I know I'm not...

I know I’m not the only one who adores drag queens (or at least, good drag queens).

I wonder what it says about me, as a straight female, that I adore watching men parade around dressed as women…

(I’ll bet ******* could tell me :slight_smile:)


Because you enjoy, like a vast majority of women from every society/culture, to see males/men humiliated and disgraced under the yoke of females. :slight_smile:

I know I’m not the only one who adores drag queens (or at least, good drag queens).

I wonder what it says about me, as a straight female, that I adore watching men parade around dressed as women…

(I’ll bet ******* could tell me :slight_smile:)

Maybe this will be answered by watching the new topic Virtual Hermaphrodite.

As a straight male, I can still recall my reaction to the film The Crying Game. Before that film I could never imagine being involved sexually with a man. But the Jaye Davidson character was so alluring to me as a woman I could easily have imagined falling in love and sleeping with her. And ever since I have had this same reaction to men I find attractive as a woman.

The Crying Game. Brr. Great film, but.


You sure are ambiguous.