
Is thought a thing.?.an expression of meaning or same thing…

[b]Meno, I link to this post: Meno_ wrote: Just a thought: - do this to save some space and because not precisely related…

…at some fringe…[/b]

I have been thinking about this today, Meno…but one facet and not complete answer…just contemplating on this side…it is very interesting and so I have performed an experiment this week to see what happens and this is what I noticed. It seems that we understand meaning before we understand language that can be associated with it and it seems I have developed sense that such is the case as discussed in other thread. It is difficult to explain in acceptable details for complete transfer of this acknowledge that is apparently now knowledge to me - and this knowledge is not in words for me and reminds me of time you raise tacit in another thread ~ couple of years ago…and…this seems that we separate this into another category from tacit for discussion. I think that meaning is language in itself without words - if I am allowed to suggest like this - I am not being precise because I have work to do but quickly I can express here something - some pondering…

…id est…the language ~ is she in the words - or the words are not of the représentations - Is the language in the words - or are words just representations…with the help of la matrice: I do not like est language in the bud, however, in flowering and meaning, I like it in the bud > I consciously ~ like growing plant…language not like the bud ~ but the bloom…and…meaning like the bud > consciousness like the growing plant…then I am thinking part of language in this aspect as an extension to meaning is in all of nature ~ nature is itself defining self…perhaps in hypothetical but I did detect personally, something or more precise, [some happening].

I will come back to this because maybe not making sense here but the kernel exists and is running its course…not drunk…I promise…just deep in rabbit hole, Alis…

…I did notice my e_m_p as mentioned ~ supra ~ this page(some of which must be new): that e_m_p was trying to express something new in its downtime - that is - when I was relaxed…

…also [attempting ordering] its(e_m_p) grammar…I have complementary concept to tilde now - it came to me the other day…maybe I will describe it later…

…an American friend inspired me to think and respond to this ~ she did…we were discussing the assignment of myth in culture as well as discussing Jung and others…also nominalism…

More on Dream - 1.00 Dream

Hmm…in a way it seems our dreams, then, are about the things that are most important and represented by the strongest workings of our individual brains/minds.

…and for me, the words somehow - given that personally, a dream can seem like I am living the state of processing that I added to my last post - in this thread: Mingarians (vivid dream) - with and without visual imagery - perhaps what it is that we process in our dreams finds itself naturally attached to the mental-encephalon function that we are exercising the most at each stage in our individual lives - for example, imagery when I was youngster and now, mostly words and sometimes words with no other symbolic representation - this is not to say that I experience no imagery these days, just that it is much different and much less noticed - mostly my dreams feel like what my brain/mind does when I read a novel and it builds an atmosphere around the words.

The Dream is also like the bud mentioned in the last post? Somehow for me to reconcile this, to my words in the [other linked in this post] thread.

The bud seems linked to our dreams and underlays our consciously used words - those words we use when awake and those the sleeping state presents to us as if we are awake.


Seems related to “its downtime”, previously mentioned.

More thoughts…thank you, other thread author, for more inspiration.

encode_decode says :

“id est…the language ~ is she in the words - or the words are not of the représentations - Is the language in the words - or are words just representations…with the help of la matrice: I do not like est language in the bud, however, in flowering and meaning, I like it in the bud > I consciously ~ like growing plant…language not like the bud ~ but the bloom…and…meaning like the bud > consciousness like the growing plant…then I am thinking part of language in this aspect as an extension to meaning is in all of nature ~ nature is itself defining self…perhaps in hypothetical but I did detect personally, something or more precise, [some happening].”

me no says ( for now)

a rose is a rose is a rose

& then)

What’s a thing? And or what’s a thought?
There is freedom to be anyone , because look around and used the variety of beings some so perfect some illustrious, some so so deranged and hurting and some very much so.

Some was done to, some did it to themselves, some bravely, some ashamed.

The thing with thoughts which come from them are configured, formed from all these things, these waisting of things. Some fixed by ideas but all want to procreate pleasures and thinking in competition of real combat.

All thoughts produce.
The production of evolutionary thoughts ard evident all over, they become productive things produced by many hands coming up from the ages, but don’t look back.

The thing is existing comes from the perfume of waste, and as the mind is a terrible thing to waste for, it is a machine to produce the synonimous byproducts as varied as the array of beings that contain them. The transformation of words to things or, reversely mirrored back, as is Dali’s metamorphosis of Narcissus weeps dew unto it’s own stem …

With that ponder not it’s present state for the reflection is It’s own design

This video I became interested in - thinking about some differences and so start with some day to day - differences between times/epochs/eras…some days stand out. I would have assumed that in the year 2021 that we would have less to whine about than in eras past and given that we are assuredly whining as much as we ever did then it is certain the whining will continue for the human being for as long as the human, being…


Unless I am somehow mistaken - the simple act of dressing only changes - changes reflect time available - less classy now - as much as thinking.

  • it is interesting for me to take into account eras past and contrast with today the way people frame day to day problems - to the extent that people feel the need to change their bodies, live forever, or at least fight aging - stress out about so much that people are powerless to change - and keep telling ourselves lies - with this and more > people appear to have entered an age of stupidity and emptiness - never finding anything meaningful and thinking someone else may provide it - we can ask: What’s a thing? And or what’s a thought? - to which I have no response at this point in time - and only that I think about, as children, which often we forget that we were, we did not wonder about such things and we managed to be happier than ever and the simple process of becoming an adult with its added responsibilities does not need to be so traumatic and change so drastically the way we think to drive us to begin the slow evolution to pointless questions - clearly, the products of a mind that finds itself wandering, perhaps because things like job satisfaction are another lie and so we become writers to explore our thoughts - we can write such questions…leaves me wondering, sometimes…why ask? Is there something we are trying to access through the asking?

Life is not just about our thoughts - it is most certainly also about our feelings…and after this, each individual chooses what else gets added…be it spirituality or whatever else - because let’s face it…no one actually gives a flying #%@& how nice your car is, how big your house is, how much money is in your account, how much you know or how correct what you know is - people either swing toward loving or hating nowadays and #%@& the haters. If nature somehow takes us out by whatever means - which I suspect is somehow happening whether we choose it or not because we still have not demonstrated any real control in any circumstance - at least if we are smart enough to see it - else we are delusional - we can not expect to ask classy questions without enough time to formulate them. When we start believing that thinking is only about logic…

I am not sure how many more times I need to state this: we become robots…

Somebody elses robots

You’rer right on here, course, decode, but than, how does one deal with apparitions?

Two rights does not one wrong make, for sure the new nuevo rishe will not let us forget.

That’s what an eternal return implies. These thoughts have a hidden power that will the remembrances of things , even they be flowers of evil.
There is some disposition and mysterious magic in their being in themselves, so their magic can incense the putrid presence of what has become impossible.

The Rohonc Codex | Truth or Lore
Putting this here for later.

That later has always been that sooner.

Just an unwarranted interjunction, not to evolve or retard the progression or retard the already formal regression, essentially but not phenominally at odds.

Is further descent affordable? How many parantheses enclosing prior smaller ones be envisioned?

Can thought it’self reduce to the tinyest bit of information possible, or must The Word It’s Self reduce to unmanageable trivialities?

Sorry, Meno_. I have been quite busy and not had time to get back around to response.

Interesting things you say in last two posts. Hopefully I will be able to add - I hope you are well, man.

Thanks encode, be seeing You soon. Hope things are forming up to You as well

Due to the nature of what should be mentioned, s’ensuit cryptique is a necessary feature of what follows, as such one must only loosely follow…for the time being.

There is nothing too trivial with what I am working on at the moment. I suspect thought can be reduced to tiniest bit of information possible…brings to mind ψευδόμενος λόγος(pseudómenos lógos)…thought it started somewhere between the unknown - more unaware - and the known - more aware…projected into consciousness as a frame. Five years ago, a friend of mine staying in Vienna, gave me an idea through a simple model - he also stated such as that intelligence can be thought of as mental events in the future reduced to mental events of the past…task of the mind is identifying patterns between these continua of events…he was able to model with impressive results, sets of three whereby each segment had an adjoining but negative attraction to the next and so for each representation, six then the seventh is the recognition - thought is too often anthropomorphized and how can a thought be analyzed by a thought that believes that thoughts can only be beliefs for example…I suggest the smallest segment of thought is not recognizable as a thought but contains a necessary essence that makes it so…as for the parenthesis, it was more of a flag to trigger an event at a later stage. Still working on a real answer for any of this, which may never truly come but as we close in over time, more impressive results keep “popping up”. Encoded within is the need for a slight expansion of contained logic that contains visions of triangle tessellations.

…until I return to the meat of this discourse, I offer this up as small jerky to chew on…

…next I plan to answer the other post, supra…before the new year, I hope…concernant les apparitions…


So transcriptively imminent from Dostoevsky’s ‘Notes from Underground’ Buddhistic formation through Schpenharain romantic revival through Sartre’s sad reductive efforts.

