If you were to be eaten

would you rather that they enjoy you? Or would you be intent on revenge and cause health problems?

I’m wondering as good meat generally comes from animals that have enjoyed their lives. Beasts from Argentina, Ireland, places with the very nice grass.
So there would be a parallel between the enjoyment of the animal by a man and by the animal of itself, and the animal ought to damn well honor that.

Sadism is not healthy. Sadists are not problem solvers; their idea of problem solving is to just not give a shit… no problem; nothing to solve.

I want problem solvers

i’d wanna taste delicious but then cause a ferocious shit.

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Reversely some famous someone said far away before or after that i wouldn’t let my kids eat an animal until it’s found to have lived a healthy sex life.suppose it works reversely also.

I’d say that’s a realistic perspective.

Might I first be given the opportunity to talk it into making me its faithful friend and companion?
After all, as a human, I might have much to offer in our ways.