Why do you post on an internet message board?

Why do you gravitate towards one of the worst forms of social interaction known to man? It’s not a coincidence that “message board guy” is pale, scrawny, socially inept, and intelligent. Do you want to be here a year from now?

Do us a favour and log out. Permanently. It’s quite clear you have no interest in the views of the other people on this board, so your continued presence is nothing short of baffling.

Well, mostly because philosophers aren’t here for social interaction, we’re here for intellectual interaction.

You make a message on your own forum calling out to everyone, asking us why we’re probably pale, scrawny, socially inept, and inteligent (as if as a consolation :laughing: ).

I’ve been here for a year, i’d like to be here for a year more, after that we would have to wait and see.

My question maynard is this, why do YOU gravitate to this site for poor social interaction with pale, scrawny, socially inept nerds?

Is this a place where sad people come? people who have nothing better to do in life?

Think about it…

Believe it or not…Im trying to help.

I don’t know about ‘gravitate’, often it is a matter of opportunity. Many posters here (myself included) make the majority of our posts while we are at work. Generally a requirement for this is also having a job with a fair amount of downtime and relatively few other people to interact with. How else are we supposed to waste our time? Being productive?

Sorry but if you have a job where the best option is to post on a message board you need a new job.

I can’t believe the backlash I’m getting here. I just recieved a PM from WONDERER begging me to stop this thread. Is it that hard to look at yourself in the proverbial mirror and judge oneself? Ignorance is bliss isnt it?

For me, I live out in the middle of the country, I hate daytime TV, when I take breaks from my work, so I converse here. Reading for 15 minutes is impossible I would get lost within the book and forget time. I would rather learn from folks around the world then watch a soap opera for a few minutes or twiddle my thumbs.

thus speaks the man who, in less than 60 days, has racked up well over 300 posts


btw when’s that next TOOL album coming out dood?

You think we need your help?! That’s a fairly severe case of hubris you’ve developed there…

I think people are here for different reasons. Some users are here for some kind of intellectual exchange etc. and some are here to basically talk shit, I would consider myself in that latter category :smiley: This New Year is going to bring about many changes, if I’m here less often next year then I’ll consider that a good thing. I’d rather be preoccupied elsewhere than sat behind a computer screen. We shall see.

No offense but have you seen the people who post in the “mundane forum”?

  • They mostly post here and no where else.

  • There is no “intellectual exchange” to speak of when discussing 9/10 topics in here.

  • Take a look at the “Word Association Thread”.

This place is filled with people who get some type of reward for participating in this drivel. I feel they realize this, but doing somehting about it is a different story.

Well to be fair the mundane forum is for the…mundane subjects. Whereas the other forums, philosophy, social, etc. are for the more ‘intellectual’ subjects…It doesn’t reflect negatively on the people who post in this forum, which is fortunate for you because this is the only place I see you post :wink:

I’d rather chat/debate/post here, than do cocaine/have numerous one-night-stands/gossip/talk tripe/etc. like most of my peers do to pass their time - if that makes me appear boring than being a drug-taking slut, then I can happily live with that… :laughing:

Yeah because the only other option to posting on a message board is cocain… :-"


Some of us like having downtime, besides, I go where I am paid the most and this just so happens to be the best offer I’ve had recently.

Are you sure Wonderer wasn’t begging you to stop posting on the whole?

Just to further bolster Xun’s, Mags’ and Pav’s points - I took my present job (which I like very much) because of the downtime, and I’m a drug-taking slut.

Point proven.

You people need to get your act together. I am sorry If I am the one who has to point this out. I know it will hurt my popularity but someone has to do it.

I never said that it was! [-X

All you need to know is that I have a life, and the odd day of hedonistic fun that I have in any given week, far out-ways the boredom of that week…
