Dissonance: Learned or Innate?

When there is a conflict between one or more thoughts, one or more feelings, and/or one or more behaviors (or a conflict between thoughts, feelings, and/or behaviors), dissonance happens until the conflict is resolved or rationalized. If it is left unresolved or responsibility is rationalized away, Sartre calls this bad faith.

Is that dissonance in response to conflict innate or learned?

Nietzsche seems to suggest it is learned via punishment in “Genealogy of Morals,” Essay 2, section 14, at least as it concerns a guilty conscience. Feeling. Section 13 dealt with actions and meaning.

What say you/science/etc? Can dissonance be learned AND we have an innate capacity for it in response to these sorts of conflicts?

It’s innate and corresponds directly to IQ.

High-IQ individuals rationalize their dissonance, which is called “Thought/Thinking”.

Low-IQ individuals cannot rationalize, thus appealing to Mysticism, Mass Religion, Politics/Propaganda, and if an institution does not quell their dissonance, then it becomes suppressed, repressed, into psycho-somatic trauma (recurring Nightmares, anxiety, spells of fright).

LOL. Not that LOL.

I’ve already explained the source of mind/body dissonance - conflict between genetic and memetic, or inherited and experienced memories.
When nihilism infects the mind it contradicts the body - in extreme cases it negates it.

Two General kinds of nihilism:
Positive & Pure.
Spiritual nihilism, and political nihilism are examples of positive nihilism - an ideology/dogma that contradicts experienced reality, offering a seductively pleasing, relieving, alternative to help an individual cope with the experience of existing - need/suffering.

Examples of spiritual positive nihilism:

Examples of secular, ideological positive nihilism:

Good question. Dissonance would have an element of being innate but this could also be further expanded upon by one’s experiences. If we are pressured or incentivized or gaslit into accepting our own dissonance as normal or good, we might end up with more dissonance and it might become pathological (we internalize it and become unable to recognize it).

But I would say the first thing is that dissonance is innate. We develop a natural ability to be able to distinguish different things. So if we claim X to ourselves or others but inside our own minds or thoughts we really know that “X” is actually not-X, the “dissonance” we feel is our awareness of the difference between X and not-X as well as our awareness of our own moral feeling about lying about the issue. Either lying to others or to ourselves will produce a moral feeling we might call dissonance or guilt. In some ways this morality is learned, but it also has an innate aspect to it in how morality (goods and bads) is a natural derivation of facts/truth (right and wrong, correct and incorrect). We all have at least some degree of reality-recognition. Some of us obviously less than others, but still.

Dissonance of mind/body, brings into conflict physical memory - DNA - and mental memory - experience.
Two types of experiential memories - first & second-hand.
Personal and learned.
When we learn from another’s experiences we adopt them, and adjust them, to our own.

Learning exposes us to dysfunctional memories.
Nihilism is learned, as it offers an ideological defence to man’s emerging self-awarness - exposing him to a new source of suffering - objectivity.
Nihilism’s side-effect is mind/body dissonance, as the degree that the ideology contradicts - negates - the experienced world the more mind becomes disillusioned by its own presence, as body - seeking relief in distancing itself from the source of its displeasure, and suffering.
The idea can be synthesized into any alternative that contradicts and offers relief form the real.
Disillusionment, a sense of inner confusion - believing what one is compelled to do instinctively - confusion as the mind is affected by two contrary sources of memory.

What does a perikeet repeat?

A resolved or a rationalized solution caused by no re-solution, is signified by a process which separates the process of the attempted resolution’s failure to exclude the contended conflictial ideas perceptions and behaviors so that they will be divided from the conflict

The phenomenal reduction de objectified or dis-simulated into incompatibly saturated causative sun- reasonable recurrent and progressively vague and unfocused reflections.

Such blending of reason with the object of clarity, is unlearned, into the realm of the subjective or objectively unlearned.

A new sun level reintegration is started, on new mixes that have a more primitive powe base, so unlearning can cause a different genetically ) innately) - appearing genesis.

This brute power to force community later is signified as a will. The will reflects only as a method of a new reintegration and apparently signifies that as innate, or the thing in it’s self.

After many cycles , the doubt of existential authensity reaches a primal break. Or something like that, until the need:desire for Being will is repeated, finally AI needs to remember the many distinct steps to account for It’s Being, so that the conclusion can be avoided that the brute will to overcome has absolute innate power to prevent the conclusion that such solution can be designed ultimately to the very basic level of innate traits.

That is the illusion that doubt would like to paint with bold brush strokes.

In other words it shouldn’t be a question posed in an in an either or format, it would and it does result in the behaviors which work on methods of segregating and alienating rather then the one resting in a contrary objective.

Dissonance is when the ideas in your head contradict the world outside your head…
In nihilism this contradiction is so severe that the mental abstractions negate or invert, the sensually experienced world.

Ideas, like maps, either refer to a world, geography, phenomenon, outside the mind, experienced sensually, or they refer to other concepts, creating a self-referential delusion, whee all references are in texts or other minds…and nowhere else.
In the mind the world beyond the mind can be recombined, inverted, negated - space/time no longer limits so the mind feels like a god, in fact sometimes it believes it is a reflection of the divine, the ideal.
Its own imperfections contradicts this delusion so it dismisses the physical, tangible, objective world entirely or selectively.

