female depression


Women are more depressed than men.
I also heard women’s brain uses more of itself.
Women use more of their brain.
But what if that means they use the bad parts of their mind more too?
Maybe bad isn’t the right word.
But the negative side.

Mothers are a household’s hearth, preserver of traditions, and heart of the family – if and when she stops stoking the house fires, the home falls into darkness and is no more.

Heart & soul of the family unit; building block of society. There is no durable family without a strong, loyal, committed mother.

Womanhood is validated and finalized in motherhood. Without her own child a woman gives herself to institutional ambitions, or to a compensatory pet, unable to find complete fulfillment in either; a void she blames on her own kind, growing resentful towards men and mankind.

The first experience with masculinity, for a girl, is her father. All men are, subsequently, compared to him.

Daughters learn from their mothers how to be women – easy, when genes are their shared link.

For a girl her father becomes an ideal all males are, subsequently, compared with. If she loves and trusts him, she will desire males that remind her of him; if she despises and distrusts him, she will be attracted to males least like him, to spite him.

Most often than not, first born daughters inherit the intellect of their father, and the personality of their mother; second born daughters inherit the intellect of the mother and the personality of the father.

Women are people who want an asexual father figure.

That’s all you need to know about them.

Sex is so easy it’s nothing to a woman. For men. They have to try. Some semblance of sophistication.

Men do a disservice to women by not teaching the codes that hack them.

I’m sure that makes good population-statistical sense, but when you put the word MY before the word dreams, I kinda wanna get all population-statistical with you.

Do you have dreams that don’t fit the population-statistical mold?

Perhaps if you want someone to ask you about your individual dreams, you should ask them what hacks them as an individual?

Maybe more listening, less stats. True on many levels.

The female biological make-up, aka hormones, is probably the root cause of depression in females… especially during the menstruation cycle and after childbirth - I’d say it’s as simple as that.

It is hormones that dictate our internal workings and externalised self - without hormones, we would be a flat-line of emotionless emptiness, a drone, a Borg, an empty shell… because something doesn’t come from nothing, and biological life involves chemical reactions, so something.

Modern females are more depressed because they were told that feminism would make them happy and it turned out that it did not…
most, having liberated themselves from paternalism, are now enslaved by institutions - their “careers”, remaining childless…which, for woman, is a source of biological unfulfillment.
They regret their earlier choices but must now pretend that it was fated - they had no choice, because there is no 'free-will, you see - or that they are happy celibate spinsters - keeping up appearances.
Most become neurotic and develop all kinds of physical and psychological ailments because they haven’t channeled their hormonal energies towards birthing and raising a child.

Modern women are picky…they expect to find the “perfect male” which does not exist, or their “soul mate” which is another romantic idealistic lie they bought into, due to Americanism and its Hollywood/Media bullshyte factories.
Modern Americanised women are demanding…and they will not settle for anything but perfection.
They attract charlatans on inferior males who are willing to put up with their shit, but then lost respect for these biological carpets, wondering “where all the real male have disappeared to”…some are the attracted to the brute Jihadi, fanatic, who does not put up with their shit and may even display behaviours the average indoctrinated western male cannot even imagine. They sneer at them but secretly many of them become wet by such males.

See how many western women protest demanding their government import more males from these countries that were not Americanised?

So you never found someone to love, to love you back, and now you want to visit destruction upon the world… This always seems to be the root of the bitter and resentful. Couldn’t you be the bigger (wo)man and just move on?

Finding reciprocated love is not difficult for me. I suffer something lorikeet dismisses, I don’t like to hurt others while getting what I want.

I know lorikeet projects a lot …. I didn’t really desire to point it out to him.

My big problem with life is something lorikeet hates to contemplate …

Lorikeet is a sociopath. Lorikeet knows this.

Lorikeet has also not been touched by spirit.

He’s missing one of the many senses that can be bestowed upon someone.

I don’t think he’s really digging himself deeper down the rabbit hole.

He’s like a blind person vehemently stating that he can see the color green.

He can’t admit he’s disabled because he doesn’t know he has a disability. He does have moral indignation though.

He’ll point to something blue and call it green. And is enraged by everyone else explaining he can’t see.

His themes are people’s impotence. Project much lorikeet?

Man-child…I’ve had more love than I could handle.
Man-child…you aren’t good at this…
You don’t have the intelligence nor the objectivity.

You associate everything I say with your method of projecting.

Moron…reread the quote you selected and posted…

I am speaking of “soul mates” imbecile…and how it is impossible…a product of naive idealism.
There’s no such thing, moron.
Compatibility is about tolerance of the other’s imperfections.

Imagining Lorikeet’s soulmate is a scary, scary imagining.

(Considering the role of a soulmate is not to coddle or ego-defend.)

Did I say scary? I meant terrifyingly traumatizing.

lyssa was her internet handle.

Soul mates are hard to find, because of the complexity of human nature and the sheer numbers of people out there. You might have to search long and hard to find someone, but even with the numbers involved and the seemingly low odds it’s going to happen for people who are persistent. Opening yourself up is the first step though… being vulnerable. Sadly for some that won’t be possible typically due to childhood trauma.


You’re like a self help manual, man-chid…
Have you been improving yourself by reading them?

Chicken Soup for your inner Traumatized Man-Child
Soul Mates for Dummies
How to Find Love
Dullard to Charming, in five steps
How to Attract Women
How to Overcome a Bad Father
Visualize your way to Success
Six Winning Habits
How to find your Soul Mate

Carry on.
You will find her…I’m rooting for you.
Inform us when you do.

“A Sock Puppet was My Soul Mate - I’ll Never Love Again”

man mourns as psychologist shows him his soul mate has too many holes to even darn anymore

  • Global Enquirer

You believed her and you think she was my sock-puppet…
Oh well…
I’m tellin’ ya you two girls have a lot in common.
Try again to engage her…you know women.
No means yes.

Never change.



she’s as female as Berkeley Babes

Her spirit is female.
She has adopted feminine linguistics to break down resistance - annoying others until they capitulate; never listening or acknowledging what others say…yap, yap, yapping at nobody.

She’s given solution to her predicament but she will not take it…because she wants to remain a damsel in distress and her underlying motive is to bring the world where she is at.
She wants to undermine and destroy confidence in all judgments…hoping that then the hive mind will emerge and she will finally find comfort in its bosom.

She’s as fucked up as you are, dear.

You see damsel in distress, s/he sees damsel done with bullshit. :wink:

Us females probably use more of our brain than men, for ‘multitasking’ for ‘filtering out…’ for ‘figuring out…’ etc. etc. etc…

…also, the modern environment… toxic/restricted diet… high-rate of enforced unnecessary change, all have a role to play, in that which is the changing landscape of the female’s nature/psychology.