Absolute Randomness

What does it do, ILP?

what does it do

It rubs the lotion on its skin?

America unmasks.

I’m gonna just not wear mine anymore even though I haven’t been vaccinated. I will be a liar among men, an imposter in direct defiance of the guidelines. What sucks is that all my red blooded american patriot brothers will see me with the mask off and think I’m a sell out and a wuss.


Edit: but really I think unvaccinated people don’t want to wear masks at all and are willing to risk it… so the reason why they’re not wearing the mask isn’t because they feel uncomfortable as part of the masked minority.

Course there will be some discomfort for the unvaccinated ones that still wear the mask willingly. You’ll start seeing people in line scooting away from the masked ones as if they’ve certainly got it. Eventually dude’s gonna have a break down and be like the elephant man, rip off his mask and shout at the people who’ve now moved across the room from him ‘i am not an animal!!!’

Godammit now the CNN heads are suggestingly tossing around the idea of mandated vaccination to prevent the unvaccinated liars who take their masks off from infecting others if they have it.

We saw this comin didn’t we. Alright next thing to happen will be the beginnings of a black market for fake vaccination papers. If I had the resources I’d do it.

Note: all the best footage of the conflict in the middle east right now you’ll find at kaotic.com - uncut and before any news networks get it.


If the vax doesn’t protect them, then why take it?
If the vax is only partially protective then those who have had the vax should have to wear masks as well to prevent them from infecting others, right?
Man, it’s hard to keep up with the stupidity, nowadays.

Yes, we did see this coming. We can also see the role out of mandatory ‘track and trace’ apps. Soon anyone without a ‘track and trace’ app on them will not be allowed in certain shops, buildings or on transport. We’ll then see this app linked up with other ‘services’ like bank accounts, health records, history, friends, job status etc till it morphs into the Chinese ‘social credit score’ system.

The Chinese app is linked into your social networks as well. If you criticize the government or befriend anyone with a low social credit score, you earn demerit points. Your social credit score has ramifications for what jobs you’re allowed to apply for as well as where you can travel etc. People can also earn demerit points for simply befriending a person with a low score or liking something anti-government. In other words, the mavericks and free-thinkers will be ostracized from society.

What’s happening in front of our eyes is the virtual world of ‘like’ and ‘dislike’ buttons are bleeding into real life. Being restricted or banned from a platform will soon mean being restricted or banned from various aspects of life.

I’m not a fan of Trump but he did say something very profound a while back. He said “They’re not after me. They are after you and I’m just in the way

The saddest part about all of this is not the corrupt government, the corrupt corporations or deep state bringing all of this about. The most disturbing thing about the encroaching technocratic dictatorship is how it is welcomed by the mass of brainwashed, media-fed sheep who think it will keep them safe from diseases, terrorists and ‘hate’ speech.


Anyway, it’s not a problem for me. I’m a transvaxxite; I identify as a vaccinated person even though I haven’t been vaccinated.
You can do that now and everyone has to believe you.

Havana syndrome. Mysterious illnesses affecting only diplomats. Yo this is getting crazier and crazier I don’t even know wuts going on anymore or wuts gonna happen, but goddamn these are exciting times and I think I’m getting my second wind. Like what if we’re about to be invaded by aliens bro? What’s all this new stuff about record sightings during 2020?

google.com/amp/s/amp.thegua … -incidents

“One incident from 2019 upset both the Trump and Biden administration after a military officer reported becoming overwhelmed with nausea and headaches after pulling into an intersection. His 2-year-old son in the backseat also began crying. His nausea stopped and the child stopped crying once he pulled away from the intersection, the Times reported, citing current and former officials.”

See that? They zapped him with microwaves and here’s y they couldn’t just zap an ordinary citizen somewhere. They are experimenting with the technology and they need a subject who they can closely question, examine and observe; hence an active officer in the military.

Now let’s say this report is entirely fabricated. Now the question becomes ‘why’; what r they setting up with this fabrication.

Remember, there are no mistakes.

Right now gloominary and obsrvr are deep inside the internet getting to the bottom of all this and they’ll have a detailed analysis by tomorrow.


“the mating calls of insects were mistaken for a “sonic weapon” that led to a major diplomatic row. Since August 2017, the world media has been absorbed in the “attack” on diplomats from the American and Canadian Embassies in Cuba…”

Okay what’s the inference that immediately jumps into your head? That’s right, you got it u scientific thinker u.

these recent dudes were hearing cicadas

Right? Aren’t billions of cicadas comin out if the ground now? Do they have cicadas around the Whitehouse?

These are the kinds of questions u ask because ur good scientists. You look first for simple obvious explanations and remain faithful to the principle of parsimony.

Alright here’s my theory. What’s that movie where they invented the monsters to keep people from leaving the village? The village, wuddint it?

So here’s the deal. There are no aliens, but they are going to say there are when these sonic attacks begin happening at greater and greater frequency to people all over the world. The governments will then say you have to get a chip implant to become immune to the sonic attacks (which they are conducting), and from there, I dunno. I need more data.

All this fucking dude needed was retard shoes. A story about a man with a short left leg (by a good 7/8ths of an inch).


I got a question for yas. If you were a great thinker/writer who’s work was very often quoted at least a hunerd years after you died, how often do u reckon you would either fully disagree with something said ‘in your name’, or at least think some statements (not taken directly from your work) should be seriously reworded?

You say probably pretty often. Okay now how often do you think you do it; how often do you think a dead thinker looks at something you said (in his ‘ism’) and immediately face palms it?

Mute people experience unspeakable horrors every day.

^^^ buh dum tshhh!

There’s a wide range of drugs that’ll do this to a person and I wish I knew what he was on. I know K2 will wig someone out because I watched a young white dude in prison freak out on it, but check this true story out. In 96, brad, Shauna, Carley, Noah and myself were going by my dad’s house to party because he was out if town. It was evening and dark, misting a bit… a very very light rain, and we pulled into the cul-de-sac. There in the middle of the circle was a naked white dude with white person dreads (the tangled braids white hippies try to grow) spinning around slowly and hopping kinda while mumbling/singing something. So we pulled in to the driveway and Shauna called the cops who sent an ambulance. Eventually the dude made his way down my driveway and when they got there, he started acting like a frightened deer that’s pinned beside the house. Dude started trippin and they had to restrain him. The neighbor lady heard the ruckus and came out and then she started trippin trying to shew the naked dude away from her yard (this was before they restrained him).

Whatever that dude was on had totally tuned him out, yo. LSD doesn’t even really do that. Shrooms neither. Maybe PCP but he wasn’t of that demo graphic. It’s a mystery cuz that dude was wiggin.
