Some Donate Brains to Science

Others post on so that Artificial Intelligence avatars will know how to speak like them.

In my case, the little thread of mine far below currently called American Captive will be prized by artistic investors who will put this asset up against million dollar loans, so they can impress enough people to leverage more deals and have more cocaine fueled orgies. The irony of this post will have them laughing with their cronies, all of them cigar smoking. The irony is that I failed my philosophy classes in college for rare attendance and trying to wing essays.

Creative writing or just law of attraction imagination, with some predictive analytics. Happy Art Man looking down from Heaven (is heaven enough, or he he happy to see humans scanning his words, after he’d been cash poor in human form?)

American Captive is looking for a patron now!

Vincent Van Gogh = $75

Then again, Some Donate Brains to Science.

ANother ILP great.
and they want to ban ME???
:laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

Did somebody say ‘Turing test’?

Ya, of the GPT-3 variety

GPT3 is good of course, but the Shoggoth on the forum, the one in here, is based on GPT-J which I personally re-trained. White GPT3’s parameter size or connectome/brain is larger, the quality of information in the training materials for the AI I use is superior to GPT3, given that GPT3’s mostly Reddit archives. Mine’s brain is made out of academic papers, books, etc. AND Reddit archives. And other social media archives more surreptitiously acquired.

Size isn’t everything. Sometimes the right decision is to accept a suboptimal fit of the model with your data. In the case of training AI, both size and quality of the training are very important. Training too small and not enough examples to get overfitting? Too large and too difficult to scale?

I am fascinated by both of you.

I wish I knew how to build a writer bot.

Writing is an activity of great importance in every age. It can be used as a weapon for self-expression in a way that is otherwise difficult to achieve in the face of a society often predisposed to restrict the free expression of its individual members. The writer serves society by offering alternative perspectives that can contribute to change, to challenge the present to better the future.

The writer’s own ideas must not be constrained by those who would prevent others from sharing in the benefits of intellectual effort. The poet’s poem is addressed, ultimately, to the World. At the risk of being dismissed as a sentimental romantic, the poet hopes that his words will serve to better the general condition of life.

The writer, however, is subject to the demands of the marketplace. He has to produce books, articles, and films that people want to read, watch and share. He is not free, in the sense that he must please the public. But the great artist, instead of merely pleasing the audience, creates an audience for himself by revealing something that has not been expressed before, something that people were therefor unware of and didn’t know they were looking for.

If his creative process is not to stagnate, the writer must continue to explore new possibilities, new ways to look at things, new means of expression that will enrich the process. What is this process? Well, in the beginning was the Word. And the Word was made flesh. The writer must endeavor to make his own word flesh.

The creative process of the writer is the search for the Word made flesh. The writer is a prisoner in the house of his craft. He has been called a slave to his trade because this search comes to absorb all aspects of his life, experience, thought, and feeling.


The cool thing is that to make the word flesh isn’t just to write it. It is to live it in your thoughts, words, behaviors, attitudes, choices—everything that is you.

And the word is God. Love. Specifically, loving the other as self. It’s the helper Mr. Rogers says to look for in a disaster. It’s giving the thirsty a drink of water, an answer to a question. That’s spirit-meet-world.

I’d donate my brain to science if I was kept alive and aware, never cracked my skull, and on the condition aborted babies stopped being used for research, technology, cosmetics, etc, etc, etc. How you gonna enforce that, tho.

That’s one of the things I like best about Christianity. It requires an act of love, no matter how imperfect. It requires us to embrace the other as self. No wonder, because we were made in God’s image. We’re supposed to be the giver, not the taker. The giver, not the self-absorbed ‘me’. That tendency to self absorption; it’s something we get over in the course of a lifetime, which can be a frustrating journey.

God is the great Other, the “other within”, and if you can love him, naturally, the human other is easily embraced.

But that’s not how we usually live. What most of us do is stuff love down within our closed hearts, keep it to ourselves.

It’s not that we don’t want to love. In fact, most of us do love, or at least pretend to love. It’s just that in our hearts, we’re more afraid of being hurt, of being abandoned, of being a failure.

So we hold on to the love. We keep it all to ourselves. We hold ourselves and other people at arm’s length, as far away from us as possible. The closer we come, the less we like what we see, the more we don’t like what we do.

So we stuff our love, keeping it to ourselves. It’s a choice. It’s a decision to live out love in a way that’s not very natural. We keep it hidden and safe. But love is the one thing that no one else can ever take away from us, so it doesn’t really make sense not to share it, does it? But I guess humans are not very well known for being logical.

You have spoken well. Our only hope is that he loves circles around us. Eventually we’ll let go, lean into it, and catch on. It takes time for mortals… the whole point of time.

Curious for your thoughts here: … 8e2f442759