Savvy Help Needed

If you wanted to find the top companies by market capitalization, or ideally a list of companies listed by share of GDP with a market cap > X, for a given country, say Bhutan, where would you look? What sources would you use to compile that information?

$100 reward for any answer that proves valuable.

For less obscure nations than Bhutan I would use finviz for the largest market cap of a specific nation and just googling the GDP of the nation, but it doesn’t list Bhutan.

Do you have access to Bhutan-market?
Ive never come around to setting myself up with a proper broker. One which doesn’t charge fees and requires application for each fucking separate field I want to access.

No heavens no.

I trade one single instrument. For the moment.

I will check out finviz.

You need more 00’s than I have for diversification, partly for the reasons you stated.

Partly because when you’re dealing with extremely high leverage, you don’t want to get distracted.

The ideal is to not use so much leverage.

But again, the 00’s.

It’s a tough life out there for a playa.

I think this is exactly what I was looking for. That’s $100 incoming.

That still leaves info on more obscure markets, and also lists that include private companies.

So more loot for the taking.

look at some of the holdings of these foreign bond fund etfs you can diversify all kinds of ways by just owning the right etfs

i like this one the price hardly ever changes and the yield is high … d70509bafb

No, what interests us is ways to get your hands on lists of high national market cap companies for less open countries and private companies for open ones.

Look, the thing with ETFs is that they already reflect somebody’s selection criteria. They are not comprehensive, nor seek to be. So important companies that we would like to know about could slip under the radar. For obscure countries at least, and for more open ones we really wouldn’t have to resort to ETFs to find these companies anyway.