Why Communism Can Work

Communism can work because it was created by the losers. So as everything is destroyed around them, thousands of years of history, tradition and progress, they aren’t really any worse off, and they get their basic driving instinct of envy satisfied at seeing their betters humbled. Notice that I say losers, not poor people. In poor countries, like mine, it is effectively the losers among the poor that drive things. But in rich countries, the bulk of the losers is invariably among the well-off.

This is one clever mistake red blooded Republicans make, which speaks incredibly great of them. Rush made it his life mission to explain this mistery to his people, he had long figured out that reasoning with a commie is like trying to feed a rock. They keep asking “why do these commies persist when it is known it is purely destruction? We must not have explained things correctly.” No, you explained things just fine.

Having said that, though, in my country as well as all others, the actual communist tradition that ended up in the hands of the poor was started by rich college kids. It is the same everywhere.

Makes sense, since losers/destroyers, outnumber winners/builders.

The Marxist logic, the actual Marxist logic, is so simple that it is embarrassing. It is also embarrassing quite beside the fact that it is simple: “we feel so oppressed in this philosophical tradition, where we can’t seem to produce achievements of any sort, that we must seek answers in the one place where academics are not: the poor.” It’s not that they actually give a shit about poor people, who they invariably dislike, because they are nancy boys: they simply see in poor people a clay for the sub-par ideas that no serious academic would ever grant anything but laughter.

When you speak to Chavistas who are not pieces of shit, that is, who are not activelly resentful, their reason for supporting these nancy boy fucks is simple. It isn’t that they helped things improve in the country, the economy, they see as clearly as anyone that they have destroyed it. It isn’t that they created any kind of opportunity, or made anything better in their field of government, it is clear to them and to sheep that they have caused destruction in those quarters. They are loyal to Chavez for this reason: “he gave me a free house.”

So, not something anybody can blame them for, but of course the price of those free houses is the collapse of their entire civilization. These same grateful people are now frantically calling family and seeing if they have a spare bed in whatever country they themselves fled to.

But that’s all that communism really is: losers in academia bribing poor people to enact their fantasies of philosophical competence.

There is a communist party in Spain. It is called “Podemos.” Their leaders are mostly professors and academics. One such academic is an economist, and his services have been hired by the Venezuelan government a number of times to design economic policy.

The cornerstone of his economic theory?

Printing money has no relationship to inflation.


By yessir I mean I bullshit you not.

You think it is only failed philosophic academics and not failed scientific academics too?

Yes, them too of course, but science is part of philosophy.

But the original virus was bred in actual nominal philosophy.