What book are you reading right now?

Physics of Psychology - James S Saint » Fri Mar 03, 2017 4:09 pm

You wouldn’t think it was a book – until you try to read it all (more like a textbook).

Not a book, but the whole thread is a part of the book I published. “The Physics of Psychology” was originally proposed by James as the title of a chapter of the book. He wanted to build a bridge from physics to psychology, but didn’t know who to discuss these things with here on the forum. However, I was able to persuade him to open the thread and kept my questions to the 33 points of his Affectance-Ontology.

Yes I know - I was just being a little flippant. O:)

I think it is amazing that you wrote and published that book - Affectance Ontology.

One problem I have had with the book is that as James was big into the why’s of everything it seems, I am big into the why’s of James himself. So as I read his posts, I am trying to detect his incentives for why he is saying what he says. And most of the time he quotes whoever he is talking to but sometimes not - and I often have to go find the thread to see what is going on - is he being sarcastic - is he emphasizing a tiny issue just to help work out some misunderstanding (often done) - is he introducing a new topic or idea to his audience - is it all leading up to a point - is he trying to help someone out - or what?

I still think it is great that you categorized the general topics - that helps a lot. I am just looking for more details, especially anything political, about why he said those things - why he worked out how the universe and all of this stuff works. Sometimes I feel like I am reading the diary of an older brother. And sometimes it feels like I am watching an older brother show me up in front of my chums ( :blush: ).

It is just a hobby to fill my time but I do like to dig deep into the details. :smiley:

  • otherwise I have to superficially pretend to go along with discussions with my wife and her girlfriends 8-[ .

Let me guess.

Before u can guess, and hi Mithus, let me try to inset my reading curriculum now, as detached and objective criteria to current philosophical investigations( mine):

uchicagomedicine.org/forefr … -be-mapped.

Tough reading but not entirely insurmountable, even to the point of Mithus’ publication.

and currently preoccupied with making sense from:

Crisping Wright on Frege’s conception of numbers as objects.

I almost hear u saying - well, good luck.

And how long will it take you?

Not so long.

I have already read through the book.

Which one do you mean?


Which book is it?


You were supposed to guess!

See again:

Let me guess.

Oh, no, not again.



The Wild Type, by Jeffrey Ivan Victoroff, was finished last night.

Death In Brittany, by Jean-Luc Bannalec, begins before midnight.

‘Soul on ice’

Eldridge Cleaver

Must look into this, sounds intriguing.

The DaVinci Code by Dan Brown

The Man with the Rose in his Mouth

Luigi Pirandello