Yo, Chess


There is a chance of a Magus - So rematch.

Honestly I am trying to understand how Dubov lost 3 games and still qualified.

That guy’s got champ blood.

Before which we are likely to see a So- Nakamura rematch, and then if Nakamura does win a Magus - Nakamura rematch,

It’s a win-win.

lichess.org/broadcast/airthings … 1/b0R4lvy1

Watching a Magus endgame is like watching Picasso work.

Lol So and Nakamura both got knocked out.

It’s 2 days I guess.

lichess.org/broadcast/airthings … 2/8FPWZzjC

Magus in trouble. One game down and 2 games to go. He has to at least tie one and win the other to go to tie-breaks.

Dubov is a fucking hairy chested man.

If robots had no soul, they would be Caruana. If they had souls, they would be Nakamura.

Nakamura and Aronian straight-up brawling.

In a lot of ways, Dubov is forcing the Magus to play like baaaack in the day, by punishing academic arrogance of the enemy sacrificing material and position.

Because Dubov is like if Tal cooled down and thought it through.

I think these new kids, and a revamped Nakamura, are going to make life harder for Magus than the old guard did.

The “end of history” blokes.

That’s what’s charming about generation Z.

They’re like “so is that’s is I don’t exists?lol”

They listen to Tupac and don’t give a fuck.

Check out this fucking position (black to move):

Dubov with the white.

  1. …c3 is a fucking Magnus Carlsen move if I ever seen one.

Nothing is happening and suddenly a fucken wormhole.

Lol I think Magus is gonna win this.

That’s why boa constricting the magus is generally a bad decision.

How does this motherfucker always end up with 2 connected passed pawns?

Oh my sweet God Jesus Christ what?

Dubov won.