Buffalo buffalo buffalo

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo

Wait, I can do more

Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo

you & my oldest son speak same language lol

Can he beat 11 in a row though, and have it still make sense? I challenge him to a game of buffalo.

Police police police

Turns out there’s a town called Police.

Police police Police police police police Police police Police police police

Unsure. I sent him your challenge. We’ll see if he accepts, if admin makes it easy for him to join. :slight_smile:


  • the storm is still going
  • he stilled the storm


  • he got a stay of execution
  • he wanted to stay the night

still/stay… two words with the same opposite meanings

would make a good tongue twister

back in the day i had a friend who lived in buffalo and grew an entire house full of weed plants just down the block from the police station. he lived on southpark road. once i drove across into canada to gamble at the casino there by the waterfall and on the way back in they spent like 2 hours searching my car at the border and i thought i was going to freeze to death standing there.