul de chameaux fame) - everyone has one - it is with the expectation that everyone should be able to speak freely with reasonable expression as opposed to excrétion fécale output. In the case of Septic which infected with microorganisms, especially harmful bacteria - we should know how our speech can affect others and infect their own thoughts - quite inhospitable. One should consider their own responsibility in speech unless they simply don’t care. The Septic tradition was only designed to decompose the excrétion fécale output and not reasonable expression…um, in other words, speak to yourself Septic Traditionalist for some time then come back.

The rest of us can not make clean the words expressed from the Septic tradition. I am not aware of a product, eau de javel verbal, id est, aka verbal bleach.

I have been thinking about this and wanted to format something to remind me of that day the Septic tradition was suggested but not information of a definition…

…even though this tradition has been around for… let us face it…a long time…too long a time - facepalm…

…hmm…1 1 2 4 8…inf…

…or 0, 1,1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, and so on, to infinity…minus the zero…

The cross reminded me of thought - not sure if its formation id est origin was from any particular field or some natural reconstruction.

You reminded me of thought - I am not sure how as I can not make the connection on the fly so quickly - so I will respond before I think for once. It should be fun. I will see if there is a connection later.

It is like humanity was a seeded field waiting for the rain and when it rained all the sprouts arose - all fighting for the sunlight and never noticing each other until the foliage was so dense they had no choice and some had to start dying. The weakest of course die off first and give more light to the others in their absence from the field. I don’t suspect many will understand what I am saying and be able to finish this story for themselves.

I hear a lot of I knows and zero I dos - I see a lot of people thinking the same way but not being able to recognize that. I hope this makes sense FC - I am not trying to be hateful toward others as this could be taken.

…but yeah, poppies in the field…thinking beard thing…I am of course not talking about a physical death…but I am sure you already got that.

  • all men trying to impress their god -

While the women and children walk the field…

In connection to Rapapapap; my native sounds, your native sounds, existence.

By our own confession…definition…we are all on different sides…but ultimately we fight for the same team…humanity…let that sink in…there are no two sides you fools…that is the delusion…

History ate itself…the future hates itself…The Story of the Idyllians

In this hypothetical Utopia that came to mind…It is certain that Idyllians have become too lazy to move beyond their settlement in more than two possible ways. In the meantime, two abstract disciplines are moving at a never slowing pace that is in a continuous state of change - knowledge and philosophy have lost their relevance, information and the tech are both ruled by corporate Idyllians. If this is the utopia that Idyllians want even though they have no idea of the actual reasons they want this, the gods say let them have it. From the outside, the rubberneck’s point of view, he can figure that he will not be around to feel its full impact but the problems remain to a sensible eye. Move forward not considering the offspring of lust-constructed children with the same lunacy that has poisoned their paradise since even before this Utopia’s enlightenment just because the grass looked greener on that side of the fence and when the remaining grass is finally dead, they are happy not to complain, for that is what they wanted and that is what they taught their progeny to want and how they taught them to always blame someone else…looking…searching and synthesizing an enemy to pass the buck - never knowing themselves and how ugly they are and eventually were. It is certain that the Idyllians were the butterfly resulting in the storm and now the serpent eats its tail - the Idyllians enter the same airy-fairy stage they began in. Unserviceable and unwisely idealistic. The gods call this the will to absurdity. When reduction appears wise the simulation is strong and nature’s hurricane is evilly smiling. The gods waiting to take what they always owned.

The problem with such reductions even from the Idyllian’s god’s point of view is a loss of essence - these utopic people are no longer able to see themselves because they killed that possibility and forever remain to fumble around in the darkness that they created - no meaning and happy for it - the gods congratulate them. What did the Idyllians actually learn from any of their histories apart from the debate that had them looking in the wrong direction and how to use past numbers to meddle with the result of a causality malformed. And so they no longer want to stand up off of their behinds because it is their behind that they worship - their new god. Their head has become what they sit upon. Just to keep worrying about the bankrupt labels and they will not show you the way and they will be happier for it because they believe there is no meaning so they destroy what is left of the ability for the real being or the rubberneck to make meaning. The gods congratulate them in getting what they worked so hard for and welcome the new god into their pact - Derrière, the god that sits upon. God of the Idyllians.

Subtle observations leading to even subtler hints and symbols that serve as a device for further recognitions from those who seek to discover meaning or validation thereof…

Will…we…this time, form a new intellectual movement from the dialogue between the Septic Traditionalists, the Poppies, the Idyllians, and the Sane…as the Rubbernecks look on?

Is anyone’s guess…it always is when things are driven by the will to absurdity.

Ones…twos…fives…tens…my mind is relaxed for the moment…1 + ((2) + 3)) + 4 = 10…divine proportions…delta, four, or ten…

…back to the clouds…

Formative Prime - Dismay
Formative prime…the primer is mildly annoyed at having to make a second attempt in the creation of a linguistic megastructure because the first was dissolved into the æther of the agora. Formative prime decided to step back and design such interpolation in smaller steps in delta time to avoid a lack of responsiveness produced from the manly tech interface - diminished quality from such a morally and culturally bankrupt society.

