What are you doing? (Part 1)

You’re always so much more at home here, aren’t you?

Really, I dare anyone to claim they wouldn’t want to be you.

Hey, you follow me, I follow you. :sunglasses:

…and was there?

It’s been raining here all week, and dropped below 20c/70f… it’s a bit brrrr, as One’s physiology had adapted nicely to the hotter clime of Summer… but at least it remained in double figures.

Yes there was but i cant remember if it was closed before last call or not, because it did not really matter for i got the bartender help me forget.


…eating home-made (from scratch) plain chocolate, watching (Czech Republic v England) football, and drinking water.

Currently 1/nil, to England

Bought five pounds of chicken for $.61, now that is going into my joy journal.

Another beautiful day.

Thinking back to a stranger I met on a walk a couple days ago, who had gone unconscious due to a car accident and she told me about visiting the afterlife, seeing family, who told her that it wasn’t her time to be there. As we parted, I told Debbie that I’ll be looking to run into her again during one of our next lives. Meeting her was like meeting all of you ILPers, not chance and not a coincidence, it was by design for we are connected somehow, and I doubt that this was the first or will be the last I’ll communicate with you. Okay, enough talk that makes both atheists and the spiritually enriched squirm.

I feel sorry for Meno and his national football team.

“like meeting all of you ILPers, not chance and not a coincidence, it was by design for we are connected somehow”

Stop it Wendy. Don’t do it like those old people. First you have to know… not fear… know… that some day you’re gonna die.

goats bruh


one more. look at those clouds. shit is real high up.


Mini moto event!


I am reading a really good book. :smiley:

What book are You reading?

Lol @ SCARFACE. A hacker with aimbot and another one which allows you to see through walls and objects. It’s so unfair tho, but goddamn when you got it like that u might as well play it. There should be cross platforming for hackers only I think. It’s really ridiculous trying to play people on desktops if you’re Xbox or play station… add to that a hacker and it’s impossible.

Except when he’s on your team. Watch this shit:


England v Germany… round of 16.

England beat Germany, 2/nil…

Watching Cotton look for treats that I hid all over. So freakin’ cute.

Still reeling with silent laughter, from the finalé-drama from yesterday’s area AGM :laughing:

…looks like They want a second (Super) AGM and some questions answered… or, re-answered, in some cases.

Ok, the amusement from it is dying down now… almost. :smiley:


It has been a while, right? :sunglasses:

It wasn’t just fascinating, but also down-right hilarious… these political meetings can get quite heated, you know.

I’ve got to put my serious-face on, for all further such meetings and discussions that follow, from here-on-in. 8-[

Be that as it may, why do you begin some posts with this: _

But not, say, this one. I’ve noticed that occasionally obsrvr524 does the same.

You’re not a member of his “if I do say so myself” ridiculous Coalition of Truth, are you? :sunglasses: