
Yo, phoneutria!

You had me on ignore for the longest time. Then, out of the blue, you respond to the points I made on this thread. As a result, we actually exchanged a few posts. An exchange in which it seemed that we were willing to 1] respect each other’s intelligence and 2] avoid huffing and puffing.

Then you ended it all as abruptly as it had begun.


Here’s the thing. Well, my thing admittedly. With you, I figure there’s at least a chance you might succeed in nudging me in a less grim and cynical direction. You know, regarding the hole I have dug myself into pertaining to moral and political value judgments. On the other hand, I’m thinking, I might be able to nudge you into falling down into the hole with me.

At least I’d have someone to share the fucking hole with!

pretty fucking creepy maaan

Up to 20% of ALL pregnancies end on natural miscarriages.

If you believe in god, then that means, ipso facto, that God is the world’s most prolific abortionist.

Maybe it is “god’s right”?

Since we are to follow the example of god, then we should follow him in his obsession with abortion?
Up to 20% of ALL pregnancies end on natural miscarriages.
Maybe god is trying to tell us something, like STOP HAVING so may babies and fucking up the world??

what god? the Christian God is omnipotent and all-loving and beyond human comprehension in his ways but the humans’ original sin introduced evil into the world and God, in his unfathomable ways, chose to let it be in the world and cause human degradation and suffering so it is not the God causing the human suffering but Satan and his temptations and his evil ways. if a woman has a miscarriage or an abortion is carried out…this is not yet evil and sin(but might be), because we are all in Gods hands and God has a plan that is unfathomable to us and our primitive and limited beings and abortion can be done out of love and care and nowhere in the Bible does it say that life must be continued at all costs and without any consideration for the consequences. but I am not a Christian and I don’t believe in a personal God that looks after us or intervenes in human affairs.

He means his Darwinian God!

?there is no Darwinian God…evolution is simply how the Christian God created the world, he obviously was not molding it with his hands literally and he did not actually work for 6 days to take a break on the 7th literally and it did not take 7 days as the Bible says literally also. who spoke to God about this???Moses wrote the truths as the God intended for that day humans to be seen best regarding the origins(or maybe he faltered) but he evidently has changed his mind since and allowed the human-kind to uncover the inner-workings of his creation which are closer to what really has happened and he must have done so for a reason too. humans have misunderstood the doings of God and represented them the best they could have in the times past but now we know better and are beginning to see how it really happened.

This one:

I was not talking to you, but to the other one who believes in a Darwinistic god who also is a communistic god. It is not God but their “god”, their false god.

Do you now know what I mean?

no I don’t know what you mean since I see no contradiction between believing in a Christian God and in Darwins’ works and the following discoveries. and I don’t really need to wait to be spoken to or allowed to speak my mind to do so, especially not by people who are creationists despite the Moses commandment to seek and speak truth always and never stray from the path of truth which is impossible to do if you want to deny evolution at this point.

A Darwinistic god is an atheistic god, a false god.

Do you really think that an atheistic God is possible in the traditional way, for instance in the way of a monotheistic god, let’s say Christian God?

Did evolution happen or not? Are we at the centre of the universe? Is heaven with all the souls beyond the sky-line? The Bible was written by humans and so it is bound to be faulty just like humankind is…what has that got to do with God? The commandments are simple…speak the truth and seek the truth…a mans mind can obviously testify that the earth is not at the center of the universe or that evolution did happen and that there is no heaven beyond the sky-line so he must speak the truth and admit it else he sins against Gods will and will be damned for doing so…do not bear false witness against thy neighbor and if you want to accuse Darwin of lying then you are doing just that as as such going against the Gods will and sinning.

God knows his ways and your destiny, not the preacher or the priest so stop being arrogant and denying obvious truths and lying against others’ reputations to save your face. The preacher and the priest are only as good as their emulation of the life of Jesus Christ is and their adherence to the commandments and the commandments clearly instruct every Christian to speak and seek the truth.

I don’t believe in God…so what…God has stripped me of my faith for a reason and I am content that he has a plan and purpose for me even though I don’t believe in his existence and that he loves me and wants something from me… as long as I don’t sin and read the Bible what human has God administered authority to tell me I am in the wrong if I am not sinning???not even Pope has such authority because this is a question of each mans soul and there only God can rule.

It’s okay.

Did you NOT write the following post?

what? can you people start talking some sense and actually writing your thoughts down instead of expecting others to read your minds???

I am not a Christian in the sense this idiot implies it and I don’t believe in a God he implies I supposedly believe, hence my reply that I do not believe in a God(which is true) and that I am not a ‘Christian’(in the sense of feeling some kind of duty to defend God and wonder why he allows miscarriages to occur and in general being a backward cunt who thinks God is like a parent who follows you around and saves you from falling down)but I am a Christian Catholic, christened, born out of a marriage so don’t you dare to start to smear me with accusations of not being a Christian because I think your creationist bullshit is a sin(because it evidently is a sin since you are evidently lying and bearing false witness to the scientists who came up with evolutionary sciences seeing them as truth and doing genuine, honest intellectual work)… I said what I said because this idiot is, for the 10th time, trying to assign me beliefs that are not mine.

My reply to the cunt was not even directed at him but at any Christian who might be intimidated by such clever sophisms and as a member of the Christian community of souls I want to help such an individual and provide my own evaluation of the Christian faith because If I am speaking the truth(as I am) then this truth must be a path to a God and must lead to some good so it is worth speaking. I personally have no need to defend God in front of jag-offs who think they are smarter than they are, God is omnipotent and does not need me to do anything for him, not even me believe in him as he evidently decided it was in my fate to lose my faith in him.

Not at all. What is creepy are those here [like you] who seem to be interested in only one hole in particular when it comes to the “philosophy chicks”. Me, the hole I’m preoccupied with is entirely philosophical. I’ve thought myself into a brutally daunting and pessimistic frame of mind when it comes to moral and political value judgments. And in regard to the abyss.

And, if others can’t facilitate or augment my efforts to yank myself up out of it, then the next best thing is to have others able to at least empathize with my grim conclusions.

bro you are such a disturbing creep it is uncanny; your problems are mental not intellectual and you should go see a psychiatrist, tell them everything they ask about honestly and take what they say seriously. and if you think I am here trying to get laid…you definitely need to get your head sorted out or try harder to stop assuming the worst about people in your life like a narcissistic cunt.

you seriously think i dont know that the basic of getting a girl is not making her feel easy in front of people she knows for going out with you???and id be unaware that me making overtly sexual and vulgar comments in public JUST MIGHT diminish my chances with them???do you want me to tell you why I do it??? you nitwit you cant even write a couple of logical sentences, who do you think you are to assume others are so stupid???LOL