
Im gonna retreat in this thread.

“Peters case was one of much alteration to the regimen, his dosage of was restricted to but in case of other substances there was no restriction.”


mood and influence are together.

The old of reading a thousand plateaus in the morning can only be one-sided.
the side of a woman

French philosophy and sex are the same as German philosophy and war are the same and America and cinema are the same.

Moods never circumvent themselves, that would be a trick.

I feel a mood trac should have the moodiest song.


humans made this,

the human monster.


German psychology vs American psychology

German mood vs American mood

I mean, right?

Some people are afraid of the thunder, some find it the most comforting sound in the world.


The latter tend to appreciate that the lightning cant have its feelings hurt. It is calming to be amongst the elements.

Ive never been to Lithuania, even though my family is from there.
I do have a Lithuanian friend. He lives in London and is a trader. But he is really a psychologist.

Ive heard it said that there is no such thing as London Fog, that it was a reference to the coal dust, the smoke, in the industrial age, “Dickens, what have you”.
But when I was in London last, I walked up to a window in the fog. I walked up very close to the window and only then I saw what was in it; a pigs head.

It was a butchershop. Near Oxford Street, a little park, black pointy fence, and an alley around back.