Some time in the last epoch…
…across the ocean…a careless leader, through the flawed logic, in his wisdom, decided to sterilize the past and create fantasy as opposed to letting history be written…decided it would be better to rewrite it as the country is no longer able to claim responsibility for its mistakes, however, a fundamental truth, and a fundamental falsehood is at the center of this idea - I wonder whether anyone else will ever work this out aside from me - I see some evidence of it. Mostly though, people are happy to keep living the dream…the delusion…now swimming back…the world outside should pay no attention to such nonsense and continue on its merry way waiting for its younger brother to throw its next tantrum - the pot that boils over - wanting to be at the center of the world’s attention because of assistance given in the previous cycles of war. The world outside has its own real foundation that has always assisted in propping up its younger sibling and we can not expect the young to appreciate the full nature of the old. Just because one side of the equation has its eyes closed does not mean the other side needs to be the mirror - watch on rubbernecks, as the unbelievable unfold in a nation that once prided itself as some sort of world capital. Never really cared for it myself…

…never really cared for cultural capitals that are far removed from my everyday life and not even close to…being aligned…

…to my own slowly evolving cultural patterns that have some real history that can be felt and not just seen or heard…traditionally not very bright in the eyes…

…but loudly in the ears…for that matter…in the latter that is…not the felt…

Onward to concerns closer to home…family first…land…real history…etcetera…и сейчас - further words on poppies…

Indeed. “Livy’s account of the tyrannical Roman king, Lucius Tarquinius Superbus. He is said to have received a messenger from his son Sextus Tarquinius asking what he should do next in Gabii, since he had become all-powerful there. Rather than answering the messenger verbally, Tarquin went into his garden, took a stick, and symbolically swept it across his garden, thus cutting off the heads of the tallest poppies that were growing there. The messenger, tired of waiting for an answer, returned to Gabii and told Sextus what he had seen. Sextus realised that his father wished him to put to death all of the most eminent people of Gabii, which he then did.” ― Wikipedia

“I will not be ashamed to remember what was there yesterday”

…and so, this day has been long…

…word for yesterday…hope…word for today…faith…word for tomorrow…change…

Scorpions - Wind Of Change - Kind of Russian, lol - Cute

[size=85]I had to pay close attention…not every word is so clearly understood…but I appreciate the sentiment - the English version seems good…[/size]

Scorpions - Wind Of Change - English

“Take me to the magic of the moment
On a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away
In the wind of change”

encode_decode writes :

"Some time in the last epoch…
…across the ocean…a careless leader, through the flawed logic, in his wisdom, decided to sterilize the past and create fantasy as opposed to letting history be written…decided it would be better to rewrite it as the country is no longer able to claim responsibility for its mistakes, however, a fundamental truth, and a fundamental falsehood is at the center of this idea - I wonder whether anyone else will ever work this out aside from me - I see some evidence of it. Mostly though, people are happy to keep living the dream…the delusion…now swimming back…the world outside should pay no attention to such nonsense and continue on its merry way "

Yes, but do universal principles define what really are the facts, or, ought they be ignored?
As even now, their part derivation, suggest a method cut off, and reassembled as a montage, devoid of an original intent.

That effort to connect some visage with some objective reality is assured by the tri-partite brain.
If understood correctly, at the present stage.

Then, socialism is softened by the gentler, kinder for of egaletarianism communism, where capital is thus equally distributed, all be it in the same form, but with a switched coinage. Remember Jesus pointing to Ceaser’s facade, advising all to give homage.

That is the big question, Meno. Understood correctly <> and acknowledged in return. At some stage though a country must decide what its history is among what it feels to be a countryman. Do you know? I am still thinking about things from both sides - running contradictions in the background away from the forum - there still remains a crucial fact that may clear as the atmosphere purifies in the liminal country. I have hope - they have a lot of good thinkers working on the problem at hand. One must attempt to make sense of it for oneself given the stakes. As usual, though, you gift me more angles - thank you, similes and smiles.

I will dig around more on this side of the expanse before I revisit.

My bad, I was unaware that you had not finished. Acknowledged…I am just glad that inspiration does not die so quickly as lesser motivation.

I will have to deconstruct, reconstruct and contemplate - my brain/mind is torn between two worlds whose languages are not of equal overlap.

Annexed acknowledge of post one page supra in two sections…regeneration…fresh cycle pending…

Such pearls of wisdom are divulged, not to the profane…

Probably early Greek and early Hebrew. Roman is weighty but not weighty enough through my eyes.

Some secrets are guarded well - perhaps via divine intervention. We are, however, lacking in some linguistic considerations of the oral lore being transformed like the Chinese whisper.

Such cumulative errors are common among the lay with adjudging in political discourse. Also unavoidable in history for the same reasons given.


