If You're Listening To Music Right Now III


Redacted for inappropriate content. A parody of a very serious James taylor song that shouldnt be the subject of comedy.


brown shoes don’t make it

Dupree’s Paradise

Edited: version with shorter solos. The transition into Dupree’s paradise begins at 11:00.

“Link your mind with the mind of george duke” - FZ

Behind the scenes business…





Original disco… hit me up B.


Happy Halloween, on this here All Hallows Eve…

Blues X Dance?


I like the way she uses her hair to dance, which is long-as and has probably never
seen a pair of scissors in its life… save to trim her split ends perhaps, and when she
gets all G at 2.45 when she breaks out in a swag. As Pedro said… “beautiful”.


Well she fooled everyone, with her long fake ethnic plaits… so disappointed [-(
…my above prose is ruined, just ruined.

Still like the song though… c’est à moi chanson du semaine, pertetre du mois.


Video footage I’ve never seen. Oh this is rich. Working on ‘cheepnis’ in the studio, specifically the backing vocals.




I remember this. the idea was along the same lines as that old video called ‘the mind’s eye’, which was a graphic video animation with music put to it. if the idea for this riff could be illustrated in such a video, you would have a third person perspective of some kind of tour over the surface of venus. but it’d be in the future and venus would be terraformed. it’d be a futuristic flying car or whatever and it’d be cruising over the vast cities spread across the strangely colored alien terrain. purplish pink clouds and stuff.

we cant quite know how the protagonist has this experience because human beings would be cybernetic by then.

Seriously, if you were a middle class citizen living on venus and you went out friday night in your Lexus KV7 to watch the atmosphere change color because of the phosperous hot springs outside of the city, and you were high on some kind of new drug that won’t be invented for another 576 years. You’d totally be listening to shit like this.


cut about a minute off this though. it was far too long for just one bar.


This is all I know about it:

