I guess some people just want to try dying for fun...

Seriously fucking stupid…absolutely fucking stupid.
Truly unbelievable…though I’m not sure which is the more…that someone would TRY this dumbass move, or the event itself.

Its a cool idea. Brave man. Shit, that was a little nerve wrecking even just to watch. :astonished:

It would be funny if suddenly the track just got wider, for some reason i expected that to happen.

doesn’t seem to me like he was in that much risk of death. seems like he was pretty secure in there. he probably had to maintain a good posture throughout, but i think i saw his arms harnessed to his legs in order to ensure that.

Looks incredibly exhilarating. When rollerblading rollercoasters becomes a sport, sign me up!

Awesome, that had to be such an adrenaline rush.

Me too, I wanna go!

Hmmm, regardless the “rush”, one can only hope that the people who try this and fail die quickly. Typically, the failures wind up as paraplegics needing our tax dollars to support them for the rest of their stupid (really stupid!) lives. Yup yup. Seemed like a good idea at the time… :unamused: :unamused:

Oh come on, tent, who really wants to live a life in which they never willingly participate in an activity that could kill or seriously injure them solely for the adrenaline rush?

Blurred, if you were injured while attempting to make a living or other possible scenarios not under your control and you became permanently disabled, then your fellow citizens should picth in and help you find a good life within your capabilities. BUT… if you knowingly choose a death defying stunt just to feel that adrenaline rush, then why would I want to support you the rest of your life because your stunt failed and now you’re disabled? If you wanna jump out of an airplane without a parachute just to have that adrenaline rush, do it! But should you screw up and survive, carry your own insurance. Bottomline: People are entitled do do whatever they want - as long as it doesn’t cost me any money! :imp:

Stupid, maybe. But I doubt they will ever have many videos [watched by trillions] of people discussing philosophy.

I’ll see your namby-pamby health and safety rollerskater, and raise you some amateur bungee Russian teen madness:


[-X Don’t try this at home, kids.

That wouldn’t scare me much.

The difference in my mind is that guy on the roller coaster only has his feet anchored to anything; slightly.
Then experiences 4 or 5G’s (don’t recall off my memory what they narrator said the highest amount was) on very little support.
He only has some half-ass ski poll’s to run on the rails for stability.

While I haven’t jumped quite that far, or quite so close to buildings, I have jumped close to it on a buoy swing drop hung from a cliff.
It’s similar to a bungee, but instead just good old rope line and a buoy.

Whoooooa. What an idiate.