
Subjective is to Objective, what impotence is to omnipotence and what ignorance is to omniscience.

The goal is intentionally defined out of existence to make the current state the only state - lethargy, atrophy.
So, given that omnipotence is impossible - in a no god world here ‘god’ is, of course always defined along Abrahamic contexts - then impotence is the only certainty - an all-iclusing, all levelling state of equality.

We are all equally sinners before the perfect goodness of Abraham’s one-god…for which no other god will be tolerated.
we are all equally poor - under Marxism we ought to be so - so that systemic economic parity can be finally achieved, ushering in the Communist Utopia of no exploitation - anti-nature, given that natural selection and evolutionary survival of the fittest, necessitates exploitation, otherwise there is no motive to adjust, adapt, advance.

Objectivity does not mean certainty.
It means a superior degree of subjectivity; subjectivity without the corrupting influences of personal emotion, private self-interest - as much as possible.

Objectivity has nothing to do with Ayn Rand and her justification of capitalistic selfishness, and capitalism’s social adaptation of nature’s survival of the fittest methods.
Social selection can never become like natural selection. But her Jewish guile neglected to inform us of how tribal memetic, nepotism factors into social selection, in degrees that it can never intrude into natural selection which is always indifferent to social status and inheritance of wealth and privilege.
Being born to an alpha pair, among wolf packs, does not guarantee that you will rise to become an alpha…but being born to a Jew seems to increase the odds of becoming part of America’s elite - not because of inherited merit but due to the corruption of ideological manmade systems.

An omnipotent omniscience is a subject who exists their essence.

True power sets free all subjects. Empowers.

The individual that has submitted to his subjective, primal instincts - equating pleasure with truth - assumes that this is a universal rule.
So, he dismisses objectivity as a ruse…like Abraham’s one-god, and its theoretical omniscience/omnipotence.
Such a moron assumes that all are like itself - because this is all it can ever understand, viz, driven by self-serving, persona, egotistical, motives.
Everything becomes a social strategy for attaining social status - social power.

It can only, think of the world in relation to its group dynamics.
Rand’s concealed motive becomes a universal truth. The word ‘objective’ triggers in them a defensive, Marxist, reaction - pitting Jew against Jew.
Their entire psyche being dominated by Judaism, and its motive to “return” to a singularity - nil.

Such warped minds cannot imagine any motive other than what is self0-seving, so they assume that power, or pleasure, underlies all objectivity, and that if objectivity is not absolutely attainable then all are equally subjective, meaning all are hiding some self-serving, self-empowering, self-flatrring motive. Justifying their real motive to remain as they are - yet, to not suffer the consequences of such stagnation.
i mean you move from Abrahamism to Marxism, and then to Postmodernism…and what have you really changed, other than the terminology, and the linguistic strategy?
Has the goal changed?
No, it remains anti-life, anti-existence, anti-nature.
Everything must be given a motive - telos.

true omniscience restricts power, naive gullible woman.
I’s mere presence restricts. Sets boundaries.

Omnipotence is impossible…real power sets free the individual RELATIVE to others.
It gives him more accessible options.
There is no freedom form existence…like you fantasize…a state of living death - Zombies.
You can never be omnipotent, just as you can never be absolutely free.

Even your god, hypocrite, didn’t give Adam absolute freedom…did he?
He punished him for exercising a choice which he, supposedly, knew the outcome.

Paradise, as your superstitious kind imagines it, describes living death.
A self-contradicting unrel-reality, non-exiting existence…where stagnation is the absolute.

Old naive girl…you are a simpleton.
Gullible, needy…you’ve ben duped…and you love it.
You will never give up the lie, because you cannot endure existence without it.
You may even fear that you will become a monster without your god’s authority imposing punishments and offering rewards.
Don’t ya?

Would you even be with the ‘silent commentator’ sweetie, if not for the fear of god?

Wasn’t that the crux of the Adam bullshyte superstition, naive old woman?
Adam was, supposedly, given freee-will, and then punished for exercising it contrary to omnipotent power?
Wasn’t that the political message, sweet old hag?
I make you free…but, you challenge my omnipotent power and hell you get…for an eternity.
It was a mean trick and you fell for it…because you so wanted the big daddy to be watching over ya, didn’t you?
You wanted your suffering to have meaning…and a purpose…didn’t you?
You wanted everything to turn out well, in the end…didn’t you?

You wanted care, in cosmic indifference…and certainty, in all the uncertainty.
Didn’t you, old woman?

You are loved.

You are omnipotent to refuse/accept that love once you are omniscient of it.

And it’s the only choice that matters.

Back to the brainwashing.

Does Jesus love me, old woman?
Does he offer me salvation, if only I open my heart to him?
Is that what the book writes?

Nope. It says right here in a tiny footnote that you are the only one excluded. Don’t worry, I can smuggle you in.

i dont think he is

Nobody lub me…booo hooo
Not like Stan da Man.

The objective is for the subject an orienting projection - destination - helping it navigate a dynamic, fluctuating, existence.
The objective focuses the subject’s aggregate energies, disciplining its judgements, determining its choices.

there are true facts about every subject

truth forever because there will always be at least one subject

Concepts - ideas - connect to reality - world - via semiotics - words symbols.
yours don’t.

That’s why you are a nihilsit…a positive one - a self-deciving one.
The paradox, contradiction, of a ‘positive’ negation, is rooted in your linguistic deceit.

All you have are word sin a book, words coming form a man’s mouth you consider an “expert”…that’s all you have.
They seduce you, these words.
They tell you what you want to hear.

i know you have to make a joke of it as part of your own coping process but you know that its true that no one loves you

you a fact checker now?

So, um. What Nietzsche wanted to hear was that he could do no wrong.

And because I know my shit stinks, especially if you shape it into a temple and smash it with a hammer…

I’m the nihilist…?

You’re so stinkin cute when you pout like that.

I never check facts. I let facts loose.

You’re a nihilist because your beliefs, if they were to be true - externalized from inside your mind - would negate the experienced world.

Nietzsche was a great and noble man and a good writer…a gifted psychoanalysts psychoanalysts because of his pronounced feminine side ([size=85]Dionysian[/size]) - especially of mass minds.
He offered nothing novel outside this…
That men-children have become attacked to his testicles and cannot escape his shadow, is more a symptom of Americanism and the loss of identity, and traditions, and the biological father - the loss of paternalism.

They use these obscurantist, romantic idealistic language to pretend they are tapping into something deep and profound, when all they are is finding something to feel proud about, because they cannot ni their real lives.
With no traditions, no families, they have no foundations, no source of empowerment…so this Will To Power seduces them, and Nietzsche optimistic slant of Schopenhauer’s pessimism calls to their wanton spirits.
They are unable to get out of his shadow…the man destroyed generations of men-children who were born under nihilistic conditions, just as you cannot escape the Jesus shadow.

I call these secular types “recovering Abrahamics”…Nietzsche announced the end of god - Abraham’s god - and those that could not endure existence without this myth turned to him as the saviour.
He’s become a Christ figure - his every word is repeated, his life is mythologized, he can do nor say anything wrong.
You use Biblical scripture to quote, instead of thinking, and they use his books as their source of indubitable truths and profound wisdom.
That some also believe in astrology tells us more…they compensate for a personal lack, using these deference to authority - they obey and follow.