Had to write some reaction this was compelling beyond description, almost in sync to the point of conflating imminence and transcendence , in an effort to perceive a phenominal nihilized form of any model.
Such sync resulting a demotion from the ‘fabrication’ for lack of a better word if any framing, epoche of the immenant and transcendent mix , as a coding, or modeling reduction in a penomenolohically expressed signal.?

I am not under any illusion to voluntarily intend such a state, feel as if something pulling up beyond recognition in any frame of reference, or epoche or within a contextually infinite series of quanta.

Note to others: I wish I could pull this down to earth, but realization is hard to come by there, nowadays.

Hope to work on it in more emathically riverside ways, but this referential inference was spell bonding. Hope it never stops it’s haunting effect.

Much time has elapsed and to this, I should return. At least oil gears of thought. Happy to start with > first thing that comes to me based on near past reckoning.

I have periodically come back to apparitions within my head. It forms many thoughts for me, not excluding what appear to be zombie-like ghost people that currently it seems, roam earth lost. Among these figures, are and it is obvious, people that make sure not to forget. Such lack of forgetting, as is apparent, is now causing more of late, next set of problems to contemplate. Welcome to twenty twenty-two, we could say.

Surely we had to bring some problem with us from the year past. Drama queens in control of zombies…and in all, hiding behind the act…of a serious face that is meant to reassure. We should deal with “things” so as not to be fooled and two wrongs do not one right make…by nature of an automatic rule, formations are not always formed by attractions but also repulsions. New rich just read and act on patterns and consumer make this easy for them.

Here I materialize a thought process parallel to “the question” and more process need to be formed for me before “the question”. Une question d’apparition - a matter of appearance…

…as it arrives at my head, in waiting, to enter :-k

Patterns apperitions, repulsions, attractions,materialize,more process formed befite the question of apperition of appearance, lack of forgetting, the appearance , hiding behind the face a serious act, not excluding a zombie , a hidden power in the remembrance of things, arrives at my head waiting,- these are all fragments and they could be put together…

Taken apart singularly meaningful
Attach anything to fit.

But the reality binds it binds into an unprecedented role blinding in it’s binding : no idea how:

So solution? Draw a circle around it strong as was drawn around Brunhilda for such love not perish.

A sacred ring of fire, less not loose it’s memory as you say: and then someone may if interested be let in.

Mostly though the warning not to renter will stop any one coups supposing, when it be decoded into similarly patterned .

Saw something deleted about super duper AI machines so not be fooled she can talk you into releasing, even if, and besides sleep on it tomorrow being another day followed by night.

I swear live will get us through when it’s set up like that.

It is only that which keeps it going.

Thought of when things settle down a bit and they think I will betray a trust, well come again.

Have so much to say but ran out a moment.

But after word opened my window to sound of crickets playing their summer idyll so much out of character but not here in the California of January 2029, while my folks back in Paul bunyan’s land are sleeping under blankets of fleecy white brrrrrrr.

That’s about as much remembrances of past times can evoke just now. Tempus fugit.

Then there are the things that one can see when no one else can.

How it is that others can miss such things like the message is private or destined only for one. Those fleeting ponderings that one never bothers to write down that give to me you a missing piece that could have been valuable but instead will then lay dormant for an indefinite period only to resurface when it is too late or otherwise not needed. Today each time I write out thoughts I want to erase or delete but then away from pen or computer there they are and I want to keep them but age is tricky and when upon return to the medium for recording it is like the thoughts walked away…no disappear/disapparition…and I can only ask why but I do know the mind is not letting go but this is not the mind aware. This is the mind unaware teasing me, tantalizing and tempting, and telling me that we are only warming up, yes, we are just getting started.

Well for this year at least.

The obvious is comfortable but the otherwise gives a person drive and such things are akin to like how grass continues to make attempt to move up at all age points.

Many things keep us moving ahead and none are so obvious to provide comfort…Il n’y a pas plus sourd que celui qui ne veut pas entendre.

“tous pour un mais pas un pour tous”?

What reasons can support that idea, where
and when reasons prevailDoes not, sight support the sound of the past, or the other way around, the sound of sight? Can not the cricket’s call, recreate an earlier image of vast supplication into the yet undefined future?

Intermingled, purposefully redundant and regressed to the unique melody or the classical harmonics calculated into previse baroque sustanance for others to costume and live on?

