
I consider boredom a sign of success.
Addiction to media, pleasure, excitement and happiness.
Withdrawal from this, is a form of boredom.
Use your boredom to do boring things,
like meditation, reading, pondering, etc.

God bless boredom.
May you find a deep sense of boredom.

Does boredom to some situations cause sensitivity to other situations? Or does it allow for the other?

Boredom increases sensitivity.
Stimulation decreases sensitivity.


I just looked up the word.
It’s the first time ive read it.
Sounds good to me.

The first example of ennui when I was young was when New Zealand was christianized and the head hunter tribes just sat around depressed all the time

No purpose.

I thought ennui meant complete boredom, a dark night of the soul that paralyzes, sloth of spirit that invalidates. It is an extreme condition of frustration, not a cause of anything positive. It is best gotten through so one can move on.

How about Buddha’s ennui, sitting under the bodhi tree for so ever a Kong time. Watching the grass grow among other things.

\That sounds like ennui to me. Their whole life had been pulled out right from under them.

When one always has a purpose and works towards that purpose, as in seeking the meaning of existence, that is the farthest away from ennui as one can get.
Waiting for something is not necessarily doing nothing. It can be as active as running towards something. lol

“Waiting for Godot?”
Will he show?
Yes or no.

I semi-recently reached my threshold of boredom.
It was like a hungry storm of chaos.
I wanted to control it,
but it wanted to control me.
I’m hesitant to try this again.
Later maybe.

Boredom, like sleep, may be a natural place for rest and restoration.
It occurs when reason is not enough to explain the situation.
Of course I could be wrong. I just don’t know.
Boredom may just be a rut in an otherwise smooth road of experiencing.
It will happen without your trying for it.
May you not experience its negative aspects.