Questions of the Day

thanks Dan. im thinking of driving around utah next week and taking pics of all those big rocks and canyons and stuff out there. if i make it, i’ll report back with pics and or videos

Why is it so difficult for me to practice being a silent member of the peanut gallery?

why would you want to do that wendy?


Do you think that we are all crazy? Or do I make up for everyone else?



Well, off topic(personalized) interjections make some ILPers cranky pants. They only relish serious discussions.

How many times did you roll with laughter today?

Are you fulfilled?

Will you ensure today is better than yesterday?

I posted a YouTube video of some beautiful music. :slight_smile:

I gave them some tough love regarding facts that were uncomfortable to them.

Here’s a question:

If animals are not made to be eaten then why are they made of meat? :slight_smile:

Made you laugh!!

1920 x 1080 is considered “Full HD.” It has a resolution that is 1920 pixels wide by 1080 pixels height. 1920 x 1080 = 2,073,600 or 2 Million pixels, and it is a 16:9 ratio of width to height.

3840 x 2160 is 4K, which is double the pixels wide, and double the pixels in height of 1920 x 1080. It is 3840 x 2160 = 8,294,400 or 8 million pixels. It has 4 times more pixels than 1920 x 1080.

7680 x 4320 is 8k, which is double the pixels of 4k width and height. It is 7680 x 4320 = 33,177,600 which means it has 4 times the pixels of 4k.

So it may sound impressive to have 4 times the pixels of 4k, but can you tell the difference? That is the question. I say no, you can not tell me which you are looking at, 4k or 8k.

Will they sell more phones because everyone needs the latest and greatest? Absolutely!

You did on both accounts. :happy-sunshine: Thank you!

How great was today?

Have you been generous, giving of yourself?

Why don’t more people feed the birds?

I feed them every day - three times a day. They are like vultures and such fun to watch eat. Fifteen sometimes at a time flying over and scrambling for the bread - food disappears like it was never there. Some of them actually wait on my fence to be fed in the morning.

Be careful little guy. You turn your head and someone has stolen your bread. They are certainly nothing like vampire bats.

More people need to feed our birds.

Why don’t more people feed the raccoons? LOL


Perhaps not so easy to find.

Do you feed them? What do they eat?

No, I don’t feed wildlife. Watch the video, the guy must feed the raccoons every night for there to be all of them waiting for Daddy to come out on the porch with dinner. LOL

Funny to watch them eat the grapes and cookies. LOL

I ran across that video on YouTube a while ago, and your comment reminded me of it. It’s very interesting to watch. He loves his raccoons, and they love the hot dogs, grapes, and cookies! LOL

Thanks for the video. I literally laughed out loud when I saw all of those raccoons. It was so amusing and almost unnatural.
It struck me that the man might be lonely. There are so many lonely people out there but then it occurred to me that those raccoons were probably or could be like members of his family considering the way in which he was relating to them - speaking to them and caring for them. I think that his poor cat almost felt like an outsider. lol

Hot dogs, cookies and grapes. Wow, what a feast was being had by them. Hot dogs, not so good for one’s system…but who knows about the raccoons’ Cookies, well - but at least he fed them some fruit.

I think that you are probably right - the man may really feed them every night and then they go and tell their friends about this great guy who takes such great care of them. That really was a wild scene to watch. I wonder if that man ever considers that there may be rabies somewhere within that group.

So, you think that wildlife ought not to be fed? Why?

[b]AWWW…the Raccoon looks mighty hungry. If this is what you are thinking then scroll on down for what you can feed the hungry Raccoon. These offers may apply to certain types of Raccoon you are feeding. BE AWARE that Raccoon and dangerous animals! Unless you have permission from an animal experts then DO NOT feed any Raccoon you see.

Raccoon’s are omnivorous scavengers who hunt at night. They wait for their food( trash or anything left over for the day, if urban raccoon) to be layed out and dig into it once the cost is clear. Then they pick at the food and eat anything they can get their hands on. Raccoon’s are not picky animals and anything is appreciated. If a Raccoon is a wildlife animal then they tend to eat their preferred prey. Raccoon’s prefer berries, nuts, and fish which they can find in their wild habitat. Raccoon’s are not territorial, so they go wherever their is food and no competition.

The man thinks of the raccoons as his pets, and he feeds them, because he loves them. He feels sorry for the raccoons being out in the cold and having to find food, and going hungry.
I think he is a good person inside, and it makes him feel good to “help” the raccoons.

But is he really “helping” them? I don’t think so. Sure, they get a meal, tell all their friends, and they all get meals. But what is happening is the raccoons are becoming dependent on the guy feeding them. Their natural habitat won’t support all those raccoons. There just isn’t enough food to go around for that many animals. When the guy stops feeding them they are in real trouble, they will be homeless and hungry.

It’s like enabling a person dependent on drugs. You give them money because you feel bad for them. They get their fix, and you think you did good. But did you do good for that person, or did you hurt that person?