Where in visuals are you from?

This here inspired me to post my location. I’m from the place that stopped the Roman empire in its tracks for 300 years right after it was first established notionally.

Jakobs Egger.png

the place once known as bombingham

Welcome to Islington… the first 20 mph speed zone


Jakob said: stay classy

Haha! Always ; )


I was born around here 77 years later or so,

That cigar shop was still there when we moved into this street, the guys running it, a family, were loco, the elderly couple had an alcoholic cop for a son and he used to terrorize us, mildly, it was still a semiposh neighborhood though very low rent for us, because we rented it from a once aristocratic branch of my family, who werent original aristocrats but products of the scientific revolution.
Obviously this was an ideal place to play football but we preferred the other corner because these people had a dog and were willing to unleash it. They wee robbed like, 12 or 27 times, some such absurd number.
You have to wonder, in retrospect, if it were inside jobs.
The cop had a son, too. He was last that I heard of employed at a pet store. There was a frail woman in there too but she didn’t show herself outside much.

I, indeed, can not deny having said and cowardly retracted the statement. But the feline has been produced so what can you do but,

…and what a cute kitty he is too. I think he’s currently
my power animal and maybe my next avatar.

Taken last week… I think the light show might
have been for Diwali… a pretty, old, building.


i can see my place from here