How pretty is Amber Heard?

just how pretty is she from 1 to 5?

  • 1 (ok)
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5 (prettiest)
0 voters

Because like all normal people I had a crush on Johnny Depp when I was 9 I was always anxious to see he got with the right class of girl. Amber is pretty for sure, but is she pretty enough? Only 5 will do, you decide.


I think the pair of them are pretty fucking ugly.

Seriously - is this what you think is important?

Boy this is a chat room. No, I don’t think it is of any particular importance what we write here.

LOL. Pops corn. Hops in recliner… reclines it… crosses ankles… stuffs mouth with popcorn.

I hope its gonna be worth the wait.

Meanwhile who can sincerely think Johnny Depp is ugly. That is just stupid weird.

Hair, makeup, clothes, jewelry, and attitude go a long long way in how “pretty” a woman is to me.

With pretty hair, a short skirt, with sexy heels, thigh highs, and a sexy attitude she could be hot, and I mean real hot.

On the other hand, messy hair, old sweatpants, tennis shoes, and dirt on her face she would be a 2.

Crying on a witness stand doesn’t do her any justice.



snorts What? Where? Oh, sorry. I fell asleep.

she’s ugly on the inside. so she’s ugly. but i gave her 2 because she dresses like a slut sometimes

Yet females become enraged when it is suggested they all are the same.