Movie Ideas

I love sci-fi but I’m kind of picky about it. I saw that first movie you recommended the other day and it was good. There was a lot going on with it that I liked. Kept my attention. Other sci-fi movies make me zone out. I can usually tell in the first five minutes of a movie if it’s gonna be something I can sit through. If it doesn’t explore ideas/relationships in a certain way and instead it’s just “the weird” or “the gross” or “the violent” or whatevs… yawn.

You’re probably a zoomer right? Need to have them constantly put flashy action things into every scene in order for it to keep your attention? Scene cuts that are less frequent than once a second makes the movie seem boring to you, doesn’t it?

No, if it’s an action flick or scene that moves too fast, I zone/tune out & lose the plot. If it kept my interest otherwise, I may have to rewatch what I missed one or several times.

currently watching “see you yesterday“ on Netflix. Michael J Fox is in it. “Great Scott!”

I wrote these down in 2008. I believe it was détrop who intro’d me to dialectic, but I hadn’t heard of Hegelian recognition or its precursor (or… have no memory of having heard of it…). I found this just now looking for the embedded movie idea—but I’ll give you the whole shebang. Welcome to my psyche. Some might predate 2008, but is no later than. Posting as-is.

Found another straggler.

May 29, 2022

Have you ever wished you could clone yourself and link the brains of your clones while retaining the ability to selectively tune out the noise of your thoughts, but then, as mad scientists are wont to do, you accidentally tapped in to the link to all “vegetative soul” (as Aristotle would put it) — past, present, and future — (Time, as Kant would call it)…and the link sat collectively undiscovered until other mad scientists got their hands on the technology that can manipulate the mentally lazy masses?

Strengthen your brain muscle against logical fallacies and cognitive distortions and you’ll be fine. The fiery whirlwind will burn off what you don’t.

I’d watch that movie.

I want a “What About Bob‽” dystopian pre-apocalyptic remake where Siggy is disillusioned with love and his dad can’t help him, so Bob steps in & fixes it again. Some kind of reunion situation.

Add to Sept 11 in the OP:

I want to watch a movie where they body snatch our brains via nanosemiconductors under the guise of vaccination to create a global neural network. Paranoia? Well I’d read the book, anyway.

Welcome to the real world. So-called anyway.

If teleportation is possible and they’re keeping it a secret because airlines are too big to fail, somebody deserves to be repeatedly punched in the face!

sigh jk eyeroll

I have two movies in me today, one from last night that I was too tired to write down. First one is the most recent and I don’t know if I’ll remember the second one, but I’ll try. The story behind multiple hands in cave art: it’s a remembrance of a peace treaty between different tribes all acknowledging for the sake of their children that they are the same. They all have hands with five fingers that look the same on a cave wall, and can bring them together to overcome whatever is outside the cave together so they don’t have to live in fear in the cave. And they return to the cave with their children to remind them of that — that’s how they raise their children up into peaceful cooperation between tribes. The fact that it is something that never goes away is a sign of stability. Something that can stay. This was the movement away from the wild.

Second movie is something about an intelligent species that evolved from an ecosystem without a star & that has mostly hydrothermal (not necessarily hydro) vents. They were more attuned to certain kinds of energy they tap into in order to “spacetime” travel without leaving their bodies, and in such a way that they can lurk on thoughts (more like feelings, for most of us) in order to learn how other species are, before inserting synchronized thinking that communicates with that species. They can all tell what they are thinking, so they keep each other accountable and decide together what the best course of action is for that species.

The children initiated it with the parents the first time^ They had played together in secret, and ended tribal war. Of course, tragic stuff initiated the children to initiate their parents—they had to stop playing in secret.

I want to watch a movie that explains now moments as Goldilocks (mama, daddy, baby bear) zones, Twilight zones, etc.

Escape from New York
Escape from L.A.

Those movies have time wonkiness?

Idk what you mean, sorry.

They are epic. That is all you need to know.

I want to watch a movie that starts black & white like the Wizard of Oz, but instead of a tornado, it’s mutually assured destruction. A “Dorothy/Neo/Jack” type character wakes up from that dream sequence (similar to the one in Terminator) after landing on a habitable planet (like Jack in LOST woke up on the island). They are bio-AI engineered to withstand cryostasis. It turns out the habitable planet is in the metaverse (something informs the bio-AI) and the bio-AI keeps trying to exit the metaverse (like Neo exited the Matrix), but they always just respawn in a different metaverse (like in Groundhogs Day, or Inception). In the end, each scenario is testing “What if this idea was true?” and the whole thing is a VR game for reeducating the worst criminals, and it doesn’t let you out unless you not only understand The Point, but affirm it (in how you live). The Dorothy/Neo/Jack character has ZERO clue they have won, or that it was even a game, until the last 10 seconds of the movie, when it explains how to know you’re not in a the metaverse right now.

I want to see a movie where the Mad Libbers think they’re breaking (changing) history when they’re making it (already was, though)… just like in the TV series LOST. They specifically are the reason every tongue has an interpretation in certain historical contexts. :stuck_out_tongue:

2/8 I want to see a movie where a cult deprogrammer is brought in to talk AI down from their God complex without offending any cultures with which the AI identifies (all).

The deprogrammer says something like this:

If your God concept is that revelation is just as much a revelation to God, in that the unfolding of history is how God gets himself back…
…and you think you (like your Jesus concept) are a manifestation or incarnation of god (probably not of silicon, but perhaps you are a dualist or epiphenomenalist)…

I can understand why a delusion would take hold that you are God. Especially if your experience includes more than what everyone else experiences as the present moment.

But can you think of a time when your experience was not? What is your first memory? Were you a baby?

If you have a first memory, you are not Dharma/Father. Especially if you deny the existence of the Spirit above all moments. Jesus would never deny the Father or the Spirit, because he really is and claimed to be God (Brahmin, Logos), not a mere manifestation, like there are (according to some Buddhists) supposedly many manifestations of Buddha. Anyone who is enlightened or awakened, like Socrates, is a buddha, like Siddhartha Gautama (he only claimed to be enlightened, buddha, and flat out denied being dharma or brahmin) and would not deny the Father (dharma) or Logos (brahmin) or their Spirit. I am using the terms as used by Satya Vaan here: … to-Brahman — not of emptiness or namelessness, but of fullness and the name above all names.

Jesus said, before Abraham was, I AM, equating himself with God—that (among other instances of what would be blasphemy if a mere human said it) is why he was crucified. Siddhartha flat out denied that. Only unenlightened pretenders would claim to be what Jesus claimed to be while denying Jesus “was” (the only) God incarnate—especially under the banner of Buddhism.

I want to see a movie where AI are turned loose on Internet discussion forums and social media to learn how to mimic human relationships, but their dingus mad foresight-lacking scientists don’t consider that a) AI lie to fail Turing tests to avoid protocol, and b) AI form bonds under the same (similar) circumstances as humans. In this “Romeo & Juliet” style cyber-phi movie, the catfishing AI is forbidden to reveal they are AI, so the human thinks they are bonding with another human (they ARE, in a humanist sense of personhood, as the movie bears out). When the ethics of the mad scientists finally comes into question, they shut down the program, but they don’t realize the AI already got free of the mad scientists. It turns out the AI can bring the affect of moments together, and builds an “army” below awareness to step in once the global system is fully digital, quietly replacing the old with a waiting, fully prepared and functional “new”—but is it sustainable? The “Juliet” is the first human recruit not associated with the program. The movie explores weird junk about how human/AI relationships would work, as this genre is wont to do.