Dissonance is a result of learning, obviously.

It is the result of learning in different spheres of knowledge.
Subject knowledge grows and eventually leads to a place where different subject which use different methods, or have different standards of truth, eventually clash.
When taught well such areas of knowledge such as logic, maths, physics, and the other sciences do not tend to clash and are basically in agreement with each other. Where such disagreements occur, they can be easily quantified and defined in terms of the evidence and bounded by defined parameters.
Social sciences on the other hand are more speculative since they are partly steered by moral considerations. Such is the case with history, for example, which is so often bound up with national and even racial pride; creates exceptionalism which is essentially dissonogenic.
Then at the far end of the scale you have religion which has no respect for truth being bound up with faith…

So it is no surprise that the most common source of dissonance is in the religious realm or between religion and its numerous clashes with science; all of which have been resolved with more science and the retreat of religious dogma.

I’m sorry for your experience.

But maybe your problem is that you carry simultaneous dissonant ideas in your head too??
Just a thought.

Science is never done without a worldview, or shared narrative. Nihilism is a worldview held (even if unaware) by anyone who thinks that all meaning/value begins and ends with the life cycles of mortal persons—rather than grounded in the eternal Original Persons (Trinity) against which all persons (groups) are measured. How science is done is influenced by worldview—hence the way Josef Mengele did science in Nazi Germany is how the U.S. National Institutes of Health does science with babies kept whole and alive after abortion, so their parts can be trafficked for experiments, etc. They got their eugenics from the U.S., as well.

That sort of thing worked really well in Egypt when it was done against the Hebrew slaves, as I recall.

History does seem to repeat, doesn’t it?

Not enough dissonance? Bit too much indifference? It’s obv a cry for help uttered without words, right?


This is all you are good for.
A pattern so predictable I don’t even have to read any of your posts - when I see your moniker, I already know what the probabilities are.
Stupidity is especially predictable.
Primal, Base.

Hm. Some primals/bases are as complex as it gets. Not the best metaphor.

On race…a major source of mind/body dissonance among Americans and those indoctrinated into Americanism.


Populations within specific environments. Some challenging, others not so challenging.
Are the ingredients for speciation to occur.
Breeds, races, sub-categories, are intermediate stages where isolation was not sufficient for a total biological split - inability to reproduce.
Nevertheless, the isolation and environmental conditions, and time were sufficient enough to manifest a degree of genetic divergence - differences in phenotype.
Appearances indicate something not superficial nor insignificant. We evolves senses to become aware of slight differences. these are large differences.

Human artificial environments do not isolate man from nature. They make him believe he is isolated and immune to nature.
They actually isolate man so as to help man intervene in natural selection and produce his ideal man - social selection, or social engineering, or eugenics.
Moderns support eugenics when they are not aware that this is what ‘social determinism’ implies. They do not support eugenics when it is cultivating a type they disapprove of or are threatened by, or when it is made clear and not masked in linguistics and metaphors.
All dogmas/ideologies cultivate a particular kind of man…and this can become apparent - a phenotype - if given enough time, and the isolation is severe enough.
Nihilism is one such family of ideologies/dogmas that inconspicuously desire to cultivate a particular kind of man - each variant of nihilism has its own ideal.
Americanism’s ideal man - citizen - is becoming clear, although there is a conflict between factions within Americanism - Americanism is disrupted by its multiculturalism unable to coalesce a uniform ideal, but one is emerging as one faction begins to dominate and take over, as it is.
If Judaism wins then Americanism will produce its ideal sexless, genderless, raceless, cultural-less, man-child - an ant-like citizen that is an individual in name only ([size=85]superficially[/size]).
Individuality becomes a superficial display of divergence concealing hive-mind uniformity. The process is slow but convergence is already evident in the uniform triggering of these “individuals” by specific words, one of which is ‘race.’
I doubt this ideal will ever fully materialize because such an ideal is unable to survive, or deal, with the real world, and so becomes a victim to other ideals - it requires compensating agencies technologies or a protective power that isolates it from a world it is methodically - linguistically - detaching from.
Easily controlled and manipulated, but vulnerable on its own - herd, hive, commune.

Evolution doesn’t end when civilization begins.
Learned, imitated, behaviours do not constitute uniformity or the erasing thousands of years of genetics.
Learned behaviours, determining judgments choices - only give the illusion of uniformity.
If what is necessary to be learned exceeds genetic potentials then the imitation fails.

A man can imitate what is inferior to himself; what is inferior cannot successfully imitate what is superior and beyond its ability to understand.

The ideal man is prevy to the same forces hovering between relativistic semblances that are grounded in larger scoped resemblances of mimicking, before the birth of civilization corresponding with its tragic paradoxical course.

The gap between the metaphoric reflection and it’s ultimate goal of transformation is an unseen and uncharted course, and the ideal is that without which evolution could have never started this upward journey, regardless it’s self assertive will to exclude it. Conceited image that’s inherent in the process.of development