. … …

Ten-four, Meno_ - id est - copy that, Meno_ - or - otherwise - message received, Meno_.

Turn your volume down and go to this link: décodeur/traducteur de code morse - site: MorseCode.World - once there, press the play button.


I am, of course, joking, however, there is a message there…if you want to see it. I don’t know if it has an expiry on it and it will self-destruct or not.

The message will reform before your very eyes…no need to respond to me though as I am just having a joke.

Splice the mainbrace - Bravo Zulu

Tnx 4 that.

But this stands out in an exquisite filigre:

"Probably early Greek and early Hebrew. Roman is weighty but not weighty enough through my eyes.

Some secrets are guarded well - perhaps via divine intervention. We are, however, lacking in some linguistic considerations of the oral lore being transformed like the Chinese whisper."

And it’s almost impossible believe in It’'s astonishing revelation, and this is probably what accounts for tje language of the most languid miracle, healed so suddenly as if sealed NY iUt’s own erhos, as if De d ending from a greatest height to the multitude which van not mirror themselves.

Such can not be duplicated nor identified, and evaporates to form a morning hew.

I would never, ever close that or disclose, even if…

Obscure depths…Profferings from Jānis…Revelations from a Story Told
Apologies if you were met with any inhospitable clamor because you figured not to reduce any amplification - it shocked me upon assay…that is why I made mention.

They say each name has a meaning: let us for a moment consider the name Janis without any special markings contained outside common English - for this is treated as a female name in this language: "Yannis, Yiannis, or Giannis (Γιάννης) is a common Greek given name, a variant of John (Hebrew) meaning “God is gracious.” In formal Greek (e.g. all government documents and birth certificates) the name exists only as Ioannis (Ιωάννης). Variants include Yanni (Also Janni), Iannis, Yannakis, Yanis, and the rare Yanno, usually found in the Peloponnese and Cyprus.

Feminine forms are Γιάννα (Yianna, Gianna) and Ιωάννα (Ioanna) which is the formal variant used in formal/government documents."― by courtesy of Wikipedia

Now onward into the story…
Baltic John - let us call him - Jānis to his friends - an apparition created by me twenty minutes ago to profess further in this story, he says, “There is no need for me not to make some allowance for natural reconstructions - phrenic realms work better when left open anyway - sometimes to the pain of the observer, sadly. We should expect such to be the case where alignments of one’s nature are not in tune with their designated patterns - kind of esoteric in a world…lack such quality and meaning. Still one has to remain somewhat grounded in the present when…recognoscere…to know again - lending some weight to any given matter - eternally personal in some manner with such regard. I don’t doubt that these candles still burn bright through eternity - awaiting interceptive awareness in some way before fading from the recipient’s unique panorama.”

Jānis, takes a few breaths and a small sip of water, before continuing on, while his friends, his students, look on…patiently waiting…and so he continues, “As with my own transcendent moments - such special existential features make me realize the power that a person has through choice - how such invocation plays out from the whole(the all) has been a lifetime of exploration for me. I don’t recommend such explorations to everyone - temporal aspects account for a lot and are the glue that holds the modern world together. On the flip side - if one is still able to take part in such a robotic system that has come to be and through discretion does not pollute the greater pattern…it may well be the case of torchbearers in such an existence that follows some law of repetition.”

Then he concludes, “Accepting [receptare(receive, admit or recover)] the receptacle…the whole passes on - contra-indicatively and indicatively throughout…”…

…Well, he did not finish there but we can only peer into Latvia for so long…receive and offer(give back)…not only, give and take…

And for now, so long Latvia, until we return…good health…Jānis says, “uz redzēšanos, recode!”

Interestingly enough, there was a Roman god called Janus - not sure if there was any connection or not but on inspection I find some happy coincidences in that he governs beginnings and endings and there was an episode in a television series that I watched called NUMB3RS - episode: The Janus List. In myth, Janus depicted as having two faces…beginnings, gates, transitions, time, duality, doorways, passages, frames, and endings ― again, by courtesy of Wikipedia and wiki also notes: The ancient Greeks had no equivalent to Janus, whom the Romans claimed as distinctively their own. I wonder whether there was some inspiration…transcendental thinking…all in a harmless, hypothetical, and good mood though…sometimes feeble relations…othertimes numerological connections…divinations for a select few…because…lack of external selection…id est choice…

…the two faces…transcend and the depths…as above, so below…

…and, in one sense grace is seen as a period of time allowed - a property of patience - a property of time…

In an other sense a friend, and again, a sense of superlative coincidence a Latvian Regan man I used to call on now if still alive. , saved ne soule for a while he named Andres. His mom was a real princesse, befire the reds, and saw some thing in me same soule, but that’s remembrances of long ago, and fir a while had no need to worry about a coming impressive impairment with the mask, the mask of Brutus I can say without an author( ity)

But astounding to mention Andres is all, so at convenience’s arm , please continue& for give.