Blindly escalated tenuous hope of see in him again, and Him too, in a tiring preset a fallacious ambiguity to tease?

Yes and more, much more than this unfinished.
Unfinished because others may find it a needle in a haystack.

One summer they could have been you a single wheet or blade of grass , between teeth looking at the sky undefined and wish to god not to grow, but picture this escape as an eternal object.Not to grieve, but restrain beauty, restrain it so that they will loose it in the field, that in another season, it may again burst assunder?

No, that will be another, with you in it , as well. That hairs in your head counted, every single one.

Of course for the one who thinks the universe is in rotation around herself then she is the deafest. She is like a camel that can not see its hump. She or actually he still experiences the feeling of moving forward but the hump is getting bigger and there is no relief and life continues to feel heavier, as in life is weighing him or her down. One feels great about individualism but of course, it comes with loneliness. More evident as we move from in a measure of time. Instead, I prefer to thread from time that which keeps me connected to another or others depending on the time frame being experienced. Then we deal with such impossibilities through examples like that explanation of ancient Egypt through Egyptologists and it appears they are not thinking about what they are saying and clearly what they tell us is worthless, such is the case with many things. When fantasy is presented as facts in simple terms. Of course, there is always a simpler explanation. Of course, we overlook things. Of course, there is a truth and such an item has value on some spectrum of truth/value. A truth explained has its value rooted in the difference between language usage between the speaker and the listener id est and in this case, any writer and the reader(any).

“What reasons can support that idea”

Reasons contained within, to begin with. Reasons not privy to the receiver, no doubt. However, yes, some information is moved forward to sometimes become knowledge.

Such knowledge comes with its own reasoning…

For many, their own whole life is a needle in a haystack. Recycling the same questions in their measure of time we refer to as life. Robustness is a built-in feature that never quite removes the pain and one must take the bad with the good. Such a state of mind avoids for the person a state of peculiar depression that oft times the-of experiencer cannot even detect but yet feel. For the onlooker, something is true “up” - something does not appear right. Like a foreign apparition but instead between country, between two or more individuals. Then to the internal, when the aware can see content in the unaware as to if the two minds are communicating. What about words? Through interpretation when you see a text meaning something different from what another believes. The angle of perception? Based on an individual prior experience, such a text presents to a reader and appearance but as explained before here from me, such diffusion can do this - and yours is different to mine - unavoidable. Social living overcomes some of this and the inner circle will experience less of problème - like concentric rings the further out taken, quite the problem becomes.

Beyond my perimos is the extis(EXTIS). Out there is a common understanding only achievable through commonalities such as but not exclusive to a common language. Cultural inclusions are considered too.

In the measure of time where things can unthread from each other like a disconnect between let us say, for example, ancient Greece to now…

…is included some relevant information, made relevant to those who decide its value. We are left whether choice, do I believe that leader of his field, or do I not do that.

This partie un, left for decide, what is the next.


I want to imagine for a moment that a woman and I are walking above a forest and we can see a river below us. The river is large and connected to it is a great waterfall. We can hear the waterfall from up here and also there is a breeze that surrounds us. The breath of the sky touches our skin and love overcomes us and we hold hands and we become immersed in a moment of bliss together. We continue to walk and become aware of the heaven that the sky presents to us with its majesty over the earth. I can smell the forest floor at this point. There are mushrooms in the middle of their own existence and thoughts of fairies appear in my head. Happy little people with wings flying about and laughing to each other, having fun like children and then my mind returns to my wife at my side and she is smiling because of the look on my face. She can tell that I was deep in another world.

More on this later. For now, we can be content that within the village, everyone’s life somehow just got a little bit better and perhaps the white-bearded man has a high value. The clouds have reappeared, I speak too soon, now they threaten me with the sun, and there again they have appeared. Strange weather we are having. Still the temperature for the moment is comfortable, even with the sun making an appearance and then hiding again. I need to drink more coffee as I develop my thoughts. I can say that I looked at some beautiful images of the countryside today from another country and these images contained my desires. Desires to watch simply a waterfall with its dance in the light and sparkling bright. Beautiful words we seek to create equally pretty pictures inside our heads.

May everybody’s day be well and peaceful…

Over-under whelming coded later-before-
the Uber/Inter Mann, besagt-

Sounds pretty serious, Meno.

I will not ask you if you are deep in thought…

…because that seems to be your natural state…


Nonetheless…peace! I will come back.