Are most people good or evil?

I’d say it’s 50/50.

You have met evil people?

I don’t remember ever meeting any evil people.

Dangerously dumb, irreparably mean, and selfishly empty, met plenty. The untreated mentally ill, met plenty.

Evil? What more best describes an evil person?

I would say selfish is evil.

Lots of selfish people out there. :slight_smile:

Well, if selfish is your single criteria then your figure should be close to 90% villainous evil, 10% untouchable goodness. :-"

Evil… in the psychopathic-sense, as most people get-off on irking others on a daily basis, just for the kicks/the endorphin-release… because most don’t want to put the hard work in, in feeling good the benevolent way, but the malevolent way.

The benevolent way takes longer, but is permanent… the malevolent way is instantaneous, but is impermanent.

“because most don’t want to put the hard work in, in feeling good the benevolent way, but the malevolent way.”

This is patently false and I can tell u from experience; being evil is far more difficult and requires much more effort than being good.

Being good is incredibly easy.

I’m referring to everyday misgivings, in the act of accruing one’s feel-goods for the day, and not criminal activities… the subtle level, of micro-aggressions and wind-ups, which are designed to annoy the other in the game of transfer-of-energies. I say it’s a form of greed, of the want of more (unearned) endorphins.


Evil is a very strong word to use. Most of us have a tendency to selfishness at times but I would not call selfishness evil.

One who tends toward selfishness most often and is usually quite apathetic about humanity in general does have the capacity at some point to create evil - it is like slippery slope.

What is your definition of evil, Free Spirit?


Jim believes that aborting a human fetus is killing a human being. He believes this is evil.

Joan believes that forcing pregnant women to give birth denies them the possibility of ever achieving political equality with men. She believes this is evil.

So, are most people good